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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Skate 3 Review[/link]
by Nate Ahearn

The words "updated yearly" are scary for diehard fans of any series to hear. Skate 3 has fallen victim to the symptoms of a yearly update with small improvements that are devoid of any one feature for the game to hang its hat on.Read on for our full review. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Jan 2, 2008
Hmm. Makes sense.
I do wish sequels would stop coming out yearly.

At least try fool me into thinking that you put more thought into a sequel.


Sep 28, 2009
is this game better than skate 2 ??? i liked alot skate 2 but i didn't buyed it should i buy this ??? thanks... wazaaa!!!*
Dec 17, 2009
unless you really skateboard, and have done so for a number of years, you will miss the appeal of this game. Real skaters only want NEW spots to skate, not necessarily Hall of Meats, Own the Lot, Deathraces etc. All we care about is having a new flatbar rail, or a grass gap in a car park that we can replicate our REAL LIFE tricks on, or try something that we can't yet do in real life. For those who treat this as purely a game and do mega jumps, backflip Judo Airs etc, you will feel disappointed and should probably save your money or go purchase Tony Hawk's Ride.


Oct 7, 2009
It's a completely new city, i don't see how you can say this doesn't offer much to people who bought skate 2. The park creator alone had me sold, a new city is just the icing on the cake.


Prime Member
Jan 22, 2003
Not a shock, solid score and everything which is a good thing, but even months ago it was apparent they werent adding much to this years iteration.


Nov 1, 2007
Yeah.. For this kind of game I care more about the new environments to explore and skate in than I do new gameplay features, I'll probably pick this up soon enough, should be a blast.
Jul 31, 2008
It seems like the reviewer didnt spend much time with the game or appreciate the freedom of the open world. There was no mention of the park creator, no mention of the object dropper, no mention of the enhanced graphics creator/applications. This game shouldnt be about new features (see what "innovation" did to the THPS series). Having a brand new city, object dropper, park creator, and team skating should be enough of a reason to buy this game. If these reasons arent enough, you should probably be buying a Tony Hawk game instead.


Feb 15, 2010
Did you even mention the Skate.park creator? Or did I just miss it, that seems to be a game-changer to me. If people will apply their graphic skills to the parks, it will be epic to see what get made.


Feb 15, 2010

I 100% agree, although I'm not wild about the object dropper, luckily I don't HAVE to use it if I don't want to. That's the beauty of the game that the reviewer failed to see.
May 21, 2007
Hey gang,

Keep an eye out for a video review coming a little later today that talks about and shows the Park Creator/Editor. It's on the way.


Apr 24, 2006
Thanks for being upfront about not playing this game on the retail servers Nate. I wish it was an IGN mandate to mention that in reviews that have major online modes. Although I would prefer reviews to be done in the same environment as us gamers will encounter, your clear and transparent warning is the next best thing.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
EA is spitting these Skate games out to quickly which reminds me of another skating franchise that went down the toilet when they made too many too fast.
May 10, 2010
I believe that this review needs to be rewritten. Maybe not a score change but this doesn't mention the darkslide, underflips, skate park creator, object dropper, the new locations, and etc. Also the high to low camera angle has been there since skate 2 as well. I still believe the low angle is the best, but this review needs a bit of a rewrite. When it becomes available, write in the online play and what gametypes there are as well.


Claremont's #1 Fan
Aug 22, 2000
No review for the PS3 version yet huh? That's twice in a row, guys. First Lost Planet 2 and now Skate 3. Will you have a threepeat with the RDR review too?
May 21, 2007
Hey Brian,

EA hasn't sent us a PS3 version yet. So rather than simply copying over a review before playing the game, I'm going to wait until I play a final build before posting a score. We should have something up tomorrow on the PS3 channel.


Feb 1, 2010
Im stoked on this game. Underflips and flatland tricks were sick, plus darkslides are fun. the thing that sold me was the park creator. A whole new city is alsi a plus, im SICK of skate 2, so even if this was mainly the same id get it. Pickin it up tomorrow AM. Cant wait!


Claremont's #1 Fan
Aug 22, 2000
NateDog-IGN said:
Hey Brian,

EA hasn't sent us a PS3 version yet. So rather than simply copying over a review before playing the game, I'm going to wait until I play a final build before posting a score. We should have something up tomorrow on the PS3 channel.

Thanks, Nate.

That's the same thing that happened with Lost Planet 2. Why don't they send you both at the same time anyway? Seems pretty retarded that they dont.


May 10, 2010
This will be my first comment ever on IGN. Way to beat around the bush on the points that matter morons!! How about the map? How is it? Does anyone at IGN actually understand skateboarding? "Questionable design decisions." Is this nerd for "gaps I couldn't hit because I'm a pussy?"


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
I for one am not deterred from this game at all by the lack of "innovations." It's the way the Skate series controls that's got me hooked.

All I'm looking for are new environments and new challenges to keep me happy, and Skate 3 certainly has both of those.

I'm not afraid to admit it - I'm a Skate whore.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
I for one am not deterred from this game at all by the lack of "innovations." It's the way the Skate series controls that's got me hooked.

All I'm looking for are new environments and new challenges to keep me happy, and Skate 3 certainly has both of those.

I'm not afraid to admit it - I'm a Skate whore.
Dec 7, 2006
This was absolutely one of the worst review jobs I have ever seen IGN do. Did you even play the game? Do your research! There has been low and high camera angles since the original skate. Not to mention the great lack of talking about Port Carverton. What a sucky review job! Guaranteed the reviewer sucks at playing and just became frustrated.
Nov 25, 2005
Tsk tsk Nate! Posting your opinions that people disagree with because they're too insecure about their own tastes that they need a score to back it up. Gosh...


Almost Not a Noob
May 26, 2009
i dont really play skate games because they are complicated, but at least it's good to know they released the same game twice. now s2 is cheaper and the same thing.


Feb 1, 2010

What does it matter which version? They review the game, and for THIS one there is NO difference. With LOst PLanet 2 i could see why, but not this. Same with RDR, whats so dif about the ps3 version? Not trying to sound like a jackass, im curious.
May 10, 2010

This review doesn't mention the new things they added, only the opinion of one person which is why it is not good journalism at all. This is probably one of the saddest reviews for a game because it only mentions negatives, not at all about the amazing skate park creator and its incredible detail that you can do.


Sep 9, 2009
Dear Nate,

thanks for the review. I hope EA takes a year off to really polish the franchise. However, my preorder still stands. I think the little improvemnets they have made are awesome. Also, i noticed that you did not bring up the skate park build feature? how well does it perform? Also, in a recent video it almost looked like black box had gone overboard with craziness like TH. did u notice any of that? thanks. great review.


Sep 9, 2009
Dear SToked Gamer,
your a dumbass. so is anybody else who crtisizes the reviewer. why dont you write a review? hmmm? cause your stupid and lazy. skate 1 had a low camera angle. skate 2 had a higher one. skate 3 has teh option. why dont you play teh games b4 u spout your opinion
May 10, 2010

Here's a few points I'd like to point out. 1st: Both skate 1 and 2 had the option for high AND low angles. 2nd: This review will lead people to not buy the game thinking this is the only content within the game. And it hardly talks about the new city so people may assume its still San Van.

3rd: We can't write a review because we haven't played the game, we are just pointing out some things the reviewer had left out within his review. I do not have anything personal against him, just that maybe they should revise the review to point out the key new features, rather than talk about little improvements and similarities between this and the previous skate games. I do not disagree with the score, the review just needs a second look at by the reviewer and if possible, revising.

Now as far as us "sprouting" our opinions, that is what comments are for. We are just trying to help out the website by giving opinions on what we think may be right, not what is right, but what WE believe may be correct to help the writers write better articles in the future. There is my opinion on this review.


Sep 19, 2008
I hate when reviewers talk about us "sinking our money" into past games. I got my $60 worth from Skate 2, and finished everything in the game. I would have happily paid another $60 for just more of the same because the franchise is so polished already. The stuff they added is just icing on the cake. If someone thinks $60 a year is too much for such a high quality series, then maybe they need to rethink their choice of hobbies.
Feb 4, 2009
"Another skate game, aren't people getting tired of this?"

Dude, ANYTHING that is not a damn FPS or Music game is welcome by my book.
Apr 19, 2010
Uh...Nate, not to put a damper on your review or anything, but you are aware of the fact that Jason Lee has done more notable skateboarding things than "My Name is Earl", right? Like skating professionally for Blind and Stereo back in the day? It's not like it's not prominently listed on his wikipedia page or anything...


Jul 26, 2008
I'm no expert on Skate but I have played Skate 2, and the demo for Skate 3.
For me, there is major differences between the two games, and its not correct for you to say they are the more or less the same. Theres been some major game changing improvements:

1. In Skate 2, if you fell off the board, or tripped while running, it went into Hall of meat mode automatically, and you had to go through a cut scene before regaining control. In Skate 3 you can turn this mode off.

2. Off board control has been improved so the player doesn't fall as much. Running is quicker.

3. The object dropper in Skate 3 gives the player more freedom to be creative.

4. The major inclusion of the Skate Park editor is a big game changer. The possiblity of being able to download a constant supply of Skate Arenas adds great longlasting value to the game.

5. Skate 3 has a brand new city, so this makes the comparison to Skate 2 in that respect obsolete.

In conclusion, Skate 3 has enough new elements such as the object dropper, Skate Park, added Skate Reel elements (that you had to buy as DLC in Skate 2), along with a new city to warrant a purchase.