From the course: Adobe XD Essential Training: Prototype

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Setting viewport height

Setting viewport height

- [Instructor] So when I place an art board on the canvas in Adobe XD, that art board by default is simulating a particular device, and it has a fixed height and width. As I design, I tend to grow the length of that art board to compensate for the content that I want to show. In order to preview the content the way the viewer would, what I need to do is come in and define a viewport height, where the height of my view area. With my art board still selected here on the left, in the properties inspector in the scrolling area here, notice that it's currently set to none. In the drop-down, if I switched that to vertical, it's going to default to the height of the current art board, which of course just encompasses all my content. For this particular art board, I want to change that height to be 896. So I'm going to type that value in and hit return. What XD does is adjusts the desktop preview app for…
