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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]South Park: "Margaritaville" Review[/link]
by Travis Fickett

"Margaritaville" is not, as a whole, a great episode of South Park. But it does what a lot of South Park has managed to do - it captures a moment in America as perfectly as possible with brilliant satire. So while there is greatness here, the sum is a bit less than the parts. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Sep 29, 2005
This was a pretty good episode. The 8.0 fits with how I felt about it.

I was cracking up at the "They took our jobs" bit again, and the chicken with kazoo music was awesome, but some of the show did fall a little flat. I also busted up when Kyle says, "if any of you have not spent, then cast the first squirrel," and that guy pegs him in the face with one.


Oct 2, 2008
better than last week's ep, but still not destined for classic status. "overly familiar" territory indeed.


Aug 11, 2006
I liked this episode, but I feel the show has to change. South Park has had too much focus on recent events and pop culture. Look at the last three episodes: Jonas Bros, superhero movies, and economic crisis. What happened to the insane stories about the crazy residents of South Park?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
i thought it was about to pick steam when cartman showed up in the communtiy center meeting asking "did someone say catch a jew?" (classic) but then they never really never went anywhere with that. stans plot line had me laughing pretty good. and a nice healthy dose of randy was thrown in for good measure

i liked it. didnt love it. but liked it.

sp just needs to go back to doing stories about the boys in school and better utilize their secondary characters like Mackey and Garrison. not saying this is a bad thing but it's gone from charming timeless tales of adolesence to a commentary on the current state of the world which often dates itself. will it ever go back?


Mar 9, 2009
You would've thought Cartman could actually find a reason to be antisemitic and blame Kyle for the financial crisis like the fact that Bernard Madoff was Jewish but I'm surprised that Matt and Trey didn't go down that route.
Oct 22, 2008
hilarious...i havent laughed out loud at a south park episode in a while, but this season has delivered some hits already.

I really do enjoy when the satirize pop culture.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Southpark is great but I agree, they have kinda sold out with these takes on current events and media. They need to get back to the roots! Mr Hankey and Towelie!
Apr 17, 2008
This episode wasn't well thought out(Goes to show you that it's better spend time on a project than to rush on it.) Some funny bits here and there and that's it. In terms of story, this episode was the worst and it was the final straw for me to give up on the show. After the lackluster of seasons 11 and 12, I don't find the show interesting anymore. Call me when you go back being wacky and $*&#ed up.

PS: This show has now been making episodes that become dated really fast, just like Family Guy.



Prime Member
Oct 22, 2005
I was plesantly suprised to see the "Jobs" crowd back for this one with their trademark "THEY TUK ER JERBS!"


Mar 21, 2008
This episode was brilliant. It was miles better than "The Ring" (which was still kickass) and it was much better than "The Coon", although I admit that that episode has grown on me after a second viewing.

"Margaritaville" had some classic South Park humor, especially at the part where the headless chicken was the Department of Tresury's way to decide whether or not to give bailout money to an insurance company. Also, the line "they took our jobs" never gets old when yelled in a southern accent. The very beginning of this episode was hilarious ("and it's gone!"), as was the whole Sur La Table part.

I personally loved the religious parts of this episode, too. I thought the comparisons of the economy to God and Kyle to Jesus were very funny. One of my favorite parts of this episode was when Mr Stotch said that Kyle could be "the economy's only son sent to save us", and Priest Maxi pointed out how rediculous that idea sounded, even though Priest Maxi's religion believes the exact same story is true when it comes to God and Jesus. I also thought that the scene with The Last Supper at Whistlin' Willy's pizza was very clever.

The ending was hilarious, too. It was funny when the news reporter gave Obama credit for Kyle's sacrifices to help the economy, and Kyle's angry reaction was even funnier.

I thought this episode was perfect and would give it a 10/10, and I don't say that too often about any show. The last episode of South Park that I would've ever given a 10/10 actually got a 10/10, and that was way back in season 11. If the 3 episodes that have aired from season 13 so far are any indication of what the season will be like as a whole, than I strongly believe that this could be the best season of South Park since season 8.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 15, 2002
I've been seeing that all over the web, it's great, the delicious "when Family Guy references a great old joke it SUCKS" and everyone leaps to attack, but when South Park does it, it is Jesus juice.

This irony is scrumptious.

All the same I loved the reference, my friend and I regularly use DURKA DURRRP when we see someone yelling things on the news.

I agree with SPFan(rare I know), but let me just fix this here...

SPfan098 said:
It was miles better than "The Ring" (which was suckass)

Cartman There you goooooo.
Feb 2, 2009
It was better than The Ring, but there was ZERO subtlety in this episode. Funny, but way too in your face with the Jesus comparisons. They didn't even try to hide it.

The chicken getting its head cut off and landing on bailout scene was freaking funny as hell though, the hardest laugh I've had this season of South Park.


Mar 11, 2009
I'll have to disagree with the review. I thought the episode was not only boring, but predictable and just not funny. I got all their jokes, their insinuations, their social satire, and their religious allegories, but aside from a few chuckles, I just didn't find this episode funny. 7.0 at best.


Nerd Warlord Of Cape Cod
May 9, 2008
Great episode.

Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars totally rules.

Any episode where they have Randy, "They turk er jobs!" Guys, a frustrated Stan, and a racist Cartman is a win in my book.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 3, 2008
I liked this episode. The best part was the headless chicken. Hilarious how that is the exact truth of what is happening.


May 30, 2001
I have to disagree, this episode was at least a 9 or higher. This is the best episode I've seen since the episode of Indiana Jones getting rapped.


Jan 14, 2009
Yeah i agree with Iceman VVV this was a really solid episode i think Stan's dad stole the show with his soap box lectures. Not a Scott Tendermen must die but defiantly up there.


Mar 26, 2009
Best episode this season in terms of satire. I will always contend that South Park rarely makes me laugh out loud anymore, but it is still consistently more clever than any other animated show out there. IGN reviews on the other hand? ...rarely consistent.


Mar 10, 2009
sklairis the reviewer isn't giving a "funny rating". If you got all the satire and allegories then you HAVE to admit that it was very clever. I say 9.0 for the fact that you got the clear message, it hit home 100% and as crazy as it sounds, i learned something lol
Mar 19, 2009
I think Fickett is a little impressed with his own "knowledge" of the economy.
As someone who knows the economy really well, i'd like to interject that Matt and Trey actually seem to have a relatively strong understanding of the economy (thats not to say most of what the said is BS spewed on the TV).
However, they are 100% right about the economy, in that its just an idea. Ever since money stopped being backed by gold (to allow for enormous world econ growth which was hampered by the idea of money having value...haha) cash and credit truly have no value other than the value we associate them with. Their value is that the govts associated with them will stand behind them.
I also really liked how they pointed at the idea of people who have job stopping their spending becuz the econ is bad. An idea that causes the econ to collapse on (this is not to say i htink more spending is the answer, just pointing out what they are saying does make sense).

I think they knew what they were talking about, but thankfully held off short of it being a boring econ lesson (which i still think it became).

Also "the stewart plan?" Seriously, u think Stewart cooked that up? That ide has been the answer for 18 months b4 he ever said it.

This episode was average on jokes but a great commentary as the review says.
I just think the reviewer thinks he understands something he doesnt and wanted to act like he got it.


Very Little Faith in the Human Race
Jul 11, 2006
Incredibly good episode, the "chart" was so incredibly funny. Benny Hill theme song ftw
Mar 10, 2009
I found the start and the news report the best part of the episode (my opinion) the rest was alright, but wasn't as great as the begining. Good episode overal though :). 7.8 From me


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This review mostly pointed out what they thought wasn't funny and then gave it an 8 for something that's not great as a whole. Everyone has their favourite characters and episodes. As always I enjoyed this episode. The chicken at the end was awesome!
Feb 6, 2008
I watched this episode with about a dozen other students at the seminary I attend. We all agreed that it was one of the best South Park episodes in a long time. Even though the Gospel parody has been done before on the show, Matt and Trey's grasp of Christian theology (Jesus having taken the debt of our sins upon Himself) beyond just the events of Christ's life really impressed us and added a deeper level of appreciation.
Jun 1, 2008
Man, south park is on FIRE this season! Not one of the best but still a great episode. Best moments were "the chart", the beginning scene at the bank (aaaaaaanddd... it's gone), and Cartman obsessing over yet another video game.


Dec 9, 2008
And the person we must thank for the rest of our lives is,
Barrack Obama.

I almost died, too funny, same with Randy finding the NEW mageritaville WITH SALSA DISPENSER!


Prime Member
Jun 11, 2002
I was disappointed that he Cartman GTA plot started to develop but ended up not going anywhere. It just died, hoping the audience would forget about it. But that's one of the markings of a poorly thought out plot...

I'm sorry to say, but South Park has gotten trite, especially with the political episodes. I want to like it, I really do. But you can predict where the episode is going to go from scene one. It seems the best joke is always in the first scene, and then the rest of it is just a formula. What happened to the world within South Park? The messages are always good, but the delivery has become sadly bland. And you'll never meet a big of South Park fan as me. Trust me. I am sad this episode was as bland as the show has become =[.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 28, 2002
I thought this was some of the show's best satire in a long time. Why does the reviewer criticize that Matt and Trey "don't quite understand exactly what's happened to the economy", but seems to admit the same ignorance later one?


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This is the worst review I have ever seen. Your arguments for its lacking is:

1) its clear matt and trey don't know what's happened to the economy.
2) the religious path was not a good one to take.

You should be one of the characters standing on a chair rallying people to what you think you know has happened to the economy. This review sucks horse d-k.

You're a f-ing retard. And a douche.

Mar 9, 2009
best episode of this season so far!!!can´t quite understand the criticism of this review!the chicken head thing was hilarious, just because of that little scene this episode deserves more than an 8.0:/
Mar 8, 2009
season 2 will always be my favorite season of South Park. I'm tired of these political, have to be 'big' and take on the world like episodes. why cant they just go back to making crazy ass stories about their characters....the last time i saw an episode like that was 'The List' which was awesome.


May 5, 2008
That was the hardest I've laughed at a South Park in a couple seasons. I think our friendly reviewer might be one of Obama's blind devotees. That's the thing I love about Trey Parker and Matt Stone. They just love going against the grain. Everyone worshiping Obama makes them want to rag on him.


Original poster
This episode was great!!

The thing is, Trey and PArker doesn not pretend to understand economy or the current situation... they try to explain that no one does with an incredible religious metaphor!! It's brilliant and so near the actual truth to be scary!!

we are in a situation where it seems no one understand anything at all and even the top bras are making decision with no clue (the bailout sketch was priceless) and the episode pinpoint this with incredile accuracy.

ne of the best episode ever!!

10 out of 10



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This is so far the worst episode of the season but it did have a few good parts;

1) Cartman blaming the Jews for the recession.

2) Wall street people deciding how to handle the situations (bail out).



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
travis is an "enlightened" liberal and is above making fun of presidents who names dont end in bush.
hows that bailout plan going???


Mar 27, 2009
"travis is an "enlightened" liberal and is above making fun of presidents who names dont end in bush.
hows that bailout plan going???"
actually mr. know it all...the bailout was administered during the Bush presidency. And that was terrible because there was no oversight by the government, which led to business as usual and a failure of this bailout that bush's staff employed. if you are referring to the Obama plan that is a stimulus bill, not a bailout. there have been bailouts proposed but only aig was given one. The stimulus plan is intended in getting people back to work, and spending money into the economy...and if you have seen the stock market the last 3 days, serious jumps. and if you get a paycheck, take a look today, there is more in it. so if you ask how the "stimulus bill" is to a pretty good start.know what you're talking about before you jump to the insults.
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