Analysis and insights from organizations all over the world
– the information you need to do good.

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Insights from Candid

U.S. Social Sector Dashboard

In the United States, the social sector employs over 12 million people and generates more than $3.7 trillion in aggregate annual revenue. Candid's U.S. Social Sector Dashboard provides the big picture with current data and key facts about the organizations, financial flows, and people that make up the sector.

U.S. Social Sector Dashboard

The state of diversity in the U.S. nonprofit sector

Over the past five years, Candid has invited nonprofits to share demographic information about their organizations on their Candid profiles. Based on an analysis of this data, The state of diversity in the U.S. nonprofit sector provides an overview of the sector across four demographic categories—race, gender, sexual orientation, and disability status.

The state of diversity in the U.S. nonprofit sector

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Candid tools for knowledge sharing

Knowledge centers

A repository solution designed to make knowledge preservation, curation, and sharing simple for foundations, nonprofits, and associations.

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Legacy collections

Centered on the knowledge preservation needs of spend down foundations, sunsetting organizations, and any organization that is phasing out a program or initiative.

Legacy collections Learn more

Digital object identifiers

DOIs help make social sector knowledge perpetually discoverable. Anyone with qualifying content added to Issue Lab can get a free social sector DOI.

Digital object identifiers Learn more

Data sharing

We offer data sharing methods that make it easy to harvest, embed, syndicate, and share the knowledge collected in Issue Lab.

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