From the course: A Beginner's Guide to Writing User Stories

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Applying customer centricity

Applying customer centricity

- I don't know if you are a nerd like me, but I love me some superhero movies. Professor Xavier, leader of the X-Men in the "X-Men" movies, is a fascinating character because of his ability to communicate and connect with others by entering their minds through telekinesis. When Magneto, Professor Xavier's nemesis, discovers how to keep Professor Xavier out of his mind, the X-Men's mission becomes significantly more challenging. To be clear, this lesson will not give you the ability to apply telekinesis to your day-to-day work. However, this lesson will explain more about the power of customer centricity and exactly how it helps you stay in the mind of your customer. To get started, ask yourself some of the following questions about your customers. What are they trying to accomplish? What challenges are they facing? What timetables do they have? Why have they chosen you to help solve their problem? How will your work…
