From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Timeline tools customization

Timeline tools customization

- [Instructor] Similar to the ability we have to edit the tools panel, the tools within the Animate timeline can now also be completely customized. This is accessible through the timeline panel itself in the Options menu. So if we click on that, we can look at all the options that have been present before, but we've also got the ability right here to customize timeline tools. When we select that, we get the Customize Timeline popup where we can always reset anything that we've done to the default. But we can also do things such as break off specific functions. So for example, right now, the insertion of key frames, blank key frames, frames and so forth are all within a little drop-down. But if we want to, we can go ahead and choose to break these out into specific single buttons. We also now have the ability to add a Remove Frames button, and if we want to get the original functionality back where all these four are grouped together, we can insert the frames group and there we go…
