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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Skate 2 Hands-on[/link]
by Chris Roper

Last year, EA and Black Box redefined the skating genre with Skate by creating one of the most natural (and arguably realistic) control schemes that we've ever seen in a sports title. By assigning tricks to the right analog stick instead of face buttons, move inputs mimicked the actual rotations and flips of a real skateboard, bringing gamers closer to being on an actual board than ever before. Given its commercial and critical success, a follow-up was only a matter of time, and now Skate 2 is on the way. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Jun 12, 2006
The only thing I want from a Skate sequal is split screen free skate. Also, this game is looking very good, but I hope I doesn't turn to gimiky with the walking and the moving stuff around things.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 13, 2005
After Tony Hawk 3, I lost all interst in Skating games. I never played the first Skate, but I always wanted to try it out because it didn't involved doing tricks with the face button. Tony Hawk was so repetive after the first few games and I just got sick of it... But after giving this game another look......I'm definatly considering giving skateboarding another try.....


Jul 2, 2008
I remember leaving a pretty big rant on an earlier post, and it seems what I wanted has come true.
My concerns about it being set in the same city have been settled too...

All in all, its looking fantastic. I'm only worried about the PS3 version having the slower frame rate, and that the coding might be rushed. Sorry EA but it happens and you know it.

Adding this one to the Wishlist for sure.


Mar 24, 2008
BigPappa187 said:
After Tony Hawk 3, I lost all interst in Skating games. I never played the first Skate, but I always wanted to try it out because it didn't involved doing tricks with the face button. Tony Hawk was so repetive after the first few games and I just got sick of it... But after giving this game another look......I'm definatly considering giving skateboarding another try.....

You should definitely give it a try. I lost interest at TH 2. Skate is more than 100x's better than anything the TH series ever put out.
Mar 18, 2006
Skate 2 is looking fantastic and pretty much everything I asked for it being put in this game.

Hopefully online play will be improved, if they're going to be smart, they might as well include a full free play mode (like all of New San Vanelona instead of just parts like in Skate) that you can customize to your liking like in singleplayer.

If that's taken care of, then I will for sure buy this game and tell anyone who doesn't like it otherwise.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Hippie jumps are my favorite improvement, that and being able to move tables and what-not. For sure getting this the day it comes out, just like the first!


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
im wondering what new sponsers will be in this one (please god: darkstar!!)

being able to get of your board should help with reaching good spots.
(no more circling the map to reach the top of a stair set)
Feb 27, 2007
AND WHAT THE FU&*? they HAPPEN to make the city REBUILT again? it just happens to be for the 360 verion and ps3. the pussies at EA can suck dick because they can't have a damn F'ing city in the wii version...atleast for skate 2 for the wii they cant back out of any shit or else im gonna knock the shit outta some EA folk


No Longer a Noob
Nov 4, 2007
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Jul 14, 2008
Friggin' awesome. I can't possibly imagine what Tony Hawk could come up with to beat this. Skate just thrashes it in every concievable way. Footplants, hippy runs(LORD I hope they get those in the game), realistic take on the park editor. Just too awesome.
Jun 14, 2007
the one thing i dont like is the way new san van is a little un realistic in the new video... halfpipe or QP.. it doesnt matter on the side of like what makes think of Zen Plaza.. lkke wht the heck.. idk i didnt really pay attention to the vid..

but i still am in love with this game...


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
although im excited by the way you can change the landscape, i would quite like a full fledged editor, maybe in 3, anyway all the tricks look awesome and can't wait to play.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
looks good but pretty much the same as skate 1 was... i think from what ive seen danny way saying so far, ill get skate it on wii/ds instead as it looks a lot better in terms of gameplay etc...

maybe they should bring out a balance board for ps3/360 and this game?
Oct 18, 2003
Sounds really great, my only two worries are that the story will be as empty as the first (it looks like they've remedied that), and that the whole map design will be like the first, i.e. sloped down.

No matter where you went in the first game, or what you did, you would ALWAYS end up at either the bottom of Downtown, or the bottom of OldTown. SUCH a pain. Hopefully the city design in this wone will be better.
Jun 22, 2008
Good lord, did I LOVE the fist one. The reason why I stopped playing it, was because it got to be a pain in the ass to get up stairs. Looks like his one has a LOT more tricks, AND you can get off your board and move benches and things around. I will definitely be picking this up whenever it comes out! :)


Prime Member
May 10, 2008
can't wait!!!

Hey guys I just need like 11 more people to review my footage on the first skate and I'll have all 1000 achievement points, please, please, please, help me out. Gamertag is zewlew. Please!
Jul 10, 2008
I was so surprised with the first skate because i thought THPS underground would be the last skateboarding game i would enjoy, but i was wrong. they redefined the genre with a realistic game that flows so easily form trick to trick. Fix the online tool that for me seems to always be a lacking feature in EA games and you have a sports game of the year


Jun 16, 2008
clearly the only people who want to have a stupid balance board for Skate are the people who dont actually skateboard. The only reason to play Skate is so that you can have an awesome skateboarding experience that is completely a videogame and not trying to be some crappy virtual reality. if you want a "balance board" go spend that same money you where saving for wii fit and get a board.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
looks good, nice graphics for the younger gamers etc, but without the balance board support i think itll just end up being the same as the first skate in terms of gameplay, ill be grabbing skate it instead as the pro skaters seem to think its the better version so far
Jun 22, 2006
>What's also sweet is that any changes you make are persistent, so if you move some ramps and come back 10 hours later, they'll still be there.

Haha, think about making a roadblock of ramps in the street, and then watching the cars try to maneuver


Original poster
Looking badass so far.

Im glad he said it was a pre alpha build.. because the walking animations are pretty bad atm.. lol

Im really looking forward to this.
Oct 30, 2005
looks great. i just wish there was a filmer mode or something where you could follow-cam people or set up a tripod or something. that replay system last game with only 5 angles was a joke


Jul 9, 2005
"ill be grabbing skate it instead as the pro skaters seem to think its the better version so far"

yea, because this game WONT improve before its released. *rollseyes*


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I have nothing to say except that this looksstupidly amazing! It's like santa listened to my wishlist for this game! Totally agree with SpecialW907 but hopefully this is one of the things that they haven't announced yet...although those screens do seem to have a fish eye lense so hopefully thats one improvement! :D
May 6, 2008
looks like koston didn't want to wait a year for tony hawks button presser.

i hope they add some kind of filmer mode where you can get better angles than just five pre-set angles.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 13, 2006
Sounds pretty sweet, just hope the city and story are good. Some of the videos i've seen the city looks little stupid to say the least, but i have trust.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
For me, this will be the GREATEST game ever, even compared to Gears of War 2 and other such malarkey. The fact that EA have given a button for pretty much all limbs is awesome but does anyone think that all the tweaking and one-footing would allow you to do tricks that haven't even been invented yet? Like some kind of crazy judo sal flip? How sweet would that be. And Koston's in it! Whoopie!


Jul 27, 2006
there are a lot of games that i am truly really lookin forward to at the moment but this is by far the one i can't wait for the most, when it comes out my life is gonna be put on hold for like a month lol unless i have exams which is likely but oh well


Sep 12, 2008
To be honest i loved skate but the sequel doesent look as good as the first one the graphics dont seem as good and it looks as if it sort of turning into a tony hawk game slightly and if that happens then EA would have ruined one of the best skateboarding games ever.....