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Standard media job listing £240 +VAT

Four-week job listing which appears on our main jobs page. Your job will also be featured in our daily email newsletter (18k+ subscribers), tweeted to our 60,000+ followers on Twitter (@journalism__jobs and @journalismjobs) and shared to our extensive network of journalism and communications professionals on LinkedIn (30,000 connections).

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Featured job listing £340 +VAT

As well as all of the benefits of a standard job listing, your advert will also appear in our featured job listing panel on the home page and on all article pages of for its first week.

This will guarantee extra exposure for your vacancy and will target passive as well as active jobseekers.

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Premium job listing £370 +VAT

As well as all of the benefits of a standard listing, your advert will appear in a highlighted panel at the top of our main jobs page for its first week.

This ensures that your advert is one of the first jobs seen by active job seekers when they visit our job listings page.

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Job of the week £450 +VAT

As well as all of the benefits of a standard listing, for its first week your advert will appear prominently at the top of the right-hand column on the home page, on all article pages of and in our daily email newsletter

This will maximise your advert's exposure to passive and active job seekers.

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Buy a bundle of job credits and save money...

If you have multiple vacancies to fill (five or more), we also offer generous discounts on job credit bundles - contact John Thompson to discuss.
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John Thompson