Una Europa

Una Europa is an alliance of eleven leading research universities. Its mission is to create a truly European inter-university environment, where outstanding research is continuously linked to transnational learning and innovative, critical thinking.

By being one of the driving forces in the Una Europa alliance, KU Leuven is supporting the creation of a truly European inter-university environment, or in other words: the University of the Future.

Read more about Una Europa



70 Years Lovanium 

In 1954, the University of Leuven founded the first university in the DR Congo: Lovanium. Out of Lovanium grew the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) and the Catholic University of Congo (UCC). Together with UCLouvain, the four universities celebrate this year's anniversary as a catalyst for a renewed, strengthened and forward-looking partnership. 

More about Lovanium

Our strategic partnerships 


Priority Partnerships

As a leading university in Europe and beyond, KU Leuven actively collaborates with a number of regional and global partner universities – all top players in academia – through Priority Partnerships.

​​​​​Our Priority Partnerships


Global Exchange Partnerships

KU Leuven is building a university-wide network of the world's top academic players, facilitating exchange and collaboration through a Global Exchange Programme. ​​​​​​

Our Global Exchange Partnerships


Institutional Networks

Through our active membership of and participation in institutional networks around the world – each with its own focus, scope and dynamics – we provide exciting research and educational opportunities for students and staff.

Our institutional networks


Our values in international partnerships

KU Leuven is committed to respecting human rights and universal values in all its activities and partnerships. 

Discover our values

The benefits of our partnerships

Improving research and education

By expanding its international partnerships, KU Leuven is constantly improving the quality of its research and education.

Raising the international profile

Strategic partnerships enhance the institutional reputation and competitiveness of a university.

KU Leuven’s international profile increases the University's appeal to international students and strengthens international student recruitment.

Furthering our global and sustainable engagement

By engaging with a wide range of stakeholders on international issues, KU Leuven is committed to addressing global issues in a sustainable way.

These partnerships pave the way for joining forces with actors in the Global South to have a sustainable and global impact, and to learn from the experience.

Being truly international

Students are given the opportunity to become global citizens and are prepared to participate in the global world. A truly international university provides ample opportunities for students to develop intercultural skills.

Enhancing international student mobility

By linking up with partner universities, KU Leuven offers its students challenging international mobility opportunities.

Strengthening international staff mobility

KU Leuven staff members can collaborate with colleagues at the various strategic partner universities.