
Original poster
The conversation between President Johnson and Chairman Khrushchev in the beginning of MGS3 stands out as some of the worst voice acting in the entire saga ("I should have contacted you myself" might be the singular worst voiced line in the franchise). The opening of both chapters in MGS3 seem agonizingly slow, but this conversation, at the beginning of Operation Snake Eater, just makes it worse due to the low quality voice acting. What's even more amusing is that Johnson sounds completely different in the ending, and is still pretty bad.


Mention also has to go to most of Twin Snakes and the entirety of the Digital Graphic Novel (both 1 and 2).

Even though the lines were kept mostly the same, the delivery of the same lines was subpar compared to the original, when the opposite should have been true. Only Ocelot sounds consistently better. Nearly every other character sounds like they phoned it in and Naomi went from a justified accent to sounding like one of Jennifer Hale's "default female character" jobs, which carried on to MGS4. Snake in particular lacks emotion in some of the most powerful lines of the original.

The Digital Graphic Novel manages to get even worse for every character involved, for both MGS1 and MGS2. Hayter's performance in both novels is notably poor.

What performances do you think were below MGS standards?
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Original poster
Fortune was pretty bad. Especially her VA's reading of "Later, Vamp." It sounds like she says "Later. Vamp!"

I thought about that exact moment yesterday, actually. [face_silly]

I can't go as specific as you, but in general I honestly wasn't a big fan of Ocelot's portrayal in MGS5; a rare miss for Troy Baker. He dramatically overplayed the cowboy/western angle IMO.

I think this was more a problem of voice direction than anything else. Troy's had some major VA roles over the past 6 years, and has proved his abilities. The direction and overall writing of MGS5 could be at fault.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
I can't go as specific as you, but in general I honestly wasn't a big fan of Ocelot's portrayal in MGS5; a rare miss for Troy Baker. He dramatically overplayed the cowboy/western angle IMO.

I think this was more a problem of voice direction than anything else. Troy's had some major VA roles over the past 6 years, and has proved his abilities. The direction and overall writing of MGS5 could be at fault.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Troy Baker. But IDK if you can really lay the blame on MGS5 as a whole when the other voices were (IMO) fine. Several of the main characters were reprising their roles so it's not really a fair comparison, but even if you look at another newcomer like Sutherland, I think his performance was superior to that of Troy Baker (which is weird to say because generally I think Kiefer Sutherland is kind of a crappy actor). It's like Baker tried to camp it up too much or something, which, don't get me wrong, MGS has plenty of camp, but it usually tries to play "campiness" straight, if that makes sense.


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
MGS2 and MGS3 were both pretty bad all around, with a particular nod to 3. Lori Alan phoned in her performance HARD.


Original poster
MGS2 and MGS3 were both pretty bad all around, with a particular nod to 3. Lori Alan phoned in her performance HARD.

Her character apparently has an "overwhelming charisma" yet she conveyed absolutely none of that. At all. Like George Lucas, we are constantly told attributes of her character but see very little of it.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
MGS2 and MGS3 were both pretty bad all around, with a particular nod to 3. Lori Alan phoned in her performance HARD.

Her character apparently has an "overwhelming charisma" yet she conveyed absolutely none of that. At all. Like George Lucas, we are constantly told attributes of her character but see very little of it.
I mean we're all in love with the character right? So clearly Alan did something right.

Alan's performance had almost no emotion, not because she phoned it in, but because she spoke like a leader. Every word out of The Boss's mouth just sounded like a total fact. There was no bias or emotion, she just spoke objectively. So you trust her to know everything and always know what to do in any situation. That was the idea, that's why everybody followed her. She wasn't full of charm or wit or anything like that, that's not the type of charisma Strangelove meant. She had charisma as in total confidence and purity. The only time she became emotional was when talking about her baby towards the end, when she said she's never talked about herself that much before. And Alan had emotion there.
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 6, 2005
I'll agree with nick on The Boss. Alan's performance never bored me or anything.

Honestly I think Vulcan Raven in MGS1 is pretty laughable.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
MGS2 and MGS3 were both pretty bad all around, with a particular nod to 3. Lori Alan phoned in her performance HARD.

Her character apparently has an "overwhelming charisma" yet she conveyed absolutely none of that. At all. Like George Lucas, we are constantly told attributes of her character but see very little of it.
I mean we're all in love with the character right? So clearly Alan did something right.

Alan's performance had almost no emotion, not because she phoned it in, but because she spoke like a leader. Every word out of The Boss's mouth just sounded like a total fact. There was no bias or emotion, she just spoke objectively. So you trust her to know everything and always know what to do in any situation. That was the idea, that's why everybody followed her. She wasn't full of charm or wit or anything like that, that's not the type of charisma Strangelove meant. She had charisma as in total confidence and purity. The only time she became emotional was when talking about her baby towards the end, when she said she's never talked about herself that much before. And Alan had emotion there.
Also, in the Sorrow segment you hear when she had to kill her husband, and she sounds distraught as he tells her to pull the trigger. It's probably the one time her loyalty ever wavered.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
Having recently played MGS4 again I think I can definitively say that Jennifer Hale's performance as Naomi is the worst in the entire series by a long shot. She gives no emotion to anything that she says. It doesn't help that Naomi's lines in MGS4 are all the worst things Kojima has ever written and her character arc makes no goddamned sense.