Edit a shared post

Last updated: 2 years ago

You can edit the text in posts that you've shared from your homepage, Group, or LinkedIn page.

To edit a post you’ve shared from your homepage:
  1. Locate the post you want to edit.
  2. Click the More icon in the upper-right corner of the post.

  3. Click Edit post.
  4. Edit the text of your post.
  5. Click Save.
The word Edited will appear next to your post to indicate that edits have been made.
  • Only the text in a post can be edited. Shared rich media - such as photos, articles, documents, and videos - can't be replaced, and new URLs won't be able to display a new preview image. To edit shared rich media, you must delete your post and create a new one.

  • Currently, LinkedIn's share box remembers the content of the last link you shared for three days. Please wait for three days before sharing the same URL if you'd like the image and title information to be updated in your post.

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