From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Onion skin advanced settings

Onion skin advanced settings

- [Instructor] With this new version of Animate you can still use onion skinning just as you have in the past. But there are even more features now, including a set of advanced settings to access in order to really refine your onion skin settings. Let's locate our onion skin controls. And here they are above the timeline. You've got these two little circles here. And if we click on that, it enables our onion skinning and a couple of markers. So using these different markers, we can actually now drag these to choose specific frames. And let's go inside of our little guy here. And we can see based on the frames that we've selected that certain objects on those frames appear red when they are before our playhead and certain other ones appear green when they follow the playhead. So to make this easier, we could always just make it like two frames and then we can see that there. It's not as much stuff as if we like a whole bunch of frames like this. Now, that's not a new concept. However…
