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Policy plans

Research policy

KU Leuven is a research-intensive, internationally-oriented university that performs both fundamental, basic and applied scientific research.

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Open Access: Tearing down the paywall is hard work

There’s been some bad blood between scientific publishers and their suppliers and customers. Scientists pay to have their work published. Readers, in turn, pay to read this work, often through the library of their research institution. The demand for open access – free access to everybody’s research findings – has largely been met, though not always in the way that proponents had in mind.

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Diversity Plan: inclusion and the individual

The policy and action plan for diversity is a document about inclusion: fitting in, feeling well and feeling accepted – but translated into policy terms. It has become a focused, well thought out plan that needs to make a difference for who is somehow not given his/her/x due at KU Leuven.

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Diversity Policy

KU Leuven devotes a great deal of attention to diversity and interculturality in all parts of the organisation. The university starts from a broad and positive vision of diversity as strength and added value.

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Educational policy

Building on university-wide strategic choices, KU Leuven wants to give direction to four central dimensions in our education: the (academic) learning in itself, the focus on the individual student, the study programmes and the management and quality assurance of these programmes.

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