
John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Cloaked Figure: Now, my faithful minion! Kidnap *whispers*

Minion: Yes, Master! That Pikmin will go down!

A random beggining, wouldn't you say? The Minion leaves the strange hideout.


A monster is advancing forward to Red.

Blue(Narrating): And tragically, the monster ate him.

The "monster" attempts to eat him, but can't. One of the Pikmin inside the costume, grab Red's hand and pull him in. The curtains close, then open again.

White: Proffessor Yellow! Isn't there something we can do?

Prof. Yellow: I'm afraid not. But--wait! I remember a book saying the Great One would tell how to kill the Monster! Follow me, boys!

White and Bulb follow "Professor Yellow".

Blue: And that's all for today, folks. Will Orange escape the Monster's dungeon? Will White and Bulb find the "Great One" and destroy the monster? Find out next time, folks!

An audience of Bulborbs and Owls are clapping their "hands".

Blue: Now, out of ransom, will play a catchy tune!

White: *Pushes a record on stage and turns it on* :D

Audience: ......

Later that day....

Blue: My voice is croaking...

Frog: Croak..ribbit..etc.

Blue: voice is becoming horse...

Horse: Nehehehehe.

Blue: Arg, my point is, I can't do this narrating anymore, Orange.

Orange: Well, we'll have to find someone, then. The Light Pikmin left weeks ago(except for White).

Yellow: Let's see...Orange, Red, Me, White and Bulb are all playing in the play. Oh! Purple could narrate!

Red: Purple died, remember?

Yellow: Oh, that's right! We can't create any plot holes, so we couldn't switch with anyone.

Red: We've been vacating on this "island" long enough. I say it's time to go back home.

Blue: Er..the play? We were just talking about it.

Red: My point was, we could find someone at home to replace Blue!

White: Excellent suggestion.

Does this contribute to the plot of the story at all? Maybe not. After all, it's just a play. And we still don't know anything about those two guys from the beggining. Anyway...

*Monty Python and the Holy Grail Theme Music plays*

A new Pikmin color comes to the Pikmin's cabin on a horse. He knocks on the door.

Orange: I'll get it..Hello?

Green: I am Green! I have heard you have been in need of a new narrator for your play!

Orange: We do. Are you willing?

Green: Of course! I came all the way here on a horse!

Orange: Well, okay.

Minion: *Up on tree* Now, to kidnap that Pikmin...

Green: Orly, that tree over there is annoying me! Why don't you go knock it over!

Orly(The Horse): *Nods*

Orly walks over to the tree that the Minion happens to be in, and is constantly bumping into it.

Orange: Er..I don't think your horse will be able to do that anytime soon.

Green: You're quite right. Orly, you may stop now!

Orly: *Nods* *Stops*

Minion: (Darn horse..whoa...) *Falls out of tree, but manages to be unnoticed*

Orly sits over by the cabin, as Green shuts the door.

Minion: Now, to get that Pikmin...

Orly: *Notices the Minion* Neheheehheeheheheheheehheheehh! Nehehehehehehehehe!

Minion: Crap...

Orly chases the Minion. Inside...

The Pikmin are discussing the play. They don't notice the strange guy being chased by the horse outside, even though he's yelling(there's a window).

Green: A rather long, list of lines! I like it! I'll get memorzing right away!

Blue: Now, I can quit talking for a while.


Minion: *Chased up house* How did I manage to get up here? Oh well, there's a chimney!


Red: I think I'll start a fire.

Orange: Er..go ahead, then. I guess.

Red: *Lights matches and starts fire in fire place*

Minion: *Climbing down* Crap! *Cough* *Falls down* AAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Red: Whoa.

Blue: *Gets a bowl of water and puts out fire.

Minion: No! I've been caught! Darn it, darn it, darn it! *Runs over to light switch and turns lights off*

Screaming is heard. A light is seen as the door opens, and the Minion is seen running off with Red, tied up.

Orange: Idiot. *Turns Light on*

Nov 24, 2005
What are you talking about?!

Red's acually the BEST for lighting a match, he's got a resistance to fire!
Nov 24, 2005
I'm with blackflame...

Another chapter of THIS fanfic axem. I know you have all those other ones with the n00bs and palpatine and crazy zebras out there too...


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Orange: You know, I really think this should be called the "Adventure of Pikmin". It has hardly anything to do with me.

Blue: Well, you have a lot of lines.

The Pikmin had been on their search for about 2 hours now.

Red: When we rescue Red, this will all be over.

Yellow: Maybe. What about the suspicious kidnapper, though?

Green: HALT!

Green turns Orly around.

Green: RED just said it would be over when RED was rescued!

Pikmin: GASP.

Red: You..arg. No!

"Red" ran.

Green: Capture this imposter!

The Pikmin chased down "Red". Being on a horse, Green managed to catch him.

Green: Now, imposter, I would like to know you're business pretending to be Red.

Yellow: could just be another Red, you know.

Orange: In this story, there's only one of each color.

Yellow: That's right... #-o

Green: Speak, imposter!

"Red": Heh. I am a special Pikmin that has mastered the ability of disguise. You won't have me captured long. I'm working for someone, and that's all you're going to know!

"Red" hops up high and runs off.

White: .....

Bulb: Okay?

Pikmin: No!

Bulb: I was kidding. [face_tired]

Green: We can not joke around like this. We must continue our search.

Orange: That's right.

Green: Was that a neccesary comment?

Orange: No, I guess.

Green: Good! Let us go.

Orange: *Whispering to Blue* I think he thinks he's in charge.

Blue: Yeah....
Nov 24, 2005
So the dark pikmin are not in here (dead)
Light pikmin left...
Purple died...

so theres Orly, the pikmin, and a green pikmin!


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
??? 7: Have them on target! And remember to never reveal our names!

??? 8: Very well. I will strike Green, first.

??? 7: Whatever, just kill them off!


The Pik-Group is traveling through a forest.

Blue: Orly smells...bad!

Green: It takes a while to get used to a horse smell.

Blue: [face_sick]

Orange: This could take forever.

Green: Well, Orange, do you happen to have a better suggestion?

Orange: YES, I do! All of us Pikmin carry a detector.

Green: Where?

Yellow: It's located at the--

Several minutes later, possibly hours.

Blue: I guess the author couldn't think of anything.

Orange: And I've been carrying this tracer. We can find Red easily with it!

Green: Why didn't you say this before?

Orange: I didn't think to do it.

Others: [face_rolling_eyes]


Minion: I have brought you the Red Pikmin, sir.

Cloaked Figure: Gooood.

Red: Ha. I won't be here long *remembers detector and tracer* .

Cloaked Figure: That, my friend, is not for you to deside.

Minion: Are you ready for it, sir?

Cloaked Figure: Yes.

Red: Ready for what?


Orange: Look! He's over there in that...castle. [face_plain]

Green: Excellent! I'm good with these.

Others: [face_plain]

The 7 headed toward the castle.

Up in a tree...

??? 8: Now is my chance!

??? 8 drops down with a sword in front of Green.

Green: Halt!

??? 8 is wearing a cloak, keeping him from being identified.

??? 8: I'll be disposing of all of you!

Pikmin: ......

Green: En gaurde! *Takes out sword*

Yellow: Where did he get that?

Green and ??? 8 begin to duel. After a couple of minutes, it gets boring and Orange tosses a rock at ??? 8.

??? 8: *Barely dodges it* Hey! That's it. We'll meet again! YARLY, come here now!

A darker looking version of Orly comes. ??? 8 hops on the horse, and flees.

Green: We must chase!

Yellow: Too late. He's out of sight.

Green: *Sigh* Orange, WHY did you toss that rock? The fight was fun!

Blue: It was getting better.

Orange: It wasn't going anywhere. We have a Pikmin to save!

They began to continue.

White: Hey, Green. You are a Neautral Pikmin, right?

Green: I believe so. *Doesn't get the question*

White: And did that cloaked guy say his horse's name was "Yarly"?

Green: Yes! *Not catching on*

White: Very suspicious. I might know who it is.

Green: *Did not hear White*


Minion: Master, they're coming!

Red: Told ya!

Minion: And worse, the transferring machine isn't ready!

Cloaked Figure: Drat. We'll have to move it way back. Is Turbo-Legs ready?

Minion: Yes!

Cloaked Figure: When they come, unleash TURBO-LEGS! Muhahahahahahahahahaha!

Minion: Yes, master!

Nov 24, 2005
Ready and loaded full of ammo!

Did I say that? I ment care! For your story! *cough*

I choked on the huge dose of care.

Okay, I'm ready now.

Kyle is right. We're all ready
Nov 24, 2005
I think Green is cool, he has ORLY, and um... I think the cloked figure is a dark version of green cause he got YARLY which I think is... an evil version of ORLY but then what would the light version of ORLY be?
Nov 24, 2005
acually they are horse names...

wait, GREEN pikmin and HORSES....

Something seems all too familiar here....

I sense a plot twist...


I Like Chicken.
Jul 25, 2004
It's Axemblue's ideas...

this story is in his hands...

When is the next chapter?

when kyle asks TM.

Nov 24, 2005
Yes, they are his ideas.

It is in his hands.

Sometime tomorrow?

Its TM'd!

Why did he kidnap RED... why is green the only one with a horse...


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies
Yellow: What are your pik-abilities, Green?

Green: I can duel.

Yellow: [face_plain]

Bulb: Anything else?

Orange: I can safely walk across spikes.

All(except for Green): [face_plain] I thought you could survive being blown away.

Orange: I thought I was too, but the other day-

Green: I can ride horses, duel, sense enemies and survive gun shots.

White: Wow.

Red: Well, let's get in.

Green: You! *Points sword to "Red"*

"Red": Yup. I'm still spying. lol. I can say, you can either turn back or face a horrible death, or turn back. Of course, from what I heard about Green just now...

Green: What type of Pikmin are must be dark. But what color?

"Red": Nope, I'm not dark. You'll find out in good time! *Leaps over to the castle*

Blue: Well...I feel like we just missed our chance to do something [face_thinking] .

Green: We missed our chance to see if it was light or neutral.

White: Something about it...reminds me of something.

The 6 Pikmin(and 1 horse) reached the entrance of the castle.

Green: The castle door says "All who come, obviously want death." [face_plain]

Blue: How do we open i-

Orange tosses a rock at it and it..breaks.

Blue: -well, my question has been answered.

Green: That was a very weak door. We could have done that by hitting it hard. But don't misjudge the strength of the castle walls.

The 7(that includes the horse) go in.

--MEANWHILE, way back somewhere in the castle

Minion: My 5 work-bots are doing the best they can to get the transferring machine ready.

Cloaked Figure: Yes. Now, while we deal with that, go unleash Turbo-Legs. I sense they have arrived.

Minion: Yes, master.

The minion ran off.

--A few rooms into the castle--

Yellow: A strange arena this is. It's circular.

Green: I sense danger. Leave Orly.

Orly went to wait outside of the castle.

Blue: Hey, what if someone kidnaps him!

Green: What would somebody want with a horse?

Blue: I don't know--a ride?

Minion: Ha ha ha ha! *Is up on a ledge sticking out the wall*

Orange: The kidnapper!

Minion: Quite right. I see you have found us. Well, you'll have to deal with THIS.

The wall opens up and a silver, less-rusty looking, bigger, Man-at-Legs lands.

All: ......

Minion: This is 'bot will devour you all! Go, Turbo-Legs!

Four blasters come out from below Turbo-Legs. Turbo-Legs begins to constantly shoot everywhere.

Orange: Careful, everyone! *Barley misses getting shot*

The Turbo-Legs sends out a red light out of each blaster. It locks on to Orange, Blue, Yellow and Green and fires. Orange, Blue and Yellow escape the shots but Green has no need to, since he can survive shots.

Minion: NOOOOO! Why did one have to survive shots?

Green races forward and climbs up a leg of Turbo-Legs and gets out a sword.

Bulb: Where did he get that?

White: I wonder the same thing.

Green begins to cut through wires keeping the leg attatched. Soon, the leg falls and the Turbo-Legs is just barely standing.

Minion: Gah.

Green climbs up another leg and onto the head. He sticks his sword through the head, swiftly takes it out and jumps off, fleeing to the corner. The Turbo-Legs explodes, leaving chard pieces of it and sparks and embers everywhere.

Minion: I feel like I wasted my time making that.

The minion fled.

Green: Advancing on....

7 entered the next room.

Red: Well, let's keep goi-

Green kicked "Red" down and put the sword to his neck.

"Red": Heh heh.

Blue, Yellow and Bulb held "Red" down.

Orange: Show yourself.

White: ......!

"Red": Very well.

The false Red's disguise faded.


??? 8: There's no point in disguising our selves. Everyone knows who we are.

??? 7: Oh, fine!

Dark Green: When should I strike again?

Dark Orange: WE will attack, this time! You failed before.

Dark Green: Yes, yes. I know.
Nov 24, 2005
Cloaked Figure: Yes. Now, while we deal with that, go unleash Turbo-Legs. I sense they have arrived.

He either is a sith... or dark green, I was thinking about, since green had sensing powers, but in the last part, cloaked is dark green was proved wrong.

Did you read my fanfic?


I Like Chicken.
Jul 25, 2004
Awsome job,I really wanna know who "Red" is.

When is the next chapter?

When Kyle asks TM.


John Locke told me I needed to stay.
Sep 28, 2003
Confirmed. Sending supplies is the next chapter!

Cloaked Figure is reading a book.

Cloaked Figure: Drat! The book says "Fire, Water, Electricity and Poison Gas!" That means you have to kidnap Yellow, Blue and White as well!


The false Red's disguise faded revealing a.....Silver Pikmin.

All(except White): SILVER??

Silver: Yup.

White: *Gets flash-back*


Gray: I can't use powers..I'm just a hopeless Dark Pikmin.

Wine: Keep trying! FOCUS!

Wine walks off as Gray shoots beams of...gray at White. Weird reactions start happening.

Wine walks back.

Wine: Gray..heh heh. It should be dark or something.

Wine kicks Gray.

Gray: I used powers!

Wine: Yes, but it was...Gray. I don't want you using powers anymore, I must study why yours was gray.

Suddenly, a burst of light comes off of White(the two don't notice). White sees a glimpse of something Silver running off.


Silver: Being a Neutral Pikmin, and not very smart, Gray, hitting White with the beam of grayness, created me. Weird logic, yes.

White: I knew it...

Silver: Well, now you've seen my true form. Now, I must go.

Silver hops away.

Orange: ....Wow.....


Cloaked Figure: We can use the transferring device until we have White, Yellow and Blue.

Minion: Yes, master.

Silver came in.

Silver: Hey, I just showed them my true form.

Cloaked Figure: Erm..that's nice. We need White, Yellow and Blue. Kidnap, Silver!

Silver: Riiiight.


Dark Green rides on Yarly with Dark Orange following behind.

Dark Green: We have to go into this castle.

Dark Orange: Ug.

Orly: Nehehehehehe!

Dark Green: Crap!

Orly chases Dark Green(who is on Yarly) and Dark Orange.


The group enters a large room filled with....Red Bulborbs. Sleeping ones.

Orange: Good thing we signed a treaty...or whatever it was.

Green: I sense betrayal in these Bulborbs. Be careful of them. Don't wake them up.

While they are moving quietly through the room, Blue sees something somewhere and goes to see what it is.

Orange: Careful, now.

Bulb: These guys are cannibals.

Yellow: To you.

Blue wanders back to the group.

Soon, one of them picks up a rock and(here we go again...) throws it at a sleeping Red Bulborb. It wakes up.

Red Bulborb: Roooar.

Orange: Gack..who threw that?

The others wake up from it's roar.

White: Great...


Dark Green: Hey, Dark Orange. Jumping off of Yarly was a good strategy. Now, Orly will just keep chasing Yarly in circles around the castle. Ha ha.

Dark Orange: Let's sneak in through one of these windows.

Dark Orange and Dark Green sneak into the castle through one of the windows.


Green gets out his sword.

Green: Halt!

The Red Bulborb continues to go toward them. Blue scurries off, unnoticed.

Green begins swiping the sword through the air, hoping to frighten the Red Bulborb. Then, from no where, a rock hits Green's hand and Green drops the sword.

Green: Who threw that?


Dark Orange: Now we're here, let's see what all this racket is coming from behind this door...*opens it*

Dark Green: Eek.


Blue scurries back over to the group. The Bulborbs notice the two dark pikmin with the door open and rush over to it. Green grabs his sword and the 6 advance to the next room, swiftly.


Dark Green: AAAAAAH.

Dark Green slams the door closed as several Bulborbs begin to push it open. The two Dark Pikmin run and end up in a circular room.

They noticed the destroyed Turbo-Legs with chard pieces of it everywhere.

Dark Green and Dark Orange: AAAAAAAAAAH!

The began to run.


Green is holding his sword, prepared to slash at anything that attacks. Then, a metal object comes from the ceiling and grabs the sword. Green pulls, trying to keep it.

Yellow notices electricty coming down the metal object and pulls Green away then grabs it. The electricity do
Nov 24, 2005
So "red" is really silver who was created when grey hit white with a blast...

isn't grey a neutral to white and black? why is he dark?