I give you a five minute window.
Apr 21, 2005
Edit: Never mind, I didn't see what board this was on.

I'll check it out when I get out of bed later.
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โ˜… MOD
Apr 24, 2010
Nice find; a lot of nice detail put into that!


No Longer a Noob
Feb 24, 2006
United States
Damn that's awesome! Major props to which ever fan created this. [face_applause] This reads exactly like the tourism brochures I always see advertised in hotels, but with Zelda references and extra snarkyness. This is what Nintendo's Majora's Mask website would have been like if viral advertising existed in the year 2000.

Edit: ...Wait, 2000? Is Majora's Mask really that old already!!? [face_hypnotized] Wow, way to make myself feel old! Man I remember seeing the gold holographic cartridge at slackers games and wanting to get it for Christmas. Now it's been out for 18 years! That really speaks the quality of the game that fans still care to make stuff like this almost 2 decades on.

Thanks again for sharing.
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King of TL;DR
Sep 21, 2005
Finally had time to sit and read this all through. Glad I did, love it. Just the right amount of humor and reference to Zelda oddity, and I even learned a couple things I don't think I ever knew. (Shooting Honey/Darling makes the clock go slower? Gonna have to test that, mwahaha.) Every little detail about the town was referenced somewhere. You can tell this was made by someone who completely loves the game and knows it inside and out.

And when it's all put together like this... it really is impressive that the best town in Zelda was made for the first 3D-polygon Nintendo system, in the year 2000. Even in BotW where you can have fancy effects and residents dynamically reacting to weather and some other things, the feeling of history and sense of life and detail in Clock Town still hasn't been matched.