Add product highlights to your LinkedIn Product Page

Last updated: 1 year ago

As a Page super or content admin you can highlight up to 20 posts from your Page directly on your Product Page. The posts you select for product highlights can help buyers learn about the latest updates related to your products. Your Product Page visitors can also see associated engagement with your product. These highlighted posts will display any included media, such as video and images. 

All posts must be authored or reshared by the Page and can’t be sponsored. The post will maintain the same target audience settings after it's featured.

Who can use this feature?

This feature is currently only available on desktop.

To feature a selected post from your Page to your Product Page: 

  1. Go to your Page super or content admin view.

  2. Click Products in the left menu.

  3. Select the Flagship product on the left.

  4. Go to the Product Highlights section. 

  5. Click Manage product highlights.  

    • All existing posts in your carousel are listed. 
  6. To add a product highlight, click the ➕ add icon. 

    • Select a recent post module will appear.  
  7. In the Select a recent post module, locate the post you’d like to add and click Select. You can only choose from the most recent 100 Page posts.

    • The post will automatically be added to the Product highlights carousel in the Product tab. 

Here's a tip

You can add, reorder, or remove content from the Manage product highlights page. 

To feature a post you’ve been mentioned in or tagged on: 

  1. Go to the post and click the dropdown icon (comment, react, and repost as) to reshare post.

  2. Select the Page you’d like to repost to. 

  3. Click Save

  4. Below Repost, select the Repost icon. 

  5. Access your Page and click Products

  6. From the Products tab, select the Flagship product from the left side of the page. 

  7. Go to the Product Highlights section. 

  8. Click Manage product highlights.

  9. Click the ➕ add icon.

  10. Click Select on the repost. You can only choose from the most recent 100 Page posts.

    • The post will automatically be added to the Product highlights carousel in the Product tab.

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