From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Timeline enhancements

Timeline enhancements

- [Instructor] The Animate timeline is core to animating content within Animate CC. Any changes to the timeline, no matter how slight, are going to be taken to be fairly significant. So let's examine some of the changes now present in the software. If you notice inside of this animation right here, we have a number of time marks. So here's one second, two seconds, three seconds, and so on. These correspond to the traditional method of showing elapsed time from down here below the timeline. Except now we have these easy visual indicators across the timeline alongside the frame numbers. Additionally, if we hold down Space, of course we get the ability to move the stage around. If we keep the Spacebar held down and hold down T, as well, we get this new icon that is a traditional pan icon with a double-sided arrow. And this actually allows us to pan throughout the timeline from a stage, which is really convenient. You'll notice in the tools panel if we click and hold down over the hand…
