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Sloppy Forgeries

Jonah Warren

Sloppy Forgeries is a fast-paced, two-player local multiplayer painting game. Players compete on a shared screen, each armed with a mouse, a blank canvas, and a few simple paint tools. Tools consist of three different size brushes and a limited color palette. Each round, a randomly selected, posterized version of a famous painting from art history is revealed. Players race to copy the painting as quickly and accurately as possible. They are also three seconds of a “hint,” which superimposes the source painting over the player’s canvas. As the player paints, they are given immediate feedback on how accurate their painting is. Accuracy is scored by comparing each pixel of a player’s painting with the original. If a pixel is the same color, it’s counted as correct. After 120 seconds of painting, the closest match is declared the winner. An exhibition version also includes the option to print out the resulting forgeries after the game is complete.

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