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Sex & Nudity

  • Ryu and Ken take a shower together naked. They sleep on the same bed naked as well. (This is non-gay)
  • Some brief glimpses of partial nudity, involving Ken Masters in Season 1, Sagat in Season 2, and Cammy White in Season 3.
  • Male street fighters such as Ryu, Ken, Fei-Long, Vega, and Sagat are often seen shirtless. Guile also appears shirtless in only one picture of himself in Season 1.

Violence & Gore

  • Both Guile and Zangief uses brutal-looking professional wrestling moves. Cammy and Vega on the other hand are both shown to be the most lethal when it comes to assassin-stealth killings with sharp weapons such as a tri-talon ninja gauntlet and a garrote vil (razor floss) disguised as a cross-necklace.
  • The Ken vs. Vega cage fight scene involves a lot of bloodshed from hand-to-talon combat, also viewers could see a very graphic stabbing.
  • There are minute long scenes of M. Bison going berserk and strangling Chun-Li and Nash to death.
  • This is a Street Fighter series, which involves fight scenes throughout and non-stop martial arts action which may be brutal.


  • Damn
  • Same level as Street Fighter II MOVIE, but without any F-bombs.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • The first and second episode involves Ken and Ryu walking into a bar that Sergeant Guile and his U.S. Air Force soldiers would often hang out at. Some underage drinking can be shown because of Ken who is seen stealing one of their girlfriends who was smoking a cigarette up-close.
  • Shadowlaw leaders such as Mr. Zochi and Balrog both have a bad habit of smoking. As well as the Interpol leaders such as Chief Barrack and HKPD Vice Squad Captain Dorai.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Bison turns Ken in "Violent Ken." He has purple skin and evil eyes.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • M. Bison comments on how attractive Chun Li is only to harass, humiliate, and halfway-strip her during their fight scene for resisting, while the voyeuristic Zoltar is filming the torn-clad underage girl by focusing his camera on her exposed cleavage. She knocks Zoltar out with her Yousoukyaku signature move, to use his camera as a weapon against the invincible M. Bison, this leads to her getting strangled to death by him and resurrected through brainwashing to make her into a subservient slave.

Violence & Gore

  • One of the show's original antagonists Mr. Zochi who is a one-handed character similar to Tee Hee Johnson from Live and Let Die and Mr. Han from Enter the Dragon. After viciously caning both Ryu and Ken, he interrogates Ryu further by showing him his horrifying collection of severed arms, telling Ryu he is next.

See also

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