
Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
The next Silent Hill will most likely be on the next-gen consoles. IT BETTER BE EPIC because chances are if it's not, that's all she wrote for the series. No more adventure games with with Silent Hill name! SURVIVAL-HORROR is what Silent Hill is. The technology is there to make the game great regarding these next-gen consoles. As I stated before it starts with an announcement...LET'S GO!!!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
Well, the last next-gen Silent Hill we got was Homecoming, which was unimpressive to put it mildly. Until somebody gets a hold of the franchise who actually cares about it, I think it's pretty much done for.

I don't want to say that's all she wrote just yet, but it's getting pretty close to that time.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Yeah I have to agree. There was a time like a decade ago I thought this series would get better and scarier with advancements in technology, but each game just gets worse in my opinion. Homecoming sucked, sho did shattered memories, origins was I guess a decent game had some scares but was too limited being on a portable, and then downpour was too me really boring I didn't get far before I just gave up. Maybe sometime I will try to go more into it but I hate the otherwold parts it's all about you just running the whole time I enjoyed exploring the dark twisted other world. The enemies are less than fun to fight against and frankly not even that scary. The monster designs seem way too simple, more like an after thought.

If they couldn't do it this gen why would they be able to do it the next gen? I dont see the next gen seeing any real good horror survivor games.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
Sad but true. When I think of what Silent Hill could have been I get annoyed sometimes. If you'd asked me ten years ago about the future of the franchise I had high hopes. We should be posting about how crazy and twisted Silent Hill is and not how boring and uninspired the series has gotten. We'll see happens next.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I rather see it just end than farther hurt our dreams of a true next silent hill game that will make us pee our pants and stare at wonder of the visuals. Games seem to be taking several steps back. We are getting more detail, but less game play options.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
I don't want to see it end; I think there's still a lot of great possibilities with the right creative minds, but if I get hit with another Homecoming I might have to go Pyramid Head on some unfortunate, unassuming mannequins... And nobody wins in a situation like that.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I just dont see how this can get any better. Honestly as much as I loved resident evil 4, we really have that game to blame for the downfall of horror games. Now I hate it, it's a great game but at the same time ti's horror's bane of the whole horror genre.

I dont want anymore silent hill games at this point we have had enough, and what potential have we seen in the last decade that would make you get a console over the game?

Silent hill 2 did that for me, and the armor core, and the dynasty warrior series....none of them are great anymore.

Silent hill has fallen from grace, armor core is a horrible series that makes no sense, and dynasty warriors keeps making the exact same game over and over and it never evolved meaningfully and pretty much butchered the original characters in the series. I play dynasty warriors 4 over all the others not sure why just so memorable.

Anyways...I'm just sticking to my original 3 games. Silent hill 4 had some cool things in it but was more frustrating and rather tedious than fun to play. I only beat it once where I have beaten the other 3 games many times over and plan on continuing that trend.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
Developers can start by remembering that SH is a horror franchise and not an action-adventure. With that in mind they can start the process of making a true SH game. Then again you have to be specific because then they'll completely take weapons out. It can still have melee weapons, multiple firearms and a decent amount of ammo and STILL be great horror title. Then put together a great story-line and not just a protagonist with a dark past or has a link to the town somehow. Hopefully they can create a well thought-out story that won't be predictable with some plot twists and even some shocking surprises.

The town should be very eerie and unsettling even during normal areas with distant sounds and music that sets the tone. The "Otherworld" areas should be extremely dark, twisted and make the players feel that sense of dread. There should be a variety of enemies that scare the crap out of you when you encounter them. There should also be challenging puzzles throughout the game such as door codes, certain lock away items that need to progress and even new innovative puzzles never before seen in SH.

Each character should be important to the story-line and should suck the player in to the story and not just sound like actors reading a script. I don't even mind long cut scenes as long as they are entertaining and help the story progress nicely.

These are some of the things along with other innovative ideas that would strengthen the series again. As I stated before it shouldn't be that hard to create a good Silent Hill game that is why I'm puzzled as to why these sub-par installments were released over the past decade. Hopefully the developers will factor in these things before creating the next Silent Hill if there's going to be one.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I agree and though dont know why people on here like surprise and roadtosilenthill have to insult me for having the same train of thought...

Honestly if they cant make a new one just remake them give them the visual upgrade like the first resident evil got with lots of extras!


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Now lets try not to make them fail at every corner I think someone can do it, just very few. I think it's time we get a silent hill 1 remake it's been in demand for over a decade but no one thinks it's worth the time and money to do...I can only imagine the money that would be flooding in if they finally did this, and why the hell not? They keep bring Pyramid Head back as fan service for all the wrong reasons, how about they do something right for a change!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
We already got a Silent Hill 1 remake; it did not turn out that well... Konami just needs to give the game to someone who knows how to do survival/horror; you know, instead of their current philosophy of find the cheapest. [face_mischief]


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
It would be nice if the developers that took over future Silent Hill projects actually sat down and take the time to play and study the series to see what made it not only successful but unique and scary. I'm willing to bet if they do that and (with a serious collaborative effort) really get a team of writers and graphic artists who at least have some knowledge of the series, they can create not only a REAL SILENT HILL GAME but a successful one as well. If I'm not mistaken weren't the first two critically acclaimed with scores of 9 or better?


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
The first three games were critically acclaimed by most everybody (and rightly so); part 4 has mixed reviews, and everything after that seems to be mediocre at best. If Konami's going to outsource then I wish they would at least try to keep it in Japan... These westerners don't seem to get it.


A guy.
May 23, 2003
It's so funny how hard horror is in every medium. We know what scares us yet it's different for everyone. I feel like movies and games struggle so hard with the concept of horror. How could something scary turn into something laughable? It totally can. Execution is critical and that's why I would agree with you guys about them doing some serious research on what makes a great horror experience.


Mar 17, 2013
Anyone seen the Evil within trailer? That looks like a next gen rip off of silent hill spliced with some resident evil elements.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 7, 2004
Anyone seen the Evil within trailer? That looks like a next gen rip off of silent hill spliced with some resident evil elements.

Hell, that's fine with me. Survival horror is dying and the only two games that look decent are The Evil Within and The Last of Us.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Hmmm horror without combat really just isn't my style. The game does look pretty interesting but not being able to take crack a monsters skul with a pipe or shoot them with a shotgun just isn't fun for me. Though Slender seems to have jumped started these kind of games again, I'd rather just watch it on youtube than play it.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
Before I judge The Evil Within I'll wait for game play footage, I'm glad to see that another survival-horror game is on the way.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Will be interesting to see how horror plays on the next gen consoles. Hopefully zombies will actually be zombies. I'd love to see a resident evil done right only with top of the line graphics, bring back those fun puzzles and stores and well how about another mansion?

Dead Space had great potential then they went the fps route a shame. Never did get the 3rd game and have no reason to, they took out the confined horror feel the first did, 2nd game was really fun but was too much action oriented.

Silent hill not sure what direction it's going they cant seem to decide who should make them, and what focus they want to decide on.

As for horror games where it's all about surviving by running away and hiding...meh not for me.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
I personally like to shoot-'em-up and kill-'em-all or bash their brains in with those lovely steel pipes and wooden planks. Give me enough firearms, ammo and melee weapons to either blow them away or whack them into submission. That was definitely an option in the most successful Silent Hill games. Combat aside Silent Hill should definitely have more of an impact in the gaming industry and should be competing with all of the top titles in my opinion. It's kind of crazy what has happened to the modern day survival-horror how they've turned into action games. I'm hoping The Evil Within helps bring back the genre to form (scary, twisted and GREAT).

God I loved D-2 on Dreamcast, anyone remember that game? That was another BRILLIANT survival-horror title.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
I never had a Dreamcast so I never got to play D2, but I did play the first one on the 3DO, which I really liked.

Also, I wouldn't worry about The Evil Within lacking in the combat department. I think it will resemble more of an old school Resident Evil than it will a Silent Hill game... Though a combo of both would be quite nice. [face_mischief]


Mar 17, 2013
I am not saying that a silent hill/ resident evil mash up would be bad, I'd be the first to buy it. But looking from the trailer and the 'making of' video it doesn't seem that original, with many typical horror set-ups. The asylum, empty cottage, underground labyrinth, the vault head monster( pyramid head anyone?) Lets just hope it brings together the best aspects of horror in film and game to see a revival of the genre, has long been needed.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
I would to but..isn't this just slender man with a coat of paint? I want my survivor horror back, want my lead pipe back, and super freaky atmospherical effects. Silent Hill mastered that by physically changing the level at certain points. I have yet to see a game use silent hill 3's bloody wall effect. What games have shown such inventiveness? Why is it only in Japan we will see games use unique effects in horror games where in Western part of the world horror means having big guns making lots of noise easily taking out hordes of mutated humans...


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
You have a point but they didn't do it quite as well, yes blood drips down but wasn't really done all that great in my opinion but loved the fear thing the more you are scared the more shit happens that freaks you out like zombies coming at you and it sais on the screen please re connect the been too long since i've played it. My only gripe was the rather arcade style of combat where it highlights in bright white where you are aiming for...that wasn't so great but everything else was freaking awesome. A shame we will never get another.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
Amnesia is also very good. There's still some good Survival/Horror games out there, it's just that the two franchises that it's best known for have been high on disappointment these last few years. [face_cry]


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
OK. The genre seems to be getting a jump start with these new titles on the way. All we need now is an new information regarding the big one. It's been a little over a year and most of us were left disappointed by Downpour. Hopefully we can get some type of info this year. In the meantime we can look forward to these upcoming games and by the looks of them we could be getting new franchises to rave about. Save the genre. Save the world. OK maybe not that extreme but help us out with some GREAT new horror games.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 31, 2011
Pretty sad considering the success of the older games. You gotta have the right team do it and they simply dont.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 17, 2010
What about a Silent Hill that gives us a weapons option to choose whether we want them or not? This could make everyone happy, those of us who like combat against monsters and those who feel the lack of weapons increases tension and fear. Previously versions had a puzzle difficulty, so why not a weapons option? You could choose to include firearms, melee or both. I think this options will please many fans of the series.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 7, 2004
Limited weaponry is key for a Silent Hill. In reality, we'd grab what we can to defend ourselves against Hell's worst. The first and second Silent Hills did it best. Everything else it seemed like we were given heavy machinery like Uzis. The fuck?