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Client-Side Protection

Protect your website against client-side attacks and streamline regulatory compliance with PCI DSS 4.0.

Client-side Protection

Client-side attacks increase as web applications shift to client-side logic and incorporate more third-party code and resources. These attacks can directly steal sensitive customer data, resulting in breaches and noncompliance with data privacy regulations. PCI DSS 4.0 has added new client-side security requirements addressing this growing threat. Imperva provides comprehensive visibility, actionable insights, and intuitive controls, enabling your security team to inventory client-side resources and JavaScript effortlessly and quickly authorize or block them. Client-Side Protection allows your organization to streamline regulatory compliance, including requirements 6.4.3 and 11.6.1 in PCI DSS 4.0.

In-depth JavaScript service visibility

  • Service Status Discovered, needs review, allowed, and blocked
  • Classification Service name, status, resource types, frequency
  • Resource Types Data Transfer, Font, Form, Image, Script, Style, Headers
  • Insights Date service registered, discovered, risk score, and more
Client side protection Visibility
Client side protection Visibility

By leveraging the Imperva Cloud Application Security solution, Client-Side Protection deployment is safe and straightforward, with a fast detection process that starts within minutes.

This extra layer of security provides numerous benefits to websites without causing additional latency or requiring any code changes. Most importantly, it will not disrupt the functioning of your website.

One Click Deployment
One Click Deployment