Mar 26, 2014
Ok, so i sold my Xbox 360 and my brother gave me his one, i downloaded my profile onto it and when i didn't sell my own xbox 360, i was the highest 60 rank. And when i went onto multiplayer, all my salvage, rank and characters was gone! is there anyway i could get them all back? i'm trying my best to level up. Thanks!


Oct 23, 2012
Hi, from what I know I don't think there is anyway you'll be able to recover it. Still, if you have the skills of Prestige 3 Level 60, then it shouldn't be too hard to level up, right?
And I sold my Xbox last year; I think I remember playing against you once XD I was Prestige 3 Level 60 as well!
But anyway, I don't think there is anyway of recovering it :(