
Feb 14, 2012
hello this message is for people like me, noobs who love robots and multiplayer stratagy games [face_peace]. so any veterans have some advice about the game.[face_confused]
p.s what team has the most territory?
Jul 18, 2006
Honestly I think victory boils down to individual skill. You join a team of people that are average/bad you will lose. I personally didn't play much multiplayer due to the system being absolutely broken. I couldn't tell you what teams have the most territory because it changes so often and I don't know what system you have the game for.


Feb 14, 2012
ps3 and what team are you in? i was thinking about just being a mercanary.
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Jul 18, 2006
I can't remember what team I'm in, I haven't played since a couple weeks after it came out. Although I do have it for playstation. You can be a mercenary all you like, but you still have to make/join a team. It is easy to just make a team for yourself though.


Feb 14, 2012
sounds cool. i like action stratagey games usally. i bet you cant play cross xbox and ps3 can you? never played mech game before but is it like tranformers war of cybertron? i liked that game a lot!
Jul 18, 2006
You can't play any games cross platform. I've never played transformers, but I highly doubt they would be similar.
Jun 7, 2012
rent the game first. I like it, started mt own team, got it up to lvl 148 b4 I got members, then others joined but they were all inactive except for like 2. I built an ac tht fit my dual wield playstyle. Im an average player, not the best by far but the game doesnt even come down to skill anymore. Any Heavy Reverse Joint using dual overpowere Gatling Guns can beat a skilled pilot and thats why Im gonna quit. Not tryin to discourage you from gettin the game but I play dynasty warriors gundam 2 and thts a boring repetitive game. Tht game never made me give up on it b/c it let me play how i wanted. ACV wont let u do that when fighting online. I put up with the generic "cookie cutter" ACs for a long time, but now I rarely see a difference in ACs. Nothin special about any ACs ppl use on the game. There are a few of us who play usin ACs tht actually fit our style and were built for style. I refuse to use anything other than my "winged AC" Sky Raiser and my "Mutant AC" Nevim (only uses a UW). If that along with the few skills I posses dont cut it then Im just gonna give up 100%. I always thought that its not the cookie cutters but the piots b/c as pilots we should adapt to our situation. Thats not the case. No matter how much u adapt, u cant beat a cookie cutter without usin a cookie cutter. as for strategy, there is no strategy required in this game for real. (If u watch code geass) Dnt expect anything in strategy beyond "Ok, u three have dual gats and u dont, here's the plan, guy with no gats, u stay still while u three with gats charge in and attack." Ive only met one good operator and he did his job to near perfect perfection. The game is a little slower than 4/FA but not slow enough for an actual strategy. Everyone rushes in but if u have ur team go slow and try to set up a strategy, u wont make it pass the spawn point before the eenemy rushes in and attacks. Not tryin to give you doubts b/c the game is the greatest mech game in a long while for sure but (the phrase Ive heard used it...) "its just a broken game". And to top iy off, unless u have the jpn version, dont expect Bamco to care too much for the game. They sold it in NA for profit, now that they made a profit they puttin full attention on jpn users, not sure about eur. Definitely rent before u buy though.
Jul 18, 2006
That paragraph is atrocious.

What do you mean by "puttin full attention on jpn users"? Is there some major updates/patches that they have no intention of giving to anyone else? I haven't kept up to date on news since I stopped playing, but that seems rather strange.
Jun 7, 2012
That paragraph is atrocious.

What do you mean by "puttin full attention on jpn users"? Is there some major updates/patches that they have no intention of giving to anyone else? I haven't kept up to date on news since I stopped playing, but that seems rather strange.
I mean the patch that came out in japan a while ago isnt in NA and its a major problem b/c the patch fixes a lot of problems in the game. lol, I typed a whole emotional paragraph then back space a lot and now i have to re do this so bear with me. Example of the problems, gatling guns with the power of rifles, and subcomputers that only work on ur arm units and not the bay units. Bamco doesnt care for the NA version at all. The NA version had a server malfunction and all team activities stopped for about 4 days. Then when wednesday came around, the server went down again, for maintenance but still. Bamco dont work on weekends but there were a lot of complaints that someone shouldve noticed but they didnt keep up with the NA community, ergo a lot of ppl stopped playing. Im not saying its a bad game, I like it but Im not going to play a game that even its makers dont care about. And dont get my statement wrong, there are a lot of active teams but a lot (actually I mean ALL but 2 or 3) of the older NA teams are gone b/c of the problems. They've either shelved the game, sold it, integrated into other teams, or switched to the japan version and its sad. Me? I shelved the game b/c i paid 60 bucks for it. Im keepin it (gotta keep it b/c my mom noticed tht i just paid 60 dollars for a game and she said i better not sell it back for 1/4 the price lol). Its a good mech game but it has a lot of noticeable problems. I wish someone woulda told me to rent it, I'd have a totally different game right now. And its nothin like WFC just so you know. I played the demo for WFC and might I say, that was the best 20 hr demo adrenaline rush I have ever experienced.
Jul 18, 2006
Well you realize any patches that will ever come out will be in Japan first right? The game has been out a lot longer in Japan then anywhere else. When they make a patch for the Japanese version, it's basically like testing it for NA/EU users. They can't simply give the same Japanese patch to the other versions of the game, they have to completely rewrite it for other languages.

If you read my other posts you know I haven't played it in a very long time, but do you know if they ever added the multiplayer bosses? There are four or five bosses that weren't in the game on release and they each have a trophy.
Jun 7, 2012
yeah you havent been on for a long time. The patch came out a long time ago. after the japan release, the patch was out almost immediately. I know they do japan stuff first but it shouldnt take this long. They been started putting the bosses on every weekend. Now they on permenantly but u need a lvl 1 team rank to fight one and a lvl 2 team rank to fight all of them
Jul 18, 2006
yeah you havent been on for a long time. The patch came out a long time ago. after the japan release, the patch was out almost immediately. I know they do japan stuff first but it shouldnt take this long. They been started putting the bosses on every weekend. Now they on permenantly but u need a lvl 1 team rank to fight one and a lvl 2 team rank to fight all of them
Uhg, of course they put team ratings into it. I would like to just be able to play all of the content without using the broken multiplayer. I have every trophy and done everything you can do solo, really wish I could get the platinum and forget the failure of the online components of this game.
Jun 7, 2012
They just released the patch today and its making a major difference. Im still shakey on whether or not the makers care for their NA version but after releasing the patch after a wave of complaints it shows that they get annoyed easily. The next one better come to the equivalent of their japanese release.


Feb 14, 2012
it still sounds cool i like games were anyone can win, and i'm not a noob with customizing, strat., or any of that i learn video games fast and i've learned how to play fighting games since i was 2( i know that it has nothing to do with this but you know what i mean) im gonna rent the game i love multiplayer and games like this and with 500 pcs. to customize i'll make to my style and be smooth like butter. i don't care if japanese people are on there it just makes us better! about 1-10 is the game filled with goof balls who stink at the game and have no skills with this games? i think i'll adapt.
Jun 7, 2012
there are a lotta ppl w/ skill and a lotta ppl w/o. but even those w/o skill can win with a good ac. and thts good u learn fast b/c when i say there's a steep learning curve i mean theres a learning curve and if u cant get it right expect to fall off the cliff a lot. experience w/ other ac games helps a lot. if youre a very competitive player then expect to get angry (like a toned down dark souls lvl of angry) but if you just play for the fun of it and win or lose ur fine w/ it then yea, ur gonna love this. the community is a decent size to and expect to meet a lotta fun and funny ppl. (also helps if u have a mic or u type fast but not necessary things, just to communicate)
P.S. Sorry for the extremely late reply.


Feb 14, 2012
good i can lose! i know some people who cant take lose, but i love losing (well i like winning to) it helps me learn through trail and error.


Feb 14, 2012
played it at freinds house well it'll take a week to get use to but it was on the xbox and i have a ps3 so mabey sooner :)
but kinda looks fun


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I cant get into it, I dont like how the story progresses I'm not a noob to the series but this game is unplayable for me way too fast paced and confusing, I was a master at it unbeatable when 2 and 3 came out I would face against my friends and cousins 2 on me and I would win every time almost maybe lose once or twice in the times we played, now they dont care about the series anymore it's lame.