Boost a Post from a LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 1 month ago

Boost your LinkedIn Page posts to extend their reach through an advertising campaign. You'll select an objective for boosting your post, define the audience (who will see your post), and set a budget and schedule to limit how long the post is boosted.

Who can use this feature?

You’ll need super admin or content admin access on your LinkedIn Page to boost a post. If you're a Sponsored Content poster, you can sponsor Page posts in Campaign Manager.

Boosting a post from your LinkedIn Page provides a lighter campaign creation experience, but also limits the options available for objectives, audience criteria, and bid and budget. For full options, create a campaign in Campaign Manager. 

Important to know

• At this time, only posts with text, single images, events, videos, documents, or LinkedIn articles or newsletter articles can be boosted. Boosted posts are billed through your ad accounts in Campaign Manager, not the LinkedIn Page.
• Previously boosted posts can’t be boosted again. If you boost a post that’s edited, it'll need to go through the ad review process again. Once it’s approved, the ad status will change from paused to active. 

To boost a post from a LinkedIn Page:

  1. From the My pages section on the left side of your LinkedIn homepage, click the correct Page name. You’ll be routed to the admin view of your Page. 

  2. Scroll down to and find the eligible post you’d like to boost in your Page feed.

  3. Click the Boost button in the upper-right corner of the post.

  4. Select a goal using the dropdown menu:

    • Get more impressions (recommended) – Select this campaign goal to reach more people with your post.
    • Get more engagement – Select this campaign goal to spread awareness of your post which will increase overall engagement.
    • Get more leads – Collect contact information from people to create campaigns with a targeted audience. Keep in mind this goal isn’t available for document ads. 
  5. Select an audience template for your campaign from the dropdown menu.

    • Profile based (default) - Select target audience criteria from job seniority, job functions, or company industries.
    • Interests based - Select target audience criteria from member groups.
    • LinkedIn Audience template - Select a LinkedIn Audience template with pre-set targeting options.
    • Saved targeting template - Select an audience that you already created.

    Important to know

    Beginning on May 15, 2024, Member Groups will no longer be available as a targeting attribute for the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. For more information, please review our best practices for LinkedIn Ads audience targeting.

  6. Choose attributes to define your audience.

    • The attributes you see depend on the type of audience you select. If you don't see the attribute you want, try choosing a different type of audience.
    • You can save this audience by clicking Save Audience.
  7. Optional: Below Advanced options, click the checkboxes to enable Automatic Audience Expansion and Include LinkedIn Audience Network.

  8. Use the available fields to Set a start and end date and Set a lifetime budget.

  9. If you select Get more leads as a campaign goal: 

    1. Select a lead gen form template using either a personal or work email and fill out the required fields.
    2. Enter in a privacy policy URL

    Important to know

    For article or document posts, you can select a different call-to-action button for your form. For video posts, you’ll need to add a headline which will appear on both the organic and boosted version of the post.

  10. Select an ad account to bill.
    • This step is only available if you have campaign manager access or higher on multiple ad accounts associated with the LinkedIn Page.
    • If you don’t have an ad account with campaign manager access or higher, a new ad account will be created.
  11. Click Boost.

Once you’ve boosted a post, a campaign will be created in your ad account with the selected campaign settings and ad. The name of the campaign will include Boost_Post, the campaign objective, and the date the post was boosted.

You can view campaign performance or edit campaign settings from your ad account in Campaign Manager. You can also edit the boosted post and campaign settings from your LinkedIn Page.

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