
Nov 12, 2012
The question I put to you all is who will win the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 and most importantly why?

This is my theory which in many respects could tie in a lot of the ending stories in Tekken 6

What if it combined the endings of Kazuya, Jin and Devil Jin. It could be that Jin finally was able to approach Azazel due to the chaos he created. As a result he turns into devil form to defeat Azazel knowing that its his chance to rid himself of the Devil Gene. Just as he is about to fight Azazel, Kazuya joins in the fray, which results in Kazuya defeating Devil Jin.

As Kazuya brings out Devil Jin's body out of the temple, Heihachi wanting the power of both Kazuya and Jin's results in a conflict which distracts Kazuya outside the temple. When the temple starts its intial collapse, Devil Jin escapes from Kazuya and goes back inside the temple leaving Kazuya and Heihachi out of the equation. Devil Jin then defeats Azazel acquiring the orb which he then uses to extract the Devil Gene and is destroyed. Potentially Jin now must defeat Azazel again without his Devil Gene. Azazels body is later found by Dragunov and taken away for analysis and Raven and his team find Jin in the desert.

Kazuya "wins" the tournament due to military force of G Corporation, which he uses to overpower Heihachi and any other opposing forces. So Kazuya has the G Corporation and loyal Mishima Zaibatsu forces at his disposal, which gives him ultimate power. It ends up with a journey some years later of Jin, Lars, Raven, potentially Hwoarang and other Tekken characters forming an alliance in the form of a resistance to overthrow Kazuya Mishima otherwise the end of the world, in terms of power and balance, will be destroyed.

I would only go as far to say that if anyone else was in the temple with Jin when he has rid himself of the Devil Gene, it would extend to Lars and Hwoarang only. It could be that Hwoarang and normal Jin put their differences aside and finish off a lesser version of Azazel together, but as a result of the battle the temple collapses further causing them to separate. The other idea is that Jin explains everything to Lars and they work as a team with a similar finish.

So really it can be stated that the winner of the King of Iron Fist Tournament is Jin Kazama as he defeats Azazel, but the Mishima Zaibatsu is under the control of Kazuya Mishima. This theory to me sounds plausible, what do you guys reckon?

Its a bit of a lenghty read, but this is my first ever thread on any website, hope I did alright.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
You did quite well... This forum's not very active though, so I wouldn't expect a plethora of responses.

Unfortunately I think Jin or Lars will be the likely winners, with a small possibility of Kazuya. It'd be nice to have someone else win for a change; Asuka would be a great choice, or maybe Hwoarang... But I don't see that happening anytime soon.[face_cry]


Nov 12, 2012
Laughed when you put Hwoarang in there, but chose Lars.
Yeah putting Hwoarang there was just taking a similar idea from Tekken 3 where Paul theoretically won, could be a character outside of the Mishima loop that wins. But obviously a Mishima family member will rule the Mishima Zaibatsu. :)


Mar 10, 2012
Okay i am going to tell you guys all of the truth, Harada San (creator of Tekken) Actually confirmed that the winner of Tekken 6 is not jin kazama and im certain alot of people thought he won. My favorite character is hwoarang and though i have extremely high doubts he won i still voted for him. But anyway i can definitely not see Heihachi winning for the fact that he was hardly involved in the war, It all revolved around Tekken force ( Jin Kazama), G Corporation ( Kazuya Mishima) and The rebel army ( Lars alexandersson). All Heihachi had was his mansion and guards how could they have possibly given him the victory for doing shit all, though he definitely wanted to get involved more he just couldn't considering so much going on with the main 3. So considering i have ruled out jin and its only Lars and kazuya left it is really hard to say. Realistically you would think Lars would win because obviously he was in a way you could say the good guy. Kazuya on the other hand was taking more the bad side because of the people he killed ( Jin killed lots as well) and also i couldn't really see kazuya winning, I mean how would Tekken continue with kazuya controlling the mishima zaibatsu, Would they just make jin or Lars save the day in Tekken 7 and reclaim it? i cant see that happening so in opinion the highest chance of winning has got to be Lars Alexandersson. Thanks :)


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
Well, if your intel about Jin not winning is correct, then I'd say Lars has about a 98% chance of being champion, unfortunately... With a 1% chance going to Kazuya and a 1% chance going to everybody else. [face_mischief]