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AI Governance Series: A Conversation With Max Schrems

October 7, 2022 Events

Join us for our latest installment of the AI Governance Series, “A Conversation with Max Schrems", the founder of NOYB. This event is co-hosted by the Wikimedia–Yale Initiative on Intermediares and Information (WIII) at the Information Society Project…

A Conversation with Linnet Taylor on Just Data Governance

October 3, 2022 Events

Join us for a conversation with Linnet Taylor, professor at Tilburg University, Siddharth Peter De Souza, post-doctoral researcher at Tilburg University, and our moderator, Georgetown Law Professor Julie Cohen. Linnet Taylor and Siddharth Peter de Souza…

Tech at Georgetown Law Mixer

September 21, 2022

Calling all Georgetown Law students! Join us for our "Tech at Georgetown Law Mixer" on Wednesday, September 21st from 4:30-5:30pm in Hotung Lobby. Come learn about and participate in the student tech community, showcasing various tech opportunities at…

AI Governance Series: The Geopolitics of European AI

February 25, 2022 Events

Join us for our latest installment of the AI Governance Series, co-hosted by Yale ISP. This upcoming panel will follow our Chinese AI event and focus on Europe’s role in the world of AI, both in software development and a manufacturing hub for chips…

The Unintended (?) Consequences of the Big Tech Antitrust Bills

February 17, 2022

This one-hour event brings together a panel of technology policy and antitrust litigation experts to discuss two bills that are intended to restrict anticompetitive conduct, but that may also open the door to claims that platforms can no longer restrict…