From the course: Adobe Animate CC New Features

Application modernization

- [Instructor] This new release of Adobe Animate includes an entire UI refresh. Modernizing the interface and improving many of the features that have existed for years. Let's have a look at this modern take on Adobe Animate. One thing to note right away is that even though we're in the essentials workspace here, that some of the tools and panels have been moved around a bit. For instance, you'll now find the tool bar over on the left side inside of the essentials workspace and you'll find the panel sets with properties in your library over to the right. Inside of the timeline, we can see that there are a number of additional tools up here and also above the stage. We have the ability to do things like increase and decrease the zoom with these little arrows. Or you can still use the dropdown here. But you can also go ahead and note that the rotation tool is actually up here now as well. This used to be over in the tools panel. If we look at the workspace switcher, we can see that this is now called the basic workspace. We still have access to essentials and if I choose that, it changes to bring us back to our essentials workspace. Within essentials, we have a number of additional panels over on the side here that were not in the basic workspace. These workspaces switch depending upon which actual mode you're in in terms of beginner or expert preferences. This is completely new to Animate and can be located, if you're on Windows, under the edit menu, preferences, and you can see here beginner and expert preferences. The first time you launch Animate 2020, it will actually ask you whether you're new or if you are used to using Animate. And this will determine whether you go into beginner preferences or expert preferences right away. Let's switch over to expert preferences because I'm actually using beginner preferences right now. You can see that with expert preferences, things look a lot more like you're probably used to with older versions of Animate. Note if you're on Mac OS that the preference switcher is located under the Animate menu and not under the edit menu. Before we move on, an additional thing that we have here, right beside our workspace switcher, is the ability to test movie through a dedicated button that's right up in the application bar. There are multiple over enhancements to the tool bar, properties panel, and timeline as well. We'll examine these in later videos. With these new updates to the UI, Animate is more pleasant to use than ever before.
