Jun 12, 2006
Are there any good Star Wars era/series or book that take events between "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens"?

Recommend me some.

PS. Any book that take events long before (5,000 - 5 years before) "A New Hope" is okay. ;)


Jun 27, 2002
Cabby's Mom's House
The problem is there are dozens and dozens of books but none of them are canon anymore because The Force Awakens is an entirely new story. So any of those books you read are not going to be in any way related to TFA.

Of the half dozen new canon books that are released I have heard good things about Aftermath by Chuck Wendig and Lost Star by Claudia Grey. I know Aftermath takes place directly after Return of the Jedi. I am not sure about Lost Star. I have not read either personally.
Jun 12, 2006
The problem is there are dozens and dozens of books but none of them are canon anymore because The Force Awakens is an entirely new story. So any of those books you read are not going to be in any way related to TFA.

Of the half dozen new canon books that are released I have heard good things about Aftermath by Chuck Wendig and Lost Star by Claudia Grey. I know Aftermath takes place directly after Return of the Jedi. I am not sure about Lost Star. I have not read either personally.
I've heard "Aftermath" was sh*t. According to Amazon and Barnes & Noble reviews, the owners said it's poorly written and not worth reading, so I have nothing to say more about worst Star Wars novel.

I've also heard a lot of good things about "Lost Star" though.
Nov 27, 2012
Aftermath is horrible and a waste of time as it seems to set up more book purchases for the three book story arc.

That said Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire trilogy is great (unfortunately it is no longer canon).


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
Read the Darth Bane Series..... moves the sith towards the rule of two we all know from the movies..

then Darth Plagious (sp??)... he was The Emperors Master... and the one who put most of the events in the star wars universe into motion..


Loyal Grimleal
May 17, 2013
Of the new canon, Tarkin is a fairly decent read.

I haven't read anything that's quite on the top-tier EU's level just yet. Here's hoping Zahn writes something for it.



Apr 23, 2014
My favorite is the Bounty Hunter Wars books. There are 3 parts and it focuses on the bounty hunters over the primary characters from the movies.


Prime Member
Jul 28, 2010
The Thawn Trilogy is great...pretty much if you see Timothy Zahn on the title of a Star Wars book...your in for a good time
Also I enjoyed the Old Republic Books and Star Wars: A New Hope — The Princess, The Scoundrel, and The Farm Boy is a great retelling of episode 4 with some good behind the scenes kinda scenes


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 4, 2018
Are there any good Star Wars era/series or book that take events between "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens"?

Recommend me some.

PS. Any book that take events long before (5,000 - 5 years before) "A New Hope" is okay. ;)

If you're willing to go to the old expanded universe i can recommend some of the most amazing SW stories you can find.

New Jedi Order is a pretty solid series, it has its up's and down's. Either this read that series or get a good summary of it and then read possibly the best SW saga outside of the OT, Legacy of the Force.
When you combine the two you find it to be the story of Anakin done properly. Legacy of the Force is, IMO, the single best SW series you'll find.

The Bane trilogy is amazing.

Revan is great but the other KOTOR novels i'd skip.

Crucible is really good, but you'd have to read the Fate of the Jedi series first.

If you want current canon material... meh... Aftermath series is solid, Tarkin is very good, Dark Lords of the Sith is very good, Thrawn is great, some of the comics are good as well.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 4, 2018
Aftermath is horrible and a waste of time as it seems to set up more book purchases for the three book story arc.

I've heard "Aftermath" was sh*t. According to Amazon and Barnes & Noble reviews, the owners said it's poorly written and not worth reading, so I have nothing to say more about worst Star Wars novel.

I've also heard a lot of good things about "Lost Star" though.

Here's the thing with the Aftermath series.
I tried reading the first one and stopped about a quarter of the way through. But a friend of mine told me he did the same thing and then got an audiobook of it and it was better. I ended up doing this and i will confirm they work sooooo much better as audiobooks. The way they are written is poor if you're trying to sit down and read the novels, but its perfect for the audiobook format.

Lost Stars is really good. I wouldnt recommend it to OP because it seems like he has not dove too far into SW canon or old EU, so im betting he would rather the material feel like SW. Lost Stars does feel like SW but not too much.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jan 4, 2018
The Thawn Trilogy is great...pretty much if you see Timothy Zahn on the title of a Star Wars book...your in for a good time

The Thrawn trilogy was great, IMO Dark Empire was better. If you know the clash here, you'll know what im talking about.

But Zahn is overrated as a SW author. The Thrawn Trilogy he nailed, but after that he never did anything really great. The duology of Specter of the Past and visions of the future, was okay. He seemed to be milking Thrawn at that point. Survivors Quest and Outbound Flight are worthy reads but nothing great. Scoundrels was really bad IMO. The only other great book he did after the trilogy was Choices of One. Which was the backstory for Mara Jade.

The new Thrawn was fantastic as well and the upcoming Thrawn: Alliances looks pretty good.

I could be missing a book or two but i think i covered most of his SW novels.

Also I enjoyed the Old Republic Books and Star Wars: A New Hope — The Princess, The Scoundrel, and The Farm Boy is a great retelling of episode 4 with some good behind the scenes kinda scenes

So, ive read nearly every single SW novel and comic out there but for some reason i cant bring myself to read those rewrites of the OT..... errr, retellings or alternate tellings.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 4, 2018
Of the half dozen new canon books that are released I have heard good things about Aftermath by Chuck Wendig and Lost Star by Claudia Grey. I know Aftermath takes place directly after Return of the Jedi. I am not sure about Lost Star. I have not read either personally.

Aftermath is a great audiobook series, but a poor read.

Lost Stars is great.

Tarkin is great.

Dark Lords of the Sith is great.

The first Battlefront novel is okay, but there's some must read parts that center around Vader and the Emperor.

Oh i forgot, Dark Disciple is REALLY good and one of the few new prequel trilogy era stories.

Bloodline and Heir to the Jedi are both written very well, not exactly page turners but are good reads for SW fans.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 30, 2004
Best Star Wars novels are still the older stuff anyway. Period.

Darth Bane Trilogy
Yoda Dark Rhendevou whatever its called
Dark Disciple
Labrynth of Evil
Dark Lord Rise of Darth Vader
Splinter of the Minds Eye
Shadows of the Empire
Truce at Bakura
Courtship of Princess Leia
Heir of the Empire Trilogy
all of the X Wing novels
New Jedi Order books
Fate of the Jedi


No Longer a Noob
Jan 30, 2004
the best Star Wars novels are the older stuff. Period. They're still canon.

End of discussion