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Mar 13, 2004
Hello, I'm currently playing Black and White 1 on a brand new HP Pavilion Desktop with a Vista system, and it runs great. The only problem is that my game will not save at any time. I try to save, exit my temple, come back, and the save file is nowhere to be found. Needless to say, starting at Land 1 every time really sucks. Also, periodically, Black and White will "stop working" according to Windows Vista almost at random, and I was wondering if anyone had insight into these problems?

If you are wondering, I have Patch v1.3 and my creature and alignment data is saving perfectly fine.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
HI, I had the same problem, also running in Vista. It can be resolved by saving holding control and pressing S at the same time. To load press controll and hold L (you need to be on a playing map for this to work, not from the main menu, Hope this helps.
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