
Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Yup I just read this too, Reedus is done with it as well. Oh well their loss, I knew this was too good to be true. Well I'm gone.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
As I said was too good to be true. Gaming industry is total garbage anymore having just one solid game every year or 2 is not acceptable.

I'm mostly done with future gaming I dont care about next gen anymore I'm gonna become the old guy who refuses to get into the next new thing because little kids find it amusing.

Nope nes, snes, sega genesis, N64, gamecube, xbox, xbox360, ps3, ps2/1 even the wii is played on rare ocassion but mostly for the digital games like super metroid that I do not own on super nes is played. thats where I pretty much draw the line with consoles I'm done with them, i love my pc my older console systems as they all have solid library of great games but ps4, wii, wiiu, xbox 1 just does not work for me anyore.

Oh other consoles for sure like dream cast but I have not even plugged that in since I bought it like a year ago or more, and same for atari. I have enough games with great stories to last me long enough. Current gaming is bs.
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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
However games like metal gear coming out soon gives me hope that this somewhat next gen has some real potential. I haven't seen any new tech that really separates this new gen from last gen though.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I dont see another game with silent hill in the title ever being released again. It's clear Konami wants nothing to do with triple a console games.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I wonder if surprise knows that i have put him on "ignored member" status like...wow a long time ago but I still see he is the last poster on topics I've posted on lol