
No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
Which is the better game? Like TLOU, Uncharted 2 recieved universal acclaim on release and both have very similar metacritic scores.

I chose UC2 over UC3 because while UC3 was also very good it wasn't as good as UC2.

Haven't played TLOU yet but for those who have played both which is the better game and why.


Jan 20, 2013
There both great, but all last week I was playing Uncharted and when I got TLOU I was so use to Nate scaling walls,etc. So naturally I was hoping Jeol can scale a freaking mountain sadly I was wrong xD.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
Are the two games similar in gameplay? I haven't watched much of TLOU so to have it be a surprise.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 13, 2011
Are the two games similar in gameplay? I haven't watched much of TLOU so to have it be a surprise.

They have similar gunplay. Besides that, they are pretty different.

Uncharted is more a run and gun, hide behind cover and massacre the enemy with rains of bullets.

TLOU is a survival game. Supplies are scarce and being strategic is extremely important. Its adds in a lot more stealth and makes you decide the best way to use your resources and skills to survive another day.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
i liked Uncharted... but this game is more for me...

My biggest complaint with uncharted was too much gunplay and not enough exploration..

and while i'm not overly far into the Last of Us.... so far its been a better mix of exploration, story and combat....

Last of Us is more "Adult" in comparison to the Uncharted games.


May 22, 2012
for me the good, and at the same time bad, thing about TLOU is that its not just an Uncharted copy.

I like alot of new elements to the gameplay but I also miss the platforming/climbing, fast paced action of Uncharted.

I guess its good to have two different games than two identical games but I would give the edge to Uncharted 2 since TLOU is a little more slow which can get annoying plus I HATE any game where you have to stop, look around and collect stuff and then upgrade too. Uncharted is just jump in to a crazy action movie which I prefer from my games
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Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
There are many elements that are similar, the QTEs, the set pieces. The gunplay controls the same but the pace is much more deliberate. Guns take longer to recycle so you're not just spraying bullets all over the place. Ammo is limited as well, so you need to make your shots count.

This game is more stealth/survival horror as opposed to Uncharted which is more pure action advnenture.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 3, 2005
How do the graphics compare because at the time UC2 was considered one of the best looking games around. Is this considerably better looking?


Jul 7, 2011
The games can't be compared. It's a matter of taste. If you like survival/ stealth and very realistic gameplay, then TLoU is for you. If you like running and gunning without worrying about ammunition, solving puzzles and being able to jump ridiculous lengths, then go play Uncharted. I fucking love both.
Apr 10, 2009
Both games will go down in history as top notch games. I agree with the OP choosing UC2 over UC3 also.

I really enjoyed both games and have to admit I rarely complete a game more than once. However for these two, I absolutely played through it again (BioShock Infinite as well). As for which is better? Most of the guys explained it pretty well, they're both different styles. I'm getting a little sick of these arcade type shoot um up run and gun then shoot um up some more games. Don't even get me started on COD... but for that reason alone I give the nod to TLoU because its more my style and preference. I love that fact that it takes a while to reload, everything is real time as you craft things so you need to be in a safe spot. I would've even loved it if the weapons jammed every now and then, but these are just my opinions.



Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Games are VERY different in terms of game-play, despite the gun-play being the same.
TLOU is brutal, and more stealth-centric, since you can get by entire levels without having anyone notice.
Also, unlike Nate in Uncharted, Joel isn't able to go fisticuffs with 5 dudes, he needs 2x4's and other melee weapons in order to get by, and even then, its wiser to try and stealth kill guys, taking away the risk of breaking the melee weapon.
You also need to use guerrilla tactics in TLOU. You also do this in Uncharted sometimes, but TLOU really supports this by having you pop in, do some damage, then go back to stealth and kill as many guys as quietly as possible.
I like TLOU better, but the two games are different.
If you want to manage resources and be stealthy, yet brutal, TLOU is for you.
If you want to be like Indiana Jones, by punching out 7 guys, then winning against over-whelming odds with less scarcity in resources, then Uncharted is more up your alley.
Aug 7, 2010
Las Vegas, NV


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
Uncharted gameplay has a slight edge over The Last of Us (melee is more fun and the shooting is intentionally better), but TLOU's story and characters blow UC2's out of the water. The Last of Us is easily the superior game in my eyes.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Uncharted gameplay has a slight edge over The Last of Us (melee is more fun and the shooting is intentionally better), but TLOU's story and characters blow UC2's out of the water. The Last of Us is easily the superior game in my eyes.

Hmm... i don't know about Uncharted's melee combat being more fun... it just feels so satisfying when you throw a brick at some guy, sprint over to him, and then bash in his face with a pipe.... i may need help...
But everything else i agree with you.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
Uncharted gameplay has a slight edge over The Last of Us (melee is more fun and the shooting is intentionally better), but TLOU's story and characters blow UC2's out of the water. The Last of Us is easily the superior game in my eyes.

Hmm... i don't know about Uncharted's melee combat being more fun... it just feels so satisfying when you throw a brick at some guy, sprint over to him, and then bash in his face with a pipe.... i may need help...
But everything else i agree with you.

True, but I was just talking about straight-up brawls. Running up to a guy and punching him out. It's alright in TLOU, but it looks spectacular in U2.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Uncharted gameplay has a slight edge over The Last of Us (melee is more fun and the shooting is intentionally better), but TLOU's story and characters blow UC2's out of the water. The Last of Us is easily the superior game in my eyes.

Hmm... i don't know about Uncharted's melee combat being more fun... it just feels so satisfying when you throw a brick at some guy, sprint over to him, and then bash in his face with a pipe.... i may need help...
But everything else i agree with you.

True, but I was just talking about straight-up brawls. Running up to a guy and punching him out. It's alright in TLOU, but it looks spectacular in U2.

Ah. I see. Then yes, your correct. Like the bar fight in Uncharted 3. I getcha.


Jun 7, 2013
Honestly i loved uncharted series more than anything. Never before a game got so emotional and tied to me when i played it. But we have to keep in mind that the last of us was totally a different direction kind of a game which is gold in its category. As much as most of us love to see nate climbing mountains and having multiple clumsy WTF moments and still survived all the time, the last of us is a total different kind of experience, a darker side of games i would say. Uncharted and TLOU both series are great. Gameplay, graphics, voice acting, cinematic, musical score all is top notch and the best you can ever get in this generation.
Jun 28, 2013
I have to say I like The Last of Us better, the story is more enjoyable in my opinion. Plus I like Joel and Ellie better then drake, but that's not going to stop me from playing the next uncharted. I just prefer The Last of Us and its world.


Jun 27, 2013
I've only played halfway through the first Uncharted, got bored and haven't played it since. Now, The Last of Us, I was kind of excited for its release then I saw the trailer where they showed the infected and I was excited as hell. Pre-ordered the game, got it and loved it more and more every second I played it until the end where I was convinced it is the best game ever made. Now I'm playing through on survival mode and addicted to the multiplayer. I love it oh so much.


May 22, 2012
I've only played halfway through the first Uncharted, got bored and haven't played it since. Now, The Last of Us, I was kind of excited for its release then I saw the trailer where they showed the infected and I was excited as hell. Pre-ordered the game, got it and loved it more and more every second I played it until the end where I was convinced it is the best game ever made. Now I'm playing through on survival mode and addicted to the multiplayer. I love it oh so much.

I played the demo of the first Uncharted and just hated it.........then I played Uncharted 2.....................and it's my favorite game of the generation.
3 is mostly great too but i'd give the edge to 2 for its incredible campaign and great characters throughout. Both have such great MP as well.

Forget about the bad experience with 1 and jump right into 2, you wont regret it.
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Jun 27, 2013
I've only played halfway through the first Uncharted, got bored and haven't played it since. Now, The Last of Us, I was kind of excited for its release then I saw the trailer where they showed the infected and I was excited as hell. Pre-ordered the game, got it and loved it more and more every second I played it until the end where I was convinced it is the best game ever made. Now I'm playing through on survival mode and addicted to the multiplayer. I love it oh so much.

I played the demo of the first Uncharted and just hated it.........then I played Uncharted 2.....................and it's my favorite game of the generation.
3 is mostly great too but i'd give the edge to 2 for its incredible campaign and great characters throughout. Both have such great MP as well.

Forget about the bad experience with 1 and jump right into 2, you wont regret it.

I was actually thinking of doing that, but was worried I'd be missing something. And I might be spoiled by The Last of Us, which is my favorite game...ever :)


May 22, 2012
I've only played halfway through the first Uncharted, got bored and haven't played it since. Now, The Last of Us, I was kind of excited for its release then I saw the trailer where they showed the infected and I was excited as hell. Pre-ordered the game, got it and loved it more and more every second I played it until the end where I was convinced it is the best game ever made. Now I'm playing through on survival mode and addicted to the multiplayer. I love it oh so much.

I played the demo of the first Uncharted and just hated it.........then I played Uncharted 2.....................and it's my favorite game of the generation.
3 is mostly great too but i'd give the edge to 2 for its incredible campaign and great characters throughout. Both have such great MP as well.

Forget about the bad experience with 1 and jump right into 2, you wont regret it.

I was actually thinking of doing that, but was worried I'd be missing something. And I might be spoiled by The Last of Us, which is my favorite game...ever :)

I thought that too but every Uncharted game is its own standalone story like a James Bond movie. I played 2 and then 1, and then 3 and nothing felt out of place. The only thing you need to know from 1 is Drake met Elena and they got together at the end. Now you're ready to play ; )


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Personally I dont like this game at all. I dont like how restrictive your movement is, you only truly get like one route you have to go through, where in uncharted you can move around a lot more, and frankly not a fan of the severe low amount of supplies you get, just makes the game tedious. I hate the stupid annoying enemies, every single fucking scene is you doing the same thing over and over, sneak around clickers which ruined the game for me personally I'm tired of my team mates bumping into the enemy making everything attack me all at once, the clickers are the worst of all though they are one of those annoying enemies that can kill you in on shot, can take a ton of bullets for some reason and run around even though they are blind.

Idk just not liking the game right now, I liked uncharted 2 a lot more, I actually played that till I beated it yet this one I have to work hard to get myself to play it. Not worth the purchase in my opinion, I prefer games with some form of nice humor which uncharted did great in. Uncharted 3 for some reason did not repeat the success of the second game, I never did beat it, got tired of annoying areas that had you doing the same thing over and over.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Personally I dont like this game at all. I dont like how restrictive your movement is, you only truly get like one route you have to go through, where in uncharted you can move around a lot more, and frankly not a fan of the severe low amount of supplies you get, just makes the game tedious. I hate the stupid annoying enemies, every single fucking scene is you doing the same thing over and over, sneak around clickers which ruined the game for me personally I'm tired of my team mates bumping into the enemy making everything attack me all at once, the clickers are the worst of all though they are one of those annoying enemies that can kill you in on shot, can take a ton of bullets for some reason and run around even though they are blind.

Idk just not liking the game right now, I liked uncharted 2 a lot more, I actually played that till I beated it yet this one I have to work hard to get myself to play it. Not worth the purchase in my opinion, I prefer games with some form of nice humor which uncharted did great in. Uncharted 3 for some reason did not repeat the success of the second game, I never did beat it, got tired of annoying areas that had you doing the same thing over and over.

"team mates bumping into the enemy making everything attack me all at once"?
I don't understand this at all,
i'm almost 100% sure that the enemy CANNOT detect allies when you're sneaking around.
I'm not trying to even act like a douche, i'm generally curious on what you mean by this.


May 22, 2012
Personally I dont like this game at all. I dont like how restrictive your movement is, you only truly get like one route you have to go through, where in uncharted you can move around a lot more, and frankly not a fan of the severe low amount of supplies you get, just makes the game tedious. I hate the stupid annoying enemies, every single fucking scene is you doing the same thing over and over, sneak around clickers which ruined the game for me personally I'm tired of my team mates bumping into the enemy making everything attack me all at once, the clickers are the worst of all though they are one of those annoying enemies that can kill you in on shot, can take a ton of bullets for some reason and run around even though they are blind.

Idk just not liking the game right now, I liked uncharted 2 a lot more, I actually played that till I beated it yet this one I have to work hard to get myself to play it. Not worth the purchase in my opinion, I prefer games with some form of nice humor which uncharted did great in. Uncharted 3 for some reason did not repeat the success of the second game, I never did beat it, got tired of annoying areas that had you doing the same thing over and over.

"team mates bumping into the enemy making everything attack me all at once"?
I don't understand this at all,
i'm almost 100% sure that the enemy CANNOT detect allies when you're sneaking around.
I'm not trying to even act like a douche, i'm generally curious on what you mean by this.

I think that's one of the biggest catch 22's of the game though....

When i'm sneaking around with Ellie going into cover and she's still running behind me right in front of a guard they act like she's not there!

But if the guard DID notice her and started alerting everyone I would be pissed off the A.I. ruined the stealth for me.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 12, 2013
die Staaten
Personally I dont like this game at all. I dont like how restrictive your movement is, you only truly get like one route you have to go through, where in uncharted you can move around a lot more, and frankly not a fan of the severe low amount of supplies you get, just makes the game tedious. I hate the stupid annoying enemies, every single fucking scene is you doing the same thing over and over, sneak around clickers which ruined the game for me personally I'm tired of my team mates bumping into the enemy making everything attack me all at once, the clickers are the worst of all though they are one of those annoying enemies that can kill you in on shot, can take a ton of bullets for some reason and run around even though they are blind.

Idk just not liking the game right now, I liked uncharted 2 a lot more, I actually played that till I beated it yet this one I have to work hard to get myself to play it. Not worth the purchase in my opinion, I prefer games with some form of nice humor which uncharted did great in. Uncharted 3 for some reason did not repeat the success of the second game, I never did beat it, got tired of annoying areas that had you doing the same thing over and over.

"team mates bumping into the enemy making everything attack me all at once"?
I don't understand this at all,
i'm almost 100% sure that the enemy CANNOT detect allies when you're sneaking around.
I'm not trying to even act like a douche, i'm generally curious on what you mean by this.

I think that's one of the biggest catch 22's of the game though....

When i'm sneaking around with Ellie going into cover and she's still running behind me right in front of a guard they act like she's not there!

But if the guard DID notice her and started alerting everyone I would be pissed off the A.I. ruined the stealth for me.

Yeah, it is pretty stupid and immersive breaking seeing fat-ass Bill run around like an idiot, with Ellie right behind him. I swear, i could hear him from a mile away, and yet, the infected SOMEHOW didn't. lol
BUT! I'd much rather have them be non-existant to enemy AI when sneaking around, just the same as you.
I mean, that would be annoying as hell, hoping to god that the allies' AI doesn't screw you over at all.


Jul 15, 2013
Uncharted gameplay has a slight edge over The Last of Us (melee is more fun and the shooting is intentionally better), but TLOU's story and characters blow UC2's out of the water. The Last of Us is easily the superior game in my eyes.

Uncharted series was my first introduction to PS3 (actually pretty much to this generation's gaming console), and I still love this series and Nathan Drake to bits. That said, the overall quality, the gameplay working with the story and having dynamic characters that actually go through character arc throughout the story, and the overarching theme of what it says (or doesn't say) about who we are? And how it makes you fear for the characters even though you know you can make them come alive again? TLOU is easily superior. It's easily superior to pretty much everything else I've played.
Feb 11, 2010
Two things. First, Uncharted 2 is not better then Uncharted 3. The only reason fans tend to lean more towards Uncharted 2 is that there were all these big, noticeable changes that made the game way better. However, Uncharted 3 is the better game simply because it took that successful formula and perfected it, as well as avoiding falling into the same niches such as inclusion of creatures towards the climax of the game. So, even if it wasn't quite so in your face at the moment, Uncharted 3 was the better game. Now, as for TLOU vs Uncharted 2, the whole argument is ridiculous because, as with every other Naughty Dog series, TLOU is totally different than any other Naughty Dog game. If all you want to do is run around slaughtering a massive amount of people to be greeted by a witty one liner at the end of it all, Uncharted is for you. As for TLOU, if you want a dark, emotional story with a big emphasis on strategy, exploration, and stealth, as well as crafting, TLOU is for you. Don't get me wrong, I adore all Naughty Dog games, but I prefer TLOU because while Uncharted feels like the action movie it is designed to be, TLOU feels like the dark, realistic pandemic its set out to be where you have to think about everything. Also, bonus to TLOU for having, yes I'm agreeing with the tweet from one of the developers, the best multiplayer ever conceived. Yes, Uncharted's multiplayer was great, but the problem was that it was just like every other multiplayer. The only reason to play it is to kill more guys. However, TLOU has an ingenious multiplayer because it gives you reason to play with a very loose, nondescript story. Basically, you get supplies for getting parts and killing players. These supplies are used to take care of your clan, and if you have extra supplies, attract new clan members. You have to keep this clan alive for twelve weeks, 84 matches. Also, the generic missions Call of Duty introduced are now improved as they are given a reason. You have to complete missions within three days of the announcement of a looming Firefly clan of dysentery outbreak to improve the training of your clan to fight off the attackers or get antibiotics for the outbreak.This suddenly means you have a reason to try and complete the mission, because if you don't, it could very well mean the end of your clan. It also means that you no longer just blow off a bad match. A bad match means your clan is in a bad spot and you really need the next match to count to get your clan back in the clear. And then you get your clan back together when your having fun. This creates a never ending formula which keeps you involved in the multiplayer and wanting to play. Again, however, this is really just more strategy, so it still comes down to a matter of opinion.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
I prefer the mixture of stealth, strategy and action in TLoU than the straight up melee or shooting action in Uncharted. The stealth aspects of the game were done much better in TLoU IMHO.


Aug 24, 2012
I went back and forth with both games, and The Last of Us is so much nicer to play. Uncharted is much more run-and-gun IMO.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
All of the Uncharted games are run-and-gun, not just UC 2. In the end, it comes down to what style of game you like better. If you like steal and strategy, TLoU is better and if you like pure action Uncharted 2 is better.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
All of the Uncharted games are run-and-gun, not just UC 2. In the end, it comes down to what style of game you like better. If you like steal and strategy, TLoU is better and if you like pure action Uncharted 2 is better.

I still think Uncharted 1 and 3 are brilliant and need some respect. 2 was great but so were the other two IMO.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Agreed, but the comparison to Uncharted 2 is made because TLoU was made by the same ND Development team that worked on UC 2. That's my take anyway.
Sep 6, 2013
It's true, TLOU and Uncharted 2 are two very different games for both story and gameplay. It's difficult to compare them, but in terms of story, The Last of us may be less compelling on paper since U2 is much more plot orriented and features antagonism as well as twists changing the overall plot of the story. However, TLOU focusses more on character developement then a detailed plot. A plot similar to U2 caould pottentially harm the games, apprehensive design. The key is how the story is executed and conveyed. Although U2 (and all of the uncharted games) do an incredible job of telling a complicated and constraining story, it is evident that Noughty Dog has learned a lot about story telling since then. They reveal TLOU story in an incredibly smooth fashion creating an extreemly emotional character growth between two protagonists. Summed up, the game is pretty much just two characters that go through shit, but it is arguably the most compelling peice they have ever produced simply because of how it is told. Atmosphere in my oppinion plays a huge role in the success of a videogame. Without an intuiging atmosphere, there is nothing to suck the player in. Both games create an incredible atmosphere, different, but great. Both display exceptional soundtracks voice acting, visuals and attention to detail to convey the appropriate emotions. In terms of gameplay, U2 does a great job with improving on what the first Uncharted started, in general it is just grander in scope: More weapon variety, more advanced stealth sequences, more choices on how to take on a battle, improved hand to hand combat, smoother shooting, ect. I did find however that battle in U2 did start to feel repetative and grew somewhat stale towards the end. It did improve greatly on the first Uncharted's reppetition, but I still noticed it. TLOU however changed things up a bit. battles are much more tense: Little things like when Joel takes a deep breathe while turning the corner to aim his gun, fumbling against the wall when taking cover, plus other additions to the combat. The AI comunicates with each other and they feel alive which is very rare in a videogame. Theydo things like split up to find you, hide behind corners to suprise attack you, lose tack of you and begin to panick when you run behind cover, and beg for mercy when you have contol. This realism ties in with themes involving the game about the horrors of having to kill for survival.(not the most prevalant theme, but still there). In addition, You are also faced with the task of fending off the infected. This is a perfect addition to the game because once you even start getting used to fending off people the game switches you to fighting infected which involves completely different game tacticts which results in nothing growing stale. In the end it's hard to say what game is better... even after all of that. They are both fantastic for what they are supposed to be. both games inovated in there own ways and have cleared pathes for other developers to fill in. If I had to chosse, I would say that TLOU might be the better game (Although this is probably because I just recently beat it). But ultamately it is just a matter of oppinion.