From the course: Accessible Layout for the Web

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Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML

- [Instructor] Have you ever tried reading a book without any chapter headings or titles? It would be challenging to navigate and understand the content, right? Well, the same applies to websites that lack structure. Without clear structure and meaningful elements, your users, especially those relying on assistive technologies, face a similar challenge when accessing information on the page. In this lesson, you'll learn the importance of semantic HTML and how we can transform websites into inclusive and accessible spaces for everyone. But first, what is semantic HTML? Semantic HTML are elements that convey meaning and structure to both the browser and the user. Unlike non-semantic HTML which primarily focuses on the visual presentation of content, semantic HTML uses tags with inherent meaning and purpose. These meaningful tags help assistive technologies understand the content and provide context to improve accessibility. Developers can use semantic HTML to build websites with a clear…
