
And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
If anyone wants to draft what should be put in the OP, I'll consider it. In the meantime, here it is!

Our beloved monsters.... enjoy yourselves. [face_mischief]

EDIT: Here's a poll: if anyone reads this, shoot me an @ tag. I'm just curious. (07/10/13)
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The North Remembers
Dec 20, 2010


Will always be my home.

Solid Snake: Find something to believe in. And find it for yourself. And when you do, pass it on to the future.
Raiden: Believe in what ?
Solid Snake: That's your problem.
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I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
Don't you realize that we have your interest, not ours, in mind? You don't deserve to be free!

Once you have used these boards we will review the necessary data and consider the simulation finished.

Which will it be loyalty to the old boards or loyalty to yourself?

(Insert generic MGS quote here)

Welcome to the new CT everyone! It's time for Jack to let 'er rip!


I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
Once you have used these boards we will review the necessary data and consider the simulation finished.
Oooooh. I like that one.

Just using some conciliatory humor to get the users thinking about how silly it is to view the board moderators as Patriot-like shadowy figures trying to control you.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
@Rooster - She's legal. You just may not be able to tell since the pic is cropped so much. I'm starting to hallucinate just looking at yours.
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A Colloquial Formality
Aug 22, 2004
Now that the board has migrated, I can cease having two tabs open for the boards.


I'm a snake, what else did you expect?
Jul 11, 2007
Here, There, Everywhere
And thus the sun sets on the old MGS board CT...

Let's make sure this one is even better than the last. ~o)

I do miss the old Community Thread but I don't see any reason why this one can't prosper, and perhaps even become better than the original. Let's all post regularly and liven this place up. Here's to 2012 for the MGS Board. [face_peace]

Also I just want to say that the girl in your icon is very beautiful Mortified_Penguin. What anime is she from?


Now that the board has migrated, I can cease having two tabs open for the boards.

LOL, double post. This CT is getting off to a great start.
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And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
Boards Menu -> Your Account -> Preferences. It's the first drop down menu.

Oh snapz, Windows 8 Beta is public. d/l'ing now.
Feb 26, 2004
So what's up people? i haven't been in the boards for a couple of years... things seem different.. anyways.. whats up?


IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
If anyone wants to draft what should be put in the OP, I'll consider it. In the meantime, here it is!

Our beloved monsters.... enjoy yourselves. [face_mischief]
I already did and you deleted it [face_tongue]
Eh? I haven't deleted any posts in this thread... [face_confused]
No the one I made when the old one got locked and dropped off the page a while back.

Btw I found this article hilarious


And then there's MOD
Mar 9, 2004
I already did and you deleted it [face_tongue]
Eh? I haven't deleted any posts in this thread... [face_confused]
No the one I made when the old one got locked and dropped off the page a while back.

Btw I found this article hilarious
I know it may seem ridiculous, but intimacy is an extremely important aspect in a mulit-bedroom home (it has the assumption that there are multiple people with some sort of familiar relationship with one another, very possibly of a romantic nature). Privacy and intimacy in the home is a very basic need of human nature, and it's these types of things we need to design for. If the surroundings fail to realize personal needs, it's a failed piece of architecture.

EDIT: oooooh, snap @ the new Avengers trailer. I've always had my doubts about it, but that trailer actually does look really cool. I loved Iron Man and really enjoyed Captain America, but Thor was only so-so to me and I never even saw the newest Hulk. I thought the ensemble could never work but I'm starting to be swayed a little. Gotta have faith in Joss Whedon!
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IR not supposed to be here
Jan 13, 2001
I know it may seem ridiculous, but intimacy is an extremely important aspect in a mulit-bedroom home (it has the assumption that there are multiple people with some sort of familiar relationship with one another, very possibly of a romantic nature). Privacy and intimacy in the home is a very basic need of human nature, and it's these types of things we need to design for. If the surroundings fail to realize personal needs, it's a failed piece of architecture.
Oh no I know it's just funny to see someone spell it out and then claim that it's unusual to have bedrooms bedrooms with adjoining walls. in my experience no one ever designs around that principle. Even though obviously everyone should.

Look what I got in the mail today. I wont bother trying to image it cause we all know that doesn't work for me.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 8, 2010
Assassins Creed 2 was the epitome of average, but the revelutionary war? That may just be epic enough to warrant a buy.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
I found the second, while offering more polished gameplay than the first, to start the downward turn of gameplay in the series, focusing more on setpieces and dumbing down assassinations. I liked finding out info about my prey before killing them, even though it could've been done better. Now it's just, go here, use Eagle vision, kill 'em. The games are fun, sure, but they aren't as FREAKING AWESOME as some people say, and even though they've improved gameplay as they've gone along, the control scheme has always been terrible, and they add new frustrations for each one.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
Ezio is no Solid Snake, I'll say that much.

Every time the game expects you to sneak traditionally, as in, without a crowd to hide you, it fails miserably, Plus, you can't even crouch to lower enemies visibility of you.
It fails miserably even when there's a crowd. It kind of ruins the immersion for me when you can blend magically with a crowd while guards are actively looking for you, and they don't pay any attention to the guy who's got like FIFTEEN BLADES AND A CROSSBOW STRAPPED TO HIS BACK. It's especially stupid-looking when you have to blend with people in uniform, like the cardinals. Brotherhood and Revelations were marginally better on that front since you occasionally had to use an actual disguise to infiltrate places, but much as I love it, AC sucks stealth-wise.


Oppai Senpai
Apr 13, 2010
Mother Base
Ezio is no Solid Snake, I'll say that much.

Every time the game expects you to sneak traditionally, as in, without a crowd to hide you, it fails miserably, Plus, you can't even crouch to lower enemies visibility of you.
It fails miserably even when there's a crowd. It kind of ruins the immersion for me when you can blend magically with a crowd while guards are actively looking for you, and they don't pay any attention to the guy who's got like FIFTEEN BLADES AND A CROSSBOW STRAPPED TO HIS BACK. It's especially stupid-looking when you have to blend with people in uniform, like the cardinals. Brotherhood and Revelations were marginally better on that front since you occasionally had to use an actual disguise to infiltrate places, but much as I love it, AC sucks stealth-wise.

Indeed. Guards can notice you from across three rooftops, but not right next to you in a crowd, or on a bench. Why? Because you turned gray, that's why. [face_plain]