
Dec 19, 2003
i have a couple things that i would ike to say.. first off im still playing mvp 05 getting ready to close out my SECOND season with that game...

secondly i was wondering if any of you would like me to keep you all informed on that chise i have running over on dm...

if any of you old fans of mine would like for me to come back to the asb boards and keep you informed of my chise ill gladly do it.. if not i will just peacefully take my leave and say no more of it.. here is my link to my current page.. well if it works that is in my sig below..

so if this link works and any of you old fans of mine would like me to come back and thrill you with my teams season id be more than happy to bring it back.. just let me know..

thanks fella's


Dec 19, 2003
A's Updated

Well this one was just like the rest of the games we have played against these pesky fricking underwater dwellers those Devil Rays. Not that i didnt have a gazillion chances in this one to put it away early but never happened... til much later....

Thank you all for your continued support and readership of my page, it is and always will be greatly appreciated

as always, any and all questions, comments, concerns, feedback, etc is always welcome and appreciated.