
still alive, I swear
Apr 29, 2001
or rather I'd had it sitting around for a while, never tried it and it sat forgotten, collecting dust. I happened to see it on Saturday and installed it.

The only real complaints I have are ones that are similar to all bad console-to-PC ports: lack of customization options. There is zero ability in-game to change any graphical option (not even resolution)...which would be handy for me as my onboard-graphics-using self would like to turn down some options for better framerate that chugs in spots. Even audio options are lacking, with just volume and stereo/mono options. Overall, the game seems fairly efficient as even my terrible computer can run it 40-50fps most of the time....the graphics are okay, but the models for the skaters' faces should be a lot better. Also, no Level Creator or multiplayer.

Otherwise it was fun to play all the THPS and THPS2 levels with the original soundtrack songs rockin' (even if only about half of the songs from both games are here, at least they included Superman by Goldfinger [face_tongue] )....and I just saw this came out in 2012. Damn I'm late.
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Feb 19, 2012
I got it on the 360. Its okay, but it really didnt satisfy me much. Idk I just prefer a full retail release instead on some digital remake.

Skateboarding is a sport, and sports games I see little reason in doing remakes. THHD is pretty much the first two games if I recall correctly.
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still alive, I swear
Apr 29, 2001
yeah it is, and it's actually a lot less levels than I expected, having just 100%'ed the game today, even doing the "Projectives" that are INCREDIBLY lazily made (it's the same objectives for each level, a "Sickest" score of around 200-300K, Boneless the 3 magic bums, find the 8 boards, and "C-O-M-B-O").

that's what shocked me most, I was going along, enjoying the progression of levels being a nice mix of THPS1 and 2, and then the game ends at Marseilles, France (from THPS2, though it's not a competition)!! I really, really expected Ventura Skatepark or Skate Heaven, or SOMEthing from near the end of THPS1 or 2.

I just though it'd be cool to play my two favorite games from the series (with nostalgia factored in) with new mechanics, and it is! It's just....about 4 hours worth of gameplay at most. No level creator means wayyy less "messing around" time since I pretty much know what's doable in these games/physics, there's no discovery and experimentation factor anymore. :(

(I'd been considering getting back into skating IRL after watching a rash of awesome skating videos, but I quickly remember having broken both ankles, countless falls and injuries being the main reason I quit....and 10 years later my body def wouldn't handle it as well....and I quickly come back to earth and just say "meh, i'll play a tony hawk game")