Apr 22, 2014
Teamspeak 3: ts3.zealotgaming.com​
Contact Info: zgarchangel@gmail.com
About Us:​
Zealot Gaming is an international gaming clan shaped by it's members that supports a variety of games from League of Legends to Minecraft. We always aim to provide a strong sense of community for our members to allow them to game with people they enjoy and have fun doing so. Our goal to start a successful division in Titanfall is relatively new, however, with our experience in expanding into games and your interest I believe we can be very successful.​
Why join us?​
Zealot Gaming provides many opportunities for it's members. One, being able to be apart of a strong community, friendship, and to access our many social platforms we provide to enhance such experiences is a great opportunity for people looking to connect with others and socialize in gaming. With that, Zealot Gaming also provides many staff positions for people looking to contribute and gain valuable skills that manages these members in a variety of ways. Lastly, our main focus is always community first, however, we are set up in a way to allow competitive teams for our more competitive members within our divisions. This is something we are encouraging going forward with Titanfall for any competitive players or potentially interested team captains to lead these teams.​
That sums up a bit about who we are and why we want you in our community. If you have any questions, feel free to contact my email (zgarchangel@gmail.com) or if you are already interested in joining then I encourage you to register on our website and submit an application for membership!​
We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield with us!​
Last edited:
May 26, 2022
This is something we are encouraging going forward with Titanfall for any competitive players or potentially interested team captains to lead these teams.