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No Longer a Noob
Aug 3, 2007
Either way, I could tell you that the 360 version's online component is rife with lag issues. At it's worst, you could empty an entire clip into someone point blank, watch each and every bullet hit them, and then see them run off without taking any damage at all. Plus, if someone is going too fast, they appear to warp in and out of sight around the arena.

If you can find a good connection, then it sort of works. It's close enough. On the other hand, if you run into a bad one, don't expect to have any fun.

Edit: ^ That applies to the 360 version. I can't speak for the PS3 people. Monsterman can give you the rundown, there.
Jul 18, 2006
yeah with the ps3 i havent found much lag on a few games the other guy complained of lag but i personaly havent found any it depends on your current connection if you are connected to wifi theres a chance if the connection isnt strong enough you will have problems but ya like said i havent had any lag problems thats the most light i can shine on this
May 5, 2009
I havent had a chance to play online, since there is hardly anyone online to begin with and those obscene achievements of 10000 wins is going to be impossible at this rate!
Oct 8, 2009
I will be playing soon as will a friend of mine. don't give up!!! we must bring armored core back to online supremacy, wait, i mean, we must bring armored core up to online barely playability!!!! that's more realistic. i love this game and most of my friends don't like it because of the learning curve (bunch of pansies) but i finally found one so we should be on soon.


Jan 9, 2010
mummyheadGamma said:
Either way, I could tell you that the 360 version's online component is rife with lag issues. At it's worst, you could empty an entire clip into someone point blank, watch each and every bullet hit them, and then see them run off without taking any damage at all. Plus, if someone is going too fast, they appear to warp in and out of sight around the arena.

If you can find a good connection, then it sort of works. It's close enough. On the other hand, if you run into a bad one, don't expect to have any fun.

Edit: ^ That applies to the 360 version. I can't speak for the PS3 people. Monsterman can give you the rundown, there.

thats odd...

i've been playing the 360 version for some time now and i have yet to see lagg...
Mar 17, 2010
The (PS3) online is like a ghost town where every few days, someone comes in and kills you in twelve seconds. It's extremely frustrating, and never pays off. I stay on because I have nothing better to do.


May 30, 2010
I played a match against a few players not too long ago on the 360 AC for answers and there was no lag issues.
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