Content and Product

Personalize the user experience with an easy-to-use machine learning tool that guarantees increased

March 19th, 2020: LiftIgniter has joined the Maven ( team! Maven is a coalition of publishers on a common technology platform, publicly traded under the ticker symbol MVEN. 

Click now to read our blog post.

How It Works



Add the LiftIgniter tag to your site and enable catalog scraping.



Analyze data with machine learning algorithms.



Personalize based entirely on users' immediate behavior.


Delight Visitors in 150 Milliseconds


  • Ensure that new and returning customers see relevant recommendations, right now.
  • Personalize recommendations for each visitor, matching your brand look and feel.
  • Prevent visitors from seeing old or previously purchased content.
  • Quickly establish placement rules that guide visitors to the content that best serves them.
Learn How it Works

A New Way to Discover Media

  • When visitors naturally discover the articles, music, and video they like, they stay on your site longer, consume more media and subscribe more often.
  • Increase pageviews, session depth and recirculation through intelligent content curation, based on objective, real-world data.
  • Deliver a proactive customer experience by predicting the type of content your visitors want.
Learn How to Maximize Your Media

Supercharged Retail AI

  • See cart values and conversion rates increase by 15% within 15 days.
  • Leverage ML-based personalization to increase basket size and monetization.
  • Create a one-to-one marketing interaction with personalized recommendations, and convert more customers.
  • Quickly establish placement rules that guide visitors to the content that best serves them.
Learn About Retail Personalization

Better Than Bezos

  • Harness a recommendation engine like Youtube or Amazon for media, e-commerce, website, and app owners alike.
  • Empower your merchandising team with intelligent filtering and retail AI.
  • Control when, where, and how often to display personalized content.
  • Recommend the right articles, products, videos, or music, in real time, to drive conversions and increase engagement.
Learn How to Lift your KPIs

You are in Good Company

“We’re very happy with the results we’ve seen using LiftIgniter, not only was the implementation easy and painless, the impact to our customer experience has major positive impact to our bottom line.”

Jo McLaren
E-Commerce Manager

We were really looking for technology that would add value and that we could use on various DOCOMO properties. We didn’t really understand personalization at the time, but through LiftIgniter, we realized that we could significantly improve our user experience if we started personalizing using real-time machine learning.”

#1 Mobile Phone Operator (Japan)

“We’re a deeply analytical company with a belief in building important tools ourselves. Discovery & recommendations are critical to Ranker. LiftIgniter convinced us to do a test. We’re glad they did. Users are engaging, clicking, and returning more. LiftIgniter truly is a personalization powerhouse.”

Chief Technology Officer
Ranker, Digital Media Company, LA

“Users + the perfect item = winning combination. We thought we had it. We have thousands of items that quickly disappear. LiftIgniter supercharged Listia – 200% improvements in item clicks, 125% improvement in bids, 50% improvement in conversion. ’Nuff said.”

Co-Founder & CEO
Listia, Online Marketplace

“We began using Liftigniter to power content recommendations on our flagship news site early in 2019 and saw an immediate lift of 66% in CTRs. We then rolled Liftigniter out on our many community sites and in some cases saw CTRs jump more than 200%. We are very pleased with the results and are looking to expand our use of LiftIgniter as an engagement driver across all of our sites in 2020.”

Angus Frame
SVP, Torstar Corporation

We Do Not Track You

LiftIgniter is built with user privacy in mind. Our fundamental service is only concerned with what the user is doing right now.

We do not follow users around the web

They remain anonymous by default.


We only collect first party data

We don’t share it with anyone else.


Ready To Learn More?

Schedule a 15 minute demo today and see how LiftIgniter can increase conversions, improve subscription rate and drive user engagement for your site without building new infrastructure.

Request Demo