From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

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Easing enhancements

Easing enhancements

- [Instructor] This release of Animate CC includes enhancements when working with classic tweens and shape tweens that build off of the ease preset functionality introduced in the last release. Here we have a very simple animation of a ball rolling down a hill, and as you can see here, we have some motion tweens, and we also have classic tweens. So if I click anywhere within the tweenspan of this classic tween and look over to my properties panel, we can see that I have classic ease selected. And from here I can click classic ease and change it to a number of different ease types. So here's some ease in and out, and I've got cubic, quart, quint, and so forth. And what's new here is that we now have this nice graph to demonstrate exactly how this ease is going to work. I can double-click to choose any of these and they'll be set across all properties. With classic tweens, we can also change this from all properties together to tween each property separately. So let's choose that. And…
