From the course: A Beginner’s Guide to Social Selling on LinkedIn

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Understanding SSI scores

Understanding SSI scores

As any salesperson knows, analytics and metrics are essential to refining and improving your strategy. For example, after you've created a post on LinkedIn, you know very quickly how many people like comment or share your post. But how else do you know if people consider your profile and activity to be engaging? Measuring your success, identifying opportunities, and tailoring your approach are all the essential. LinkedIn's social selling index is a tool that helps you do precisely that. In this lesson, I'm going to walk you through what an SSI score is and how to measure it so you can create the foundation you need to best adjust and optimize your LinkedIn social selling strategy. Your LinkedIn SSI score is a scoring system from 1 to 100 that measures your social selling efforts and is broken down into four specific categories that encompass a holistic social selling strategy on the platform, all with equal importance. These four points combined give you an overall measurement of how…
