
Jul 28, 2010
I'm bored. Have a pony discussion!

Let's start off with the "mane" character of the group, Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle: A lot of people like to think that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy reign supreme in the favorite pony polls, but I'm starting to see quite an uprising for Twilight Sparkle appeal. Part of that probably has to do with her character. She's an introvert. And like the internet, many people are introverts (Such as myself). It's safe to say that many people share a common interest with her because of that trait. And thus, gained a bit of popularity around S2. Her actual character itself is pretty interesting. She's a booksmart, organized pony but she's also someone who can lose their sanity if pushed too far. Episodes like Feeling Pinkie Keen and Lesson Zero show that. Her constant use of sarcasm might be my favorite aspect of her though. I'm curious to see how her Alicorn gig is going to work out. Oh, and she's voiced by Tara Strong. Tara Strong is best voice actor!

Fluttershy: The moe of the group. Fluttershy's appeal comes from her overwhelmingly adorable nature that can melt anyone's heart. Much like Rainbow Dash, her personality kinda serves as an oxymoron (Although not as strong as RD's). Fluttershy may be a pushover at first, but once you hit that wrong button, watch out because Flutterage is going to roast your ass! I've always enjoyed her chemistry with Angel. It always provided for some pretty funny moments. I don't have much to say about Fluttershy but I do want to point out that her character was downplayed a bit in S3. Or rather, her appearance. There was little to no Fluttershy moments that I can't remember. And when she actually had her own episode, she was overshadowed by the appearance of Discord. I think she deserves some more screentime (Along with Rarity) in S4.

Rainbow Dash: Ah, my favorite of the bunch. Rainbow Dash has become the poster pony of FiM and for good reasons too. She's a character that defies the expectations of someone who's skeptical of the show. Just show them a clip of her doing a Sonic Rainboom and there's a good chance they'll become interested. Within the fanbase itself, I've noticed she's recently become the varied character. You either love her or hate her. Rarely do I see people fall in between for Rainbow Dash. Nonetheless, this mostly comes down to her personality. A brash, arrogant show off on the outside who's also sweet, caring, and motivated in the inside. People tend to focus on one of her sides and come to the generalization that she's either an asshole, or a saint. For me, I like her for both of those personalities. Her character is basically one giant oxymoron. And I find that so entertaining from Rainbow Dash. The fact that she has her shortcomings leaves room for her character development. And season 3 definitely gave her big points on changing that negative personality she has. More specifically the Wonderbolt episode that challenged her Element of Loyalty, where she ultimately chose her friendships over her dream. I also thought she was pretty great in the Mare Do Well episode since her negative side of the personality was explored. That being said, I think people need to look at Rainbow Dash's character as a whole, and not just from one part of her personality. Her fanbase though, is definitely the worst of the Mane 6. Many people talk her up like some goddess such as I have right now hahaha *Nervous laugh*
There's a lot I can say about RD but I'll just end it here. Plus, she makes everything 20% cooler [face_tongue]

Rarity: Now I know I mentioned that Rainbow Dash gets a lot of flak but it's definitely nothing compared to Rarity. The difference? Rainbow Dash has a strong and loyal fanbase that supports her. Rarity is lucky enough to even earn half of that support on her side. Granted, she's definitely the pony who least represents her Element but I think part of that is what makes Rarity so enjoyable to watch. She's become the comedic character of the group next to Pinkie Pie. Remember, this is a cartoon, and comedy plays a big part of it. I think the writers intended Rarity to be like that. I love her over-the-top, royal, ladyness attitude. I know Rarity lacked a S3 episode, but there were definitely a lot of moments that Rarity shined in. Hopefully, the writers can give Rarity a positive episode in S4 to make her likeable within the fanbase. Rarity deserves more.

Pinkie Pie: Never a dull moment with Pinkie Pie. Every scene that she appears in is just a chock full of fun. She's basically the personification of randomness. And for that, I love her. Much like Fluttershy, I don't have a lot to say about her. Pinkie Pie is motherfucking Pinkie Pie yo!

Applejack: I'll just come out and say it. I think AJ is the least interesting Mane 6 pony. But before you start sending me death threats, I also want to point that AJ is THE BEST pony from the mane 6. (Despite RD being my favorite). I know a lot of people like to do contests on who's the best pony but let's be honest here, Applejack takes the title hands down. Let me explain by how she's both, the least interesting character, to the best character from the group. Applejack is a character that acknowledges her mistakes. She acts on the best interests of others and not for own selfish needs. She also supports her family and is the most level-headed member of the mane 6 (Even more so than Twilight Sparkle) BUT, it's because of her near flawless personality that her character hasn't been explored to the fullest extent. Her entire character revolves around 3 things. Apples (Or her work), stubborness, and family. For example, Applebuck Season (An early S1 episode) focused on Applejack's stubborness. Forward to S3 in the Apple Family Reuinion and it focused on Applejack's stubborness again. Her character has remained unchanged up to that point. I just wish the writers developed her more. That being said, I still stand that Applejack is best pony.

Do you agree or disagree? Was I too biased with Rainbow Dash or do you think Rarity deserves that hate she's getting? Do you find Applejack as best pony? Feel free to comment! Thanks for reading!
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Life could be simple...
Jul 14, 2007
I might come back to elaborate further, but I have things I should be doing.

Twilight - Always been a fan, she's probably the character I can relate to the best. She has the most character development within the show and the season 3 finale really shows the impact of her arc through the series. I feel like the should have become an alicorn at the very end of the series as a perfect sendoff, but I'm willing to give alicorn Twilight a chance.

Fluttershy - My favorite. She is the only character I could say I loved from the very beginning, her squeaky introduction melted my heart when I was still skeptical of the show. Wish she got more screen time in season 3, but her rehabilitation of Discord was a perfect fit.

Rainbow Dash - She seems to be the symbol of the fandom. Aesthetically, she's my favorite character, and I have more merchandise with her likeness than any other character (Also, I like making icons of her more than most characters). However, she is probably far from my favorite. She is pretty awesome, but I think she lacks some depth in comparison to the others. Her often braggadocios personality doesn't work well for me.

Pinkie Pie - She has grown on me more and more as the series progressed. At first her hyperactivity was a little too sweet, but damn if I don't look forward to her episodes now. She peps everything up and breaks the fourth wall in all the right places.

Rarity - She was my least favorite while I went through the first season. Couldn't connect to her at all. But over time, seeing that she wasn't a superficial drama queen but rather an obsessive worker drama queen, I like her. Also, dat voice acting. However, she didn't give us a lot to work with in season 3. Not really representative of generosity a lot of the time lol.

AppleJack - I agree with you. She is simultaneously the least interesting but objectively best character of the bunch to me. Her episodes are probably my least favorite of the mane six taken as a whole (reunion is my least favorite episode of S3). But even with that, f I could pick one pony to have as a friend, I would pick Fluttershy (<3)

... but Applejack would be second! She's calm, responsible, and polite. Often shows off the other characters' elements better than they do.


Jul 28, 2010
... but Applejack would be second! She's calm, responsible, and polite. Often shows off the other characters' elements better than they do.

There was a brief point where I considered Applejack my favorite. I think it was around the first month of my exposure to the show. After that though, I've started settling into Rainbow Dash and it's remain unchanged. Either way, she's definitely the best representative for the Mane 6. I'd totally vouch for her!


This makes my attention span hurt... I'll come back later when I'm not so tired.

I should've edited in pictures lol. My bad!


This makes my attention span hurt... I'll come back later when I'm not so tired.

It didn't hurt my attention span. :3

I actually have a lot to say about the characters. I should probably try to avoid a wall of text and just give general impressions.

My opinions on the mane 6 (Expect for RD) change from time to time. I used to dislike Rarity. Then season 2 popped around and made Rarity one of the funniest fucking characters on the show. Although she was already funny in season 1.
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No Longer a Noob
Oct 29, 2012
I didn't realize discussions could happen outside the CT [face_tongue]

Will read in full later


Sep 21, 2011
Applejack: It sucks that AJ never really gets much adoration from the fans considering how well put together she is compared to the rest of the cast. She's a honest, hardworking country girl and has a great relationship with her family. She may not have much in the way of personality flaws (aside from her stubbornness), so there's not a lot of room for development, but I never found that to be a problem. I find her episodes to be endearing, actually. Applejack also seems to be the only "normal" character in the main cast. She's not like the narcissist, the other narcissist, the neurotic one, the one who suffers from ADHD, or whatever psychosis Twilight Sparkle suffers from. She brings a good balance to the show, but never gets any credit for it.

Flutters: Fluttershy is the most adorable character I've ever seen in any show. Ever. I should know because I've spent most of my life in front of a TV, not meeting girls and developing a vampire-like weakness to sunlight. Also, Angel is a douche. I'm against torture because I'm a decent human being with morals, but I wouldn't mind seeing Angel water boarded a couple of hundred times.

Pinkie Pie: I didn't like Pinkie at first. She was a smidge annoying for me and her voice was too high-pitched. And then I pulled that stick out of my butt and really started to like her. Her good intentions and her willingness to party at a moment's notice really won me over. I, especially, love her musical numbers. They're always heartwarming and fun. She also reminds me of some very old friends I used to have.

Twilight Sparkle: I really like Twi. Her enthusiasm for learning always seemed very genuine and not forced. There's a fine line where a character that loves to learn can come off as a bit cheesy, and luckily that's not Twi at all.

Rainbow Dash: RD is honestly my least favorite character on the show. I was never entertained by her antics and I find her attitude a little obnoxious which is odd because I love the Great and Powerful Trixie. I don't hate Rainbow Dash, but she's just not that fun of a character for me. Of the Mane Six, Rainbow Dash has never made me laugh. It seems like a minor thing and it is, but I'd like to see RD be funny for a change.

Rarity: Best. Pony. Case closed. You can all go home now. Seriously, Rarity is my favorite. Not many fans will say that, but I absolutely adore her. She's refined, prissy and the least like the element she's supposed to represent. She's also the funniest character on the show. I can understand why a lot of fans don't like her and at the same time I don't. Rarity's a fashion designer and runs her own shop. She's an artist. Girly girl-type. Drama queen. Persnickety. For a character like that, it's awesome to see her kick a manticore in the face and call it a ruffian; try to defend Spike against some dragons and threatening them with physical violence; and when captured by the Diamond Dogs all she could do is annoy them instead of being scared for her life. Rarity's a great character. I wish she was more popular with the fans. Also, Rarity is tied with Pinkie Pie for the best musical numbers on the show. Becoming Popular and Art of the Dress are so goooood. She may not have had her own episode in Season 3, but Rarity did steal plenty of scenes through out, I think.

That's it for me. Ciao.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2006
My two favorite ponies are the pegasi of the group. Fluttershy, because she reminds me a lot of myself (soft-spoken, lacking confidence, etc); and Rainbow Dash, because she kinda resembles what I like to picture myself as (confident, undaunted, capable)

Rainbow Dash: For me a bit of a shocker, because she reminds me so much of Buttercup from PPG, a character I loathed. But Rainbow has a lot more depth than her, and isn't wearing a permanent eye-slant scowl, thing (whatever) that Buttercup did. Rainbow feels more "real" than typical tough guy/girl stereotypes.

Fluttershy: Meek and helpless, easily pushed around, pessimistic, only friends (at first) are a bunch of animals; Fluttershy is the pony version of RL me (except she apparently LIKES the various bugs and rodents that live in her home)

Twilight: Despite being the main protagonist, never really seemed that amazing to me. There's nothing wrong with her, she just feels like a middle-ground pony. I was going to point out the "I learned/know a very case-specific spell for this exact circumstance" as a bit of a cliche trait, but that's more a knock on the script than the character.

Rarity: A pony I really disliked at first, but she really grew on me by the mid-point of the second season. She's probably got the most character depth of any of the mane 6.

Applejack: I dunno, I'm actually having a hard time summing up AJ. I guess she's essentially the 'strait-man' of the series. There's really nothing to dislike about her, but honestly (ha, get it?) takes the #5 spot on my list.

Pinkie Pie: Randomness, puns, slapstick, she's the punchline of much of the comedy in the series. Despite giving her a couple episodes dedicated to exploring her character development, for the most part she's just the comic relief. I feel the series would be worse off without her, but if any pony felt "expendable", it's Pinkie.


breathe deeply
Sep 27, 2006
Applejack was the biggest surprise to me when I came into the fandom. I had immediately found her character design aesthetically pleasing, and I love the simplicity of her character and the moral virtue that came with her archetype.

Immediately after seeing her character in action, I found her very boring. I like the idea of Applejack probably more than any of the other characters, and she and Rainbow Dash make the most interesting duo when onscreen together, but otherwise she is among my least favorite.