
Podcast is a free WordPress theme intended for podcasts, youtubers, streamers, radio hosts, comedians, influencers and bloggers.

Podcast theme comes with 7 built-in color palettes: black, blue, green, orange, purple, red, teal. The theme let’s you put the sidebar on the left or on the right.

Podcast Screenshot 1
Podcast Screenshot 2
Podcast Screenshot 3
FeaturePodcastPodcast Plus
Unlimited theme usage
Responsive Layout
Color Customization
LimitedLimited color customization options are available.
FullFull color customizations options will allow you to fully customize the look of your website.
Font CustomizationNone
FullFull typeface & font customizations options will allow you to fully customize the look of your website, with free access to 1000+ Google Fonts.
Sidebar Location ControlsLeft or RightLeft, Right or None
Individual Layout Settings
Demo Content Importer
Custom Block Patterns04
Widgetized Areas511
Theme Updates
LimitedThe theme will be updated to fix potential bugs and serious issues.
ExtensiveFrequent theme updates will contain new features, block patterns and other ideas suggested by our customers.
NonprioritySupport is provided in the WordPress.org community forums.
Priority SupportQuick and friendly support is available via email and Skype.
DownloadTheme Details & Pricing

Podcast Theme Video

Watch this short video for a quick presentation of the theme's features.

6 good reasons to choose our paid themes

  • Easy Start & Demo Content

    You'll have your new theme up and running in no time thanks to our quick installation and simple setup process.
    You can import the demo content with a few simple clicks for an even easier start.

  • Detailed Video Tutorials

    We are dedicated to creating easy to understand, step by step video tutorials for all aspects of creating a solid WordPress website.

  • One-on-One Support

    No matter the question, we are happy to help you. You can expect fast, direct and friendly one-on-one support via email and Zoom.

  • Web Accessibility Compliance

    We pay extra attention to making our themes WCAG 2.0 compliant. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible.

  • GDPR Friendly Local Fonts

    The fonts and icons used by our themes are hosted on your own website. We do not call resources from external sources (CDNs). This is better for user privacy and performance.

  • One-Click Automatic Updates

    Our themes can be updated directly from the WordPress Dashboard, without touching any files. This way you will always be informed about important theme updates.