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Grilled Cheese
Jan 21, 2004
Originally posted by KingKrane

Alright guys, every time there is a leak of a major album, there are a bunch of posts about said album and alot of people get banned. I'll break down the rules for you all to make it a bit more understandable:

You can talk about the album but you can't talk about the leak.

What this means is, that within the TOS you can discuss and critique the leaked albums as much as you like however you CANNOT:[ol]
[li]Say that an album has been leaked[/li]
[li]Link to the leaked album[/li]
[li]Ask for a PM of the link within a post[/li]
I know it seems odd but discussing the leak is piracy which is a severe wrong on these boards. Hopefully this will alleviate all the problem we have with each leak.

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