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API Security Solutions

API usage both internally and externally is resulting in a rapid expansion of the attack surface for businesses. To manage this proliferation and minimize threats, it's instrumental for enterprises t​​o automatically identify APIs as part of their security strategy.

Analyst recognition

KuppingerCole has named Imperva an Overall leader for the API security solutions market

Consolidating application security

A Leader in the Omdia Market Radar for Next Generation Application Security

Customer testimonials

Imperva has an Overall Rating of 4.7 out of 5 in the WAAP market.

The challenge of API cybersecurity starts with knowing the scope of the threats

Many of today’s web attacks are evolving and bypassing security, entering at API layers that may not even be on the radar of security teams.

API protection mobile
  • Visibility into every API is limited

    As new applications are deployed, APIs are not always documented in an OpenAPI (Swagger) file so security is not able to protect them.

  • Data governance is difficult

    From mobile to cloud-native applications, developers are rapidly providing access to sensitive data that requires governance which needs to extend to APIs that access it.

  • Current security solutions insufficient

    Organizations need the OWASP API Security Top 10 inclusive of Business Object Level Authorization and Business Functional Level Authorization to properly protect APIs.

Continuous discovery of APIs and data classification.

A holistic solution offers end-to-end continuous visibility while automatically collecting and identifying detailed data schema that outlines sensitive data.

API discovery mobile
  • API discovery at the speed of DevOps

    APIs come online rapidly and change without notice, the right solution identifies each API (public, backend, shadow and zombie) and when they change.

  • Data classification that aids governance

    Knowing which data is shared over APIs is the first step to keeping data access by APIs in alignment with data privacy regulations.

  • Stopping advanced attacks that look and act like normal access

    All attacks are not created equal and advanced attacks that target the business logic of an application can enable bots to steal your customer data without ever alerting you.

Deep API discovery and data classification with zero impact on developers

Automated discovery

Detection of every API that doesn’t impact development.

Data classification

Seamlessly analyze data to identify sensitive information.

Advanced detection

Attack detection for APIs inside and outside the network

How Imperva helps automate and secure API inventories

API Security Services

Protect your APIs with a positive security model that detects vulnerabilities and shields from exploitation.