From the course: Accessibility for Web Design

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Working with audio and video

Working with audio and video

- The web used to be a text based medium, but that changed when we started adding the ability for browsers to render images. Then came embedded audio and video players. Now we find ourselves where there are more than 400 hours of video uploaded to YouTube, and over 200,000 images uploaded to Facebook every 60 seconds. There are literally hundreds of thousands of hours of podcasts and audio files available on the internet at all times. Video, audio and images are media rich content. So how do we ensure that the same richness can be shared with people with disabilities? How will Rose access the content she can't hear? How will Mary or Sean access the content that they can't see? in order to understand how we'll make that type of content accessible, we'll need to understand one thing first. What is the purpose of that content? When we understand the purpose of the content, how we expect people to use it, and what their…
