From the course: A Beginner's Guide to Writing User Stories

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Establishing team expectations

Establishing team expectations

- Let's go back in time to when you were in school and working on a group project. You're in a group of several people who you probably did not choose to be on your team. One team member seems to nearly disappear during all of your team meetings. They participate only periodically, usually only if someone asks them specifically to give an answer to a question. Another team member has too much to say. They want to debate everything and share overly long opinions on what you are doing as a team. Yet another team member simply never shows up. You spend two weeks working on your project only to discover at the very end that the work you did was not what was expected of you from the beginning. You quickly come to realize that had there been a better balance of engagement and thought sharing, you could have recognized where you were falling short and adjusted accordingly, all while delivering high quality work. At one point…
