From the course: Account Management: Maintaining Relationships

Introduction and what's in the course

- Winning new clients is one of the most expensive things your business can do, in both time and resources. Compare winning new customers with retaining existing customers, and it's an open goal so many salespeople miss. We spend all this time getting the customer, and then once we've got the contract signed, we relax. Sometimes we get complacent and let the relationship dwindle, only to lose them again. And then we're back to square one, spending all this time and money to either win them back or find a replacement. Hi, I'm Miles, I'm a sales professional and prospecting coach. And in most of my training, I specialize in helping new and existing salespeople win new business. but here I want to talk about maintaining those all important relationships, and retaining the clients. Doing so brings immeasurable value at a relatively low cost, and isn't as hard as people think it is. So in this course, we'll cover the most crucial parts of maintaining a relationship with a client after they've purchased your product or service. Firstly, we'll look at relationship selling. How can we keep them buying? How can we continue to add value? How can we get those all-important referrals? Then we'll look at meeting them and treating them. How can we take them out, buy them gifts and continue to boost our relationship whilst keeping it professional, honest and above board? Next we'll look at automation, making sure we never miss a beat, and take as much stress out of the process as possible. And then finally, we'll look at how we can recover when it all goes wrong. It happens. What if you don't deliver on what you said that you would? Or what if a teammate is letting the side down? All with real life examples and some of my own tips and tricks for customer retention. So I can't wait to see you in this course.
