Jan 14, 2012
SPOILERS (Don't know why you'd go into a wishlist if you haven't played the whole game yet...but still)

1. An article I read had the producer of Saints Row The Third hinting that Johnny Gat is indeed alive. This needs to be the case. Not much more to be said here.

2. Either improve the city of Steelport, go back to Stilwater, or make a whole new city like Stilwater. Steelport is boring and was a GIGANTIC step down from Stilwater. Stilwater was alive in SR2. Pedestrians, gang members, police officers, and homies interacted with each other and their surroundings. It was fun roaming the streets and seeing the Ronin getting into with the police or to see pedestrians randomly fighting on the sidewalk. Homies would get into fights with gangs and police. It was so much more fun. Everywhere you go in Steelport, it's industrial-like or downtown-like. There's a huge lack of enterable buildings. You can't enjoy roaming Steelport. You can't pick up stuff on the streets and use it for combat like you could in SR2.

3. Bring back Troy. Remember in the very first mission, a SWAT guy says "Troy can't bail you out of this one!" I'd say that implies Troy's been aiding the Saints since the stuff in SR2 went down AND in SR2 you unlock Troy as a homie. Make him a Saints again PLEASE.

4. Bring back Dex. If I recall correctly, he hasn't been killed yet...

5. The notoriety level and homie health bars should return so I can know when my homies are dying or when my heat is going to die down.

6. Bring back the wheel woman from SR1 and merge it with the Vehicle Delivery homie. Make it one person. You call them and you can choose whether you want them to just deliver your vehicle or take you where you want to go for a small fee.

7. Bring back the boat homie this way you can remove that dumb and inconvenient "warp to shore" crap. This definitely needs to be done considering we now have tank homie, heli homie, VTOL homie, etc.

8. More options creating my character. More hair styles and the ability to edit hair length. Customizable height. Bring back walk styles and fighting styles. And please MORE VOICES.

9. Ability to add/remove layers of clothing again.

10. Even wider range of music and how about some hip-hop/rap/R&B songs that don't suck ass.

11. Bring back FUZZ, Fight Club, Septic Avenger, Ho-ing, Ambulance, that stuff. Make Escort not a pain in the ass (or remove it). Also more instances of each activity.
Jan 14, 2012

12. Either more main missions or make the missions last longer somehow.

13. Separate notoriety bars for each gang. What if I want level 5 notoriety with all 3 gangs?

14. Ability to toggle the upgrades we purchase on or off.

15. A new activity involving Zombie Island. Have us start one place and we must get to the destination fighting along the way. On harder instances, make the zombies come faster and heavier. Also make us have to rescue a pedestrian before they are contaminated or have to rescue Pierce or someone and if we do we get them as a homie for the rest of the instance.

16. Ummmm how about the ability to I don't know...REPLAY MISSIONS?!

17. Ability to do drugs again. Even if it's just getting high or drunk. That was fun too.

18. More stuff to do in the Saints Book. I love all the assassinations and vehicle theft/chop shop contracts but how about some more stuff to do. How about rescue missions? You are asked to save a NPC held in captivity or being attacked by a gang.

19. This doesn't seem to happen in SRTT but as I gradually take control of a territory, I never see Saints roamin the area like in SR2. The more of a place I control, the more Saints I should see. Show the Saints as purple dots on the mini-map like it was in SR2.

20. Add some more depth to the storyline. Make Monica Hughes an antagonist. Maybe the Saints look to expose her corruptness to the public? I don't know. But the story feels too short.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 28, 2004
Adding to this I wouldn't mind seeing legit gang customization rather than just picking a bunch of pre-made shit. Also, DLC that is worth buying and not just already on the disc. And more call backs to the previous games.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 16, 2004
GTA IV car handling. The car handling in all the Saints games just flat out sux! The only time it feels cool and has good weight is when you power slide, esp w/ the heavier vehicles.


Aug 25, 2009
*Just a brief warning, some of my ideas contain a couple of spoilers to those who haven't played the DLC missions for SR2*

1. Bring back some of the key characters from the first two games. The original poster is correct in the fact that Dex is not dead; at the end of the "Corporate Warfare" DLC for SR2, Dex is shown to be an antagonist, and he flees Stilwater before the player character has a chance to kill him. Also, possibly bring back Tera Patrick from the "Ultor Exposed" DLC from SR2; at the end of her mission arc, she vows revenge on Ultor and Jane Valderama for depicting her as a mad scientist. This angle would be an interesting way to bring her in as a possible villain, seeing as the Saints and Ultor are now partners.

2. Bring back the meter from SR1 that would compare the increase/decrease in respect of what clothing items you were about to buy with the clothes you were currently wearing. Also bring back the fact that you would get more respect from your clothing choice if the items were purple, what with you being a Saint and all.

3. Bring back the borderline psychotic levels of attire customization, plus the ability to customize safehouses/strongholds. One of the bigger letdowns of SRTT for me was that there were only three "customizable" safehouses, and even then, that was just upgrading the entire buildings twice to get more cash.

4. Make abilities like increased health/ammo/damage resistance something that you earn from fully completing side missions rather than just buying them, or make the rewards able to be earned or bought, depending on their nature (for example, earning damage resistance or health increases, but buying new weapons for your safehouses or store discounts).

5. Bring back the opening cinematics to side missions; they were a nice touch to learning why you were taking part in said missions. Also, make side missions start at an easy level of difficulty, then work up to harder levels the more you play them instead of preset difficulties like in SRTT. I don't mind keeping activities like Heli Assault, but if you're going to keep them, actually make the levels have some variety in objectives; this side missions was a big letdown for me in SR2 because the first level of each instance of Heli Assault had a variety of different objectives, but every following level was just a freaking escort mission.

6. Bring back Forgive and Forget; the fact in the first two games that those were the only places to eliminate notoriety made chases with the likes of the FBI much more hectic. If Volition insists on keeping the ability to instantly eliminate notoriety by going into safehouses or owned stores, limit this service to only be available once a day or something.

7. Bring back minor chains like restaurants, barber shops, and different weapons retailers. Having a regenerating health system is not a horrible thing, but having to rely on such a system is not ideal. Also, I'd rather not have to pay $500 in-game if I only want to change the way my character's hair looks. Finally for this suggestion, bring back chains like Brass Knuckles that specialize in certain types of weapons; it would also be interesting to introduce stores that specialize in explosives or military-grade weapons, as this could be a good way to introduce loads of new weapons.

8. For melee combat, possibly try to create a combat system that is a hybrid of sorts of the SR2 and SRTT combat systems; bring back separate fighting styles from certain gangs, and maybe new original styles as well (who else thinks that having a "Three Stooges" fighting style would be all levels of awesome?). At the same time, keep the ability to do running and heavy attacks from SRTT; it doesn't seem like it would be that hard to implement running and heavy attacks for different styles. And if Volition wanted to go the extra mile in how much control to give the character over fighting styles, maybe include boxing gyms, pro wrestling camps or similar buildings where the player can customize what specific attacks to use for combos, heavy attacks or running attacks.

9. Keep the weapon upgrade system (I really liked the visual changes that accompanied the upgrades), but apply it to many more weapons, and maybe include downsides to implementing upgrades (like giving a weapon a silencer will decrease recoil, but also decrease damage).

10. Bring back the FUZZ, Septic Avenger and Fight Club activities, along with the "blue collar" diversions (Tow Truck, EMT, Fire Fighting and Taxi). Also maybe include a system like in GTA IV where you use a police car's computer to track down random crimes or most wanted criminals.

11. Have a more diverse environment than just a massive concrete jungle; at least Stilwater had the occasional ghetto or trailer park, and GTA V looks to have an unbelievably diverse gameplay world from what has been shown so far.

12. Make SR4's pacing much more like that of SR2; the best sandbox crime games are those where the player has to work their way up from the bottom of the barrel, slowly getting better weapons, vehicles, safehouses etc. as they progress through the story and side missions. I'm not saying get rid of the zaniness that SRTT offered, far from it; I'm just saying make the player work their way towards said antics.

That's all that I can think of at the moment; anyone who feels free, give your two cents on the ideas.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 21, 2006
Cure Zombie Gat
Dex returns to stilwater with 3 new gangs behind him and ready to take over. He sets them up in saints territory and eliminate all the street level thugs in the city
A gang of Irish Punks, A motorcycle gang, and a Italian Mafia wannabe crew.
Bring back Troy, Wong and Tobias
Apr 29, 2011
.1 make that the saints arn't celebritys among normal people but celebs among gang members do something like scarface did make a empire like that no more gangstas in space
.2 bring back crib customisation
.3 make it so you can travel between stillwater and steelport making the missions in both citys
.4 what happen to hellicopter and boat customisation 3rd game and just car cus
.5 number one thing that should be in there is buying cribz and and customising the interior and exterior
Apr 4, 2012
Comments on OP's wishes
1. YES YES YES Gat cannot possibly be dead. He's like everyone's favorite Saint

2. What if we could travel between Stilwater AND Steelport. But if that doesn't happen...let's go back to good ol' SR2 Stilwater. Steelport blows (or what you can do in Steelport blows)

3. Yep bring back Troy, preferably as an ally.

4.And of course bring back Dex as an enemy somehow

5. I hate how I never know when my notoriety is gonna drop a level. Definitely bring back the meters. Homie health I don't care about so much.

6. Great idea.

7. Yep OR make boats appear more often. That was bad in SRTT and SR2. There were never any boats.

8. Just interested in more voice choices.

9. Eh, customization is not my biggest concern. It's pretty damn good in SRTT.

10. Yea the hip-hop station is sooooo awful.

11. Yea we can remove Escort and Heli Assault. Bring back FUZZ, Fight Club, Demolition Derby was cool too.

12. More missions for sure. I can literally do the campaign/main missions in less than 6-8 hours if I play without stopping. Really? That whole "respect isn't required to do missions" was a great and necessary improvement but it made the story mode too short.

13. I like this idea lol. That way if you mess with one gang you don't have all 3 going at you just because you have gang notoriety with one of them.

14. YES

15. No...this is a gang/crime game and zombies do not belong in this game. Remove them. This isn't Left 4 Dead.

16. They added that in SRTT didn't they? SR2 had it. It needs to be in from the start though.

17. Don't care about this.

18. Ehhhhh...

19. Yea you don't see Saints running around until you've almost 100% completely taken over a neighborhood.

20. Ehhhhh...


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 29, 2012
A lot of what I want to see has already been said, but I will add one that I enjoyed in the first Saints Row and Saints Row 2. Bring back dialing with numbers on the phone. I enjoyed finding numbers around the city that brought special rewards (Voo Doo for instance that would give you access to your dead zombie homie). I called 911 for the hell of it, and it sent an ambulance to bring be back to good health. Brilliant! I just thought it was a really neat and great idea that could be expanded on.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 18, 2012
A few gameplay features I would like to see (for now):

- The ability to throw knifes.
- A custimization option that allows you to put rocket launchers/gatling guns on both sides of a vehicle, as well as the ability to conceal/pop out the guns.

Cheat codes:

- You can run up walls of buildings.
- You can fly.
- You can fly in vehicles.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2010
More weapons, bring back Clothing layers, More "special" enemies (they keep the combat interesting), and DLC that isn't overpriced, unwanted, or just plain bad.
Apr 2, 2011
What I think they should have in SR4
1.Have a travel route to Stillwater and Stillport. That way you can go back to revisit and get resources(far as homies,weapons,cars etc),Doing that,Stillport will have to have the same content(being able to go in and out buildings and gang strongholds) as Stillwater(basically combining Stilport and Stilwater )
2.A simple cover mechanic(like mgs4 simple).I say this not to make it like gears of war ,or watever game that has cover,but to improve gameplay.In SR3 there was moments were I was being shot through the wall.Also doing this will bring about stealth missions ,activities and improved npc A.i because if you were in range either behind them or above them,they still saw you.
3.A order and command system for homies.
4.Free Falling control and free control Repelling(Activity only).In SR3 you had free fall control in the 1st mission and thats it,nothing more after that.It would be cool to do some flips while falling.

What I think they should bring back
1.Detailed character animation(and clothing) customization Height,size,and weight(some people wanted to be like Oleg or the hunters in SR3).SR2 did that very well with how you walked and talked but I wanna see animation choices like how you hold your gun when shooting, aiming,crouching ,and hopefully while in cover(SR1 animation had you shooting with the gun turned to the side)
2.The original activities.Being able to rob the stores for the goods in the safe during the day or when the shop closed.This don't necessary have to be stores,it could be banks gun store etc.
3.The original weapons from SR1& SR2.vice 9 and knives(my personal favorites).
4.The useful homies,like the wheel women.
5.Support and health items.
6.Crib customization....might as well throw in a furniture store in the new installment or SR4
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Apr 2, 2011
What I think they should have in SR4
1.Have a travel route to Stillwater and Stillport. That way you can go back to revisit and get resources(far as homies,weapons,cars etc),Doing that,Stillport will have to have the same content(being able to go in and out buildings and gang strongholds) as Stillwater(basically combining Stilport and Stilwater )
2.A simple cover mechanic(like mgs4 simple).I say this not to make it like gears of war ,or watever game that has cover,but to improve gameplay.In SR3 there was moments were I was being shot through the wall.Also doing this will bring about stealth missions ,activities and improved npc A.i because if you were in range either behind them or above them,they still saw you somehow.
3.A order and command system for homies.
4.Free Falling control and free control Repelling(Activity only).In SR3 you had free fall control in the 1st mission and thats it,nothing more after that.It would be cool to do some flips while falling.
5.Weapon customization.I personally didnt like every single upgrade.
6.Hud control would be a nice feature in settings(not a cheat code)
What I think they should bring back
1.Detailed character animation(and clothing) customization Height,size,and weight(some people wanted to be like Oleg or the hunters in SR3).SR2 did that very well with how you walked and talked but I wanna see animation choices like how you hold your gun when shooting, aiming,crouching ,and hopefully while in cover(SR1 animation had you shooting with the gun turned to the side)
2.The original activities.Being able to rob the stores for the goods in the safe during the day or when the shop closed.This don't necessary have to be stores,it could be banks gun store etc.
3.The original weapons from SR1& SR2.vice 9 and knives(my personal favorites).
4.The useful homies,like the wheel women.
5.Support and health items.
6.Crib customization....might as well throw in a furniture store in the new installment or SR4
7.Fighting styles.doing this would just change would just change melee presets the wrestling was cool but im not a wrestling type(And control over combat techniques)
*8.Dualwielding guns.I think that the upgrade in SR3 for dualweilding was a step backwards when in SR2 you could just simply pick up the gun on the ground next to you or not.


Jun 2, 2012
Hmm... maybe a story line where the saints lose everything, money, power, respect.....even their homies (apart from the main campaign homies) so the saints become two bit jobbers who stumble across a mafia boss who offers them jobs to work for him and maybe in the end could be stay working for the mafia or become celebrities again and take over the world, also this game could be based on decisions like some parts of SR3, also customization needs to be more realistic but must include better hairstyles and more voice options i.e. Russian, Matt millers English accent rather than cockney, plus online multiplayer where every player could put their character in the same city as everyone else.......think of the carnage!!


Jul 27, 2012
1. Bring back Johnny Gat, maybe as an antagonist, since he is mad at the Saints now.
2. The game i heard will be set in New York City, make the city interesting and add more enter able buildings, interesting areas, such as nuke plants, parks, underground bases.. Make it at least three times the size of Steelport. Also make pedestrians more interactive with you, like you can interact with them, and make the city more alive. Also ad a bigger undergound area, similar to the one in saints row 2.
3. I dunno, maybe he should be running for president.
4. Yes, make Dex one of the antagonists. Maybe he is in charge of a new corporation, rivaling the saints. Maybe they should bring back some of the characters from Saints Row 1 and make them antagonists, protagonists.
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. I like the warp to shore, but they should add a boat homie.
8. Yes, maybe adjusting height. Make the voices more interesting in having their back stories. Like male voice-1 should be american white. 2- should be mexican. 3-should be black. 4-should be British. female voice-1 should be cocky, fashionable. female voice-2 should be russian, violent. 3-should be mexican, 4-should be black. then a zombie and robot voice. Maybe if ur female voice-1, pedestrians will think ur sexy or something.
9. Yeah and add socks.
10. yeah and maybe the ability to ass your own songs from ipod.
11. yeh they should bring back all diversions from saints row 1, 2, 3 and maybe add more stuff into them. maybe add dating and nightclubs, drug dealing, hijacking plane, bank robbing, arresting, fast food, bomb disposal, hacking, train robbing, air and boat racing, stripping, eating, russian roulette, gambling, luchadore wreslting, etc.
12. yeh, but they shouldn't put diversions into the story. And add more over the top ones., like stopping the mid-air hijacking of a plane. Or sneaking into an undergroung military base. Maybe make more choices an paths.
13. Yeh, maybe make the gangs hostile to each other.
14. yeh, like maybe differentiating the upgrades.
15. yeh that would be kill, maybe add more zombie types.
16. yes, i hate that u cant do that.
17. yeh, maybe they help you like take less damage, but you then suffer withdrawls.
18. Yes
19. Yes, they should add more of Ur gang members running around.
20. Yeh, the story is that after the saints make steelport a city-state, they decide to expand their empire. However, most of the saints leave, because they believe the protagonist has gotten to greedy with power. The antagonistic people should be Dex is secretly in charge of a huge corporation. Also Johnny Gat faked his death, and created a new syndicate, with Matt Miller and Donnie, and Benjamin King, who get a lot of saints and rename the gang after julius. Maybe add CIA, USMC, secret service, maybe monica hughs running for president. And also a terrorist orginization, formed by many enemy countries of the US. Somali pirates, italian mafia, etc. The maybe halfway through the story, aliens invade the world and u get superpowers. I think the story shouldn't be serious and should be over the top and stupid.
21. I heard they are adding superpowers in the game, maybe make them upgrade-able.
22. more weapons- upgrade able melee weapons. Like ability to dual wield katanas.
pistols- Vice-9, NR4, KA-1 kobra, 44 shepard, GDCH-50, laser pistol, plasma pistol
smgs- T3k urban, GAL-43, Tek- Z-10, SKR-9, death blossom, laser smg, plasma smg.
shotguns- grave digger, 12 gauge, tombstone, Bellini, As14 hammer, S3x hammer, plasma shotgun
assualt rifles- K6 krulov, Ar-40, Ar-50, Ar-2000, togo-13, viper laser file, plama rifle
special 1- fire extinguisher, annihilator, M2 grenade launcher, mollusk launcher, flamethrower, mini gun, laser vulcan,
special 2- sonic boom, airstrike, reaper drone, Rc controller, hacker device, riot shield.
23. bring back different fighting styles, keep the quick sprint attack, that was fun, but maybe modify for different fighting styles.
24. Keep the sprint enter for a vehicle from sr3, maybe add i for helicopters and jets.
25. Add more vehicles, like keep the futuristic ones of STAG, but they should still add F-35's, ospreys.
26. DON't MAKE THE GAME SERIOUS LIKE GTA 4. I heard the president of Volcom was mad at the stupid humor, they should add more in saints row 4.
Mar 11, 2011
1. Bring back Johnny Gat. Maybe as an antagonist, since he's ashamed at what the saints have become.
2. Fix Shaundi's character flaws. In SR2, she was a laid back druggie. In SR3, she's an uptight, annoying, on her period 24/7 bitch. Bring back the laid back druggie!
3. More car customization options, such as: paint designs, more decals, bring back hydraulics, etc. and more customization options for planes and boats.
4. More character customization options, like: height adjustment, more voices, more unique compliments and taunts, and more hairstyles.
5. More clothes customization options, like: clothing layer options, decals, more unique clothing items (I'm tired of going through a bunch of boring hoodies and t-shirts. I wanna be a hotdog ninja from outer-space!), etc.
6. Cutscene replays and mission replays
7. The return of activities from previous games, like Demolition Derby and Septic Avenger. DEFINITELY bring back insurance fraud.
8. More crib customization items, like different room styles and stuff. SR3 was seriously lacking in crib customization. I should be able to buy furniture and stuff and be able to put it where I want it in my crib.
9. More in-depth story. SR2 always had me on the edge of my seat with its shocking twists and turns. But the SR3 story was seriously lacking in uniqueness. Yes, I loved how different and unique the gangs themselves were, but the missions to defeat them were always the same: go to their hideout, destroy it, and try to kill them. I want better boss fights like the one with Matt where you fight him in the cyber-world!
10. Expand Steelport. Steelport as it is right now is just your normal industrialized city, or for any normal saint, an industrialized playground. But all of the pedestrians and such in Steelport are boring. Make everything more interactive! I wanna go inside all the buildings! I wanna see skin burning off the flesh of my burnt victims when I shoot them with a flamethrower! Steelport needs more pizazz.
11. Celebrity conflicts. Now that the Saints are celebrities, you'd expect that they'd encounter problems with the media. This could be a huge conflict in the next game, and a unique conflict that saints haven't faced before.
12. Exploit the craziness! I was looking online today, and I saw that THQ was embarrassed of SR3, with its gimp-like atmosphere and its purple dildos. What are you thinking THQ!?!? These are the things that make the Saints Row series unique! Make the next one even crazier than this one!
13. More gun customization options, like: being able to choose the color of your gun, adding different mods to make the gun more unique, and above all, wider variety of weapons at your disposal. I wanna see a LOT more weapons in Saints Row 4.
14. Chauffeurs. Ever run into a tough situation where you just needed to blow the up the car chasing you to get away? I know I have. I want to be able to mark waypoints on the map and have my chauffeur drive me there. That way, I always have my bazooka at my disposal. I don't just want these for cars. I want them for planes and boats too! I think that would be a really cool feature to add to the next game.
15. Better zombies. I want to be able to have fun with the zombies in SR3, but I just find them frustrating. And since when are zombies able to run? I think zombies should be made slower, but more ferocious when they approach you, and they should appear in greater numbers.

That's pretty much it for me. Reply to my post if you have any add-ons to my ideas or if you just wanna share a great idea with me. I can't wait until the unveiling of Saints Row 4! I'm so hyped! ^-^


Jul 8, 2012
My wishlist is better graphics.. like ones that don't make the game look like something from 2007, a much longer story line, bigger city, more shit to do, if they including wrestling let it be like an activity not a one off mission, and a different town.. but based on a real place but not in america for a change


Sep 7, 2010
for the weapons list
1. crossbow with darts poision sleep knock out
2.pimp cane shotgun
3. johnny gat return from a coma.
4.saundi back as a druggie
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Sep 7, 2010
1. crossbow with darts poision sleep knock out
2.pimp cane shotgun
3. johnny gat return from a coma.
4.shaundi back as a druggie
5. lin now helps the saints with their son child of viola


Sep 7, 2010
1. Bring back Johnny Gat, maybe as an antagonist, since he is mad at the Saints now.
2. The game i heard will be set in New York City, make the city interesting and add more enter able buildings, interesting areas, such as nuke plants, parks, underground bases.. Make it at least three times the size of Steelport. Also make pedestrians more interactive with you, like you can interact with them, and make the city more alive. Also ad a bigger undergound area, similar to the one in saints row 2.
3. I dunno, maybe he should be running for president.
4. Yes, make Dex one of the antagonists. Maybe he is in charge of a new corporation, rivaling the saints. Maybe they should bring back some of the characters from Saints Row 1 and make them antagonists, protagonists.
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. I like the warp to shore, but they should add a boat homie.
8. Yes, maybe adjusting height. Make the voices more interesting in having their back stories. Like male voice-1 should be american white. 2- should be mexican. 3-should be black. 4-should be British. female voice-1 should be cocky, fashionable. female voice-2 should be russian, violent. 3-should be mexican, 4-should be black. then a zombie and robot voice. Maybe if ur female voice-1, pedestrians will think ur sexy or something.
9. Yeah and add socks.
10. yeah and maybe the ability to ass your own songs from ipod.
11. yeh they should bring back all diversions from saints row 1, 2, 3 and maybe add more stuff into them. maybe add dating and nightclubs, drug dealing, hijacking plane, bank robbing, arresting, fast food, bomb disposal, hacking, train robbing, air and boat racing, stripping, eating, russian roulette, gambling, luchadore wreslting, etc.
12. yeh, but they shouldn't put diversions into the story. And add more over the top ones., like stopping the mid-air hijacking of a plane. Or sneaking into an undergroung military base. Maybe make more choices an paths.
13. Yeh, maybe make the gangs hostile to each other.
14. yeh, like maybe differentiating the upgrades.
15. yeh that would be kill, maybe add more zombie types.
16. yes, i hate that u cant do that.
17. yeh, maybe they help you like take less damage, but you then suffer withdrawls.
18. Yes
19. Yes, they should add more of Ur gang members running around.
20. Yeh, the story is that after the saints make steelport a city-state, they decide to expand their empire. However, most of the saints leave, because they believe the protagonist has gotten to greedy with power. The antagonistic people should be Dex is secretly in charge of a huge corporation. Also Johnny Gat faked his death, and created a new syndicate, with Matt Miller and Donnie, and Benjamin King, who get a lot of saints and rename the gang after julius. Maybe add CIA, USMC, secret service, maybe monica hughs running for president. And also a terrorist orginization, formed by many enemy countries of the US. Somali pirates, italian mafia, etc. The maybe halfway through the story, aliens invade the world and u get superpowers. I think the story shouldn't be serious and should be over the top and stupid. yup
21. I heard they are adding superpowers in the game, maybe make them upgrade-able.
22. more weapons- upgrade able melee weapons. Like ability to dual wield katanas.
pistols- Vice-9, NR4, KA-1 kobra, 44 shepard, GDCH-50, laser pistol, plasma pistol
smgs- T3k urban, GAL-43, Tek- Z-10, SKR-9, death blossom, laser smg, plasma smg.
shotguns- grave digger, 12 gauge, tombstone, Bellini, As14 hammer, S3x hammer, plasma shotgun
assualt rifles- K6 krulov, Ar-40, Ar-50, Ar-2000, togo-13, viper laser file, plama rifle
special 1- fire extinguisher, annihilator, M2 grenade launcher, mollusk launcher, flamethrower, mini gun, laser vulcan,
special 2- sonic boom, airstrike, reaper drone, Rc controller, hacker device, riot shield.
23. bring back different fighting styles, keep the quick sprint attack, that was fun, but maybe modify for different fighting styles.
24. Keep the sprint enter for a vehicle from sr3, maybe add i for helicopters and jets.
25. Add more vehicles, like keep the futuristic ones of STAG, but they should still add F-35's, ospreys.
26. DON't MAKE THE GAME SERIOUS LIKE GTA 4. I heard the president of Volcom was mad at the stupid humor, they should add more in saints row 4 thats great dude keep going


Sep 7, 2010
1. Bring back Johnny Gat, maybe as an antagonist, since he is mad at the Saints now.
2. The game i heard will be set in New York City, make the city interesting and add more enter able buildings, interesting areas, such as nuke plants, parks, underground bases.. Make it at least three times the size of Steelport. Also make pedestrians more interactive with you, like you can interact with them, and make the city more alive. Also ad a bigger undergound area, similar to the one in saints row 2.
3. I dunno, maybe he should be running for president.
4. Yes, make Dex one of the antagonists. Maybe he is in charge of a new corporation, rivaling the saints. Maybe they should bring back some of the characters from Saints Row 1 and make them antagonists, protagonists.
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. I like the warp to shore, but they should add a boat homie.
8. Yes, maybe adjusting height. Make the voices more interesting in having their back stories. Like male voice-1 should be american white. 2- should be mexican. 3-should be black. 4-should be British. female voice-1 should be cocky, fashionable. female voice-2 should be russian, violent. 3-should be mexican, 4-should be black. then a zombie and robot voice. Maybe if ur female voice-1, pedestrians will think ur sexy or something.
9. Yeah and add socks.
10. yeah and maybe the ability to ass your own songs from ipod.
11. yeh they should bring back all diversions from saints row 1, 2, 3 and maybe add more stuff into them. maybe add dating and nightclubs, drug dealing, hijacking plane, bank robbing, arresting, fast food, bomb disposal, hacking, train robbing, air and boat racing, stripping, eating, russian roulette, gambling, luchadore wreslting, etc.
12. yeh, but they shouldn't put diversions into the story. And add more over the top ones., like stopping the mid-air hijacking of a plane. Or sneaking into an undergroung military base. Maybe make more choices an paths.
13. Yeh, maybe make the gangs hostile to each other.
14. yeh, like maybe differentiating the upgrades.
15. yeh that would be kill, maybe add more zombie types.
16. yes, i hate that u cant do that.
17. yeh, maybe they help you like take less damage, but you then suffer withdrawls.
18. Yes
19. Yes, they should add more of Ur gang members running around.
20. Yeh, the story is that after the saints make steelport a city-state, they decide to expand their empire. However, most of the saints leave, because they believe the protagonist has gotten to greedy with power. The antagonistic people should be Dex is secretly in charge of a huge corporation. Also Johnny Gat faked his death, and created a new syndicate, with Matt Miller and Donnie, and Benjamin King, who get a lot of saints and rename the gang after julius. Maybe add CIA, USMC, secret service, maybe monica hughs running for president. And also a terrorist orginization, formed by many enemy countries of the US. Somali pirates, italian mafia, etc. The maybe halfway through the story, aliens invade the world and u get superpowers. I think the story shouldn't be serious and should be over the top and stupid. yup
21. I heard they are adding superpowers in the game, maybe make them upgrade-able.
22. more weapons- upgrade able melee weapons. Like ability to dual wield katanas.
pistols- Vice-9, NR4, KA-1 kobra, 44 shepard, GDCH-50, laser pistol, plasma pistol
smgs- T3k urban, GAL-43, Tek- Z-10, SKR-9, death blossom, laser smg, plasma smg.
shotguns- grave digger, 12 gauge, tombstone, Bellini, As14 hammer, S3x hammer, plasma shotgun
assualt rifles- K6 krulov, Ar-40, Ar-50, Ar-2000, togo-13, viper laser file, plama rifle
special 1- fire extinguisher, annihilator, M2 grenade launcher, mollusk launcher, flamethrower, mini gun, laser vulcan,
special 2- sonic boom, airstrike, reaper drone, Rc controller, hacker device, riot shield.
23. bring back different fighting styles, keep the quick sprint attack, that was fun, but maybe modify for different fighting styles.
24. Keep the sprint enter for a vehicle from sr3, maybe add i for helicopters and jets.
25. Add more vehicles, like keep the futuristic ones of STAG, but they should still add F-35's, ospreys.
26. DON't MAKE THE GAME SERIOUS LIKE GTA 4. I heard the president of Volcom was mad at the stupid humor, they should add more in saints row 4 thats great dude keep going. they should be able to marry any saint if you are a boy viola shaundi and if you pla a girl pierce or the boss.


Sep 7, 2010
my wishlist.
1. crossbow with darts poision to kill sleeping darts to quiet enemies knock out to knock out enemies.
2.pimp cane shotgun but supressed.
3. johnny gat return from a coma.
4.shaundi back as like saints row 2
5. hire hits on gangs.
6.but fights with cops and the CIA and FBI.
7. add fighting styles back in there like mma wrestling camp hand to hand combat
8. zombies made a lot slower and a lot more of them.
9. lots of Guns please and Swords.
10.5 or six gangs please.
11. Dex is one of the antagonists.
12.make your own music.
13. pilot for gunships and planes helicopters.
14. name and hieght of character.
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Sep 7, 2010
1. Bring back Johnny Gat. Maybe as an antagonist, since he's ashamed at what the saints have become.
2. Fix Shaundi's character flaws. In SR2, she was a laid back druggie. In SR3, she's an uptight, annoying, on her period 24/7 bitch. Bring back the laid back druggie!
3. More car customization options, such as: paint designs, more decals, bring back hydraulics, etc. and more customization options for planes and boats.
4. More character customization options, like: height adjustment, more voices, more unique compliments and taunts, and more hairstyles.
5. More clothes customization options, like: clothing layer options, decals, more unique clothing items (I'm tired of going through a bunch of boring hoodies and t-shirts. I wanna be a hotdog ninja from outer-space!), etc.
6. Cutscene replays and mission replays
7. The return of activities from previous games, like Demolition Derby and Septic Avenger. DEFINITELY bring back insurance fraud.
8. More crib customization items, like different room styles and stuff. SR3 was seriously lacking in crib customization. I should be able to buy furniture and stuff and be able to put it where I want it in my crib.
9. More in-depth story. SR2 always had me on the edge of my seat with its shocking twists and turns. But the SR3 story was seriously lacking in uniqueness. Yes, I loved how different and unique the gangs themselves were, but the missions to defeat them were always the same: go to their hideout, destroy it, and try to kill them. I want better boss fights like the one with Matt where you fight him in the cyber-world!
10. Expand Steelport. Steelport as it is right now is just your normal industrialized city, or for any normal saint, an industrialized playground. But all of the pedestrians and such in Steelport are boring. Make everything more interactive! I wanna go inside all the buildings! I wanna see skin burning off the flesh of my burnt victims when I shoot them with a flamethrower! Steelport needs more pizazz.
11. Celebrity conflicts. Now that the Saints are celebrities, you'd expect that they'd encounter problems with the media. This could be a huge conflict in the next game, and a unique conflict that saints haven't faced before.
12. Exploit the craziness! I was looking online today, and I saw that THQ was embarrassed of SR3, with its gimp-like atmosphere and its purple dildos. What are you thinking THQ!?!? These are the things that make the Saints Row series unique! Make the next one even crazier than this one!
13. More gun customization options, like: being able to choose the color of your gun, adding different mods to make the gun more unique, and above all, wider variety of weapons at your disposal. I wanna see a LOT more weapons in Saints Row 4.
14. Chauffeurs. Ever run into a tough situation where you just needed to blow the up the car chasing you to get away? I know I have. I want to be able to mark waypoints on the map and have my chauffeur drive me there. That way, I always have my bazooka at my disposal. I don't just want these for cars. I want them for planes and boats too! I think that would be a really cool feature to add to the next game.
15. Better zombies. I want to be able to have fun with the zombies in SR3, but I just find them frustrating. And since when are zombies able to run? I think zombies should be made slower, but more ferocious when they approach you, and they should appear in greater numbers. yup thats right man

That's pretty much it for me. Reply to my post if you have any add-ons to my ideas or if you just wanna share a great idea with me. I can't wait until the unveiling of Saints Row 4! I'm so hyped! yeah THQ.


Sep 7, 2010
A few gameplay features I would like to see (for now):

- The ability to throw knifes.
- A custimization option that allows you to put rocket launchers/gatling guns on both sides of a vehicle, as well as the ability to conceal/pop out the guns.

Cheat codes:

- You can run up walls of buildings.
- You can fly.
- You can fly in vehicles. yes keep going with that


Sep 7, 2010
my wishlist.
1. crossbow with darts poision to kill sleeping darts to quiet enemies knock out to knock out enemies.
2.pimp cane shotgun but supressed.
3. johnny gat return from a coma.
4.shaundi back as like saints row 2
5. hire hits on gangs.
6.but fights with cops and the CIA and FBI.
7. add fighting styles back in there like mma wrestling camp hand to hand combat
8. zombies made a lot slower and a lot more of them.
9. lots of Guns please and Swords.
10.5 or six gangs please.
11. Dex is one of the antagonists.
12.make your own music.
13. pilot for gunships and planes helicopters.
14. name and hieght of character
15.import character from sr3.
16. throwing kife abillity.
17. abillity to hire a narc onto the drug gangs/
18. date or marry other saints.
19. investigate murder scenes.
20. betray the saints make your own gang name and everything you like claim stillwater and steelport and make your own gang and able to hide stuff into your car plane etc.
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Sep 7, 2010
for my list.part 1.
1. crossbow with darts poision sleep knock out
2.pimp cane shotgun
3. johnny gat return from a coma.
4.shaundi back as a druggie
5.you wake up with vola and have a child with her go to the hospital to see your wife Vola or Shaundi who ever you choose.
6. when the child becomes a teenager you choose to cannonize him or her.
7.you die by an explosion and the teenager becomes boss.
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Aug 7, 2012
1. BRING BACK GAT!!! SR3 was lame with out him. Either find a cure for him being a zombie or make it seem like he was never dead in the first place, just MIA.
2. I like Shaundi as a badass, but she was too much of a stiff in SR3. Make her more of a drug addict again.
3. Bring back Troy as an ally and a main role in SR4
4. Bring back Dex as an enemy and a main role in SR4
5. Bring back use of food and drugs, The whole being able to heal yourself and get high was awesome in SR2
6. The ability to go to Stilwater and Steelport (improve Steelport, it's too lame)
7. Introduce 3 new gangs: A motorcycle gang, (A tough bunch of badasses that use chains and such.) An insane clown gang, (Crazy clowns that ride in small cars and use weird objects to fight with like tacs you step on or something like that) and for kicks and giggles add a gang that adds humor such as a Canadian gang, (like a hockey crazed gang that use hockey sticks and stuff and drive zambonis) or a Jewish gang (What more needs to be said?)
8. Get rid of the adult swim shit in SR4, It made the game soooooo terrible. The professor ganki stuff was fun for a little while, but it got old quick.
9. Import your own music! (This is a must!)
10. The ability to take over clubs!
11. Add more celeberty voices
12. Make Monica Hughes the main antagonist. (she tries to rebuild STAG or something like that)
13. Better vehicle customizations!
14. Weapon customizations!
15. Bring back street and boat racing.
16. Bring back fight club and FUZZ.
17. Better tattoo options!
18. More voice and hair choices for the main character.
19. The ability to choose a spouse in the game.
20. Last but not least, Make the game more serious just like SR1 and SR2 were. SR3 was too childish in some points of the game.


Sep 7, 2010
my wishlist.
1. crossbow with darts poision to kill sleeping darts to quiet enemies knock out to knock out enemies.
2.pimp cane shotgun but supressed.
3. johnny gat return from a coma.
4.shaundi back as like saints row 2
5. hire hits on gangs.
6.but fights with cops and the CIA and FBI.
7. add fighting styles back in there like mma wrestling camp hand to hand combat
8. zombies made a lot slower and a lot more of them.
9. lots of Guns please and Swords.
10.5 or six gangs please.
11. Dex is the main antagonist
12.make your own music.
13. pilot for gunships and planes helicopters.
14. name and hieght of character
15.import character from sr3/sr2.
16. throwing kife abillity.
17. abillity to hire a narc onto the drug gangs/
18. dating male or female saints.
19. investigate murder scenes.
20. betray the saints make your own gang name and everything you like claim stillwater and steelport and make your own gang and able to hide stuff into your car plane etc.
21. Johnny Tag betrays you and have to kill him.
22. a new gang The Mafia with johnny gat dex randall and others.
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Sep 7, 2010
but the saints found out that johnny gat was kidnapped again by The Mafia gang with dex and drake jackson.


Dec 3, 2009

12. Either more main missions or make the missions last longer somehow.

13. Separate notoriety bars for each gang. What if I want level 5 notoriety with all 3 gangs?

14. Ability to toggle the upgrades we purchase on or off.

15. A new activity involving Zombie Island. Have us start one place and we must get to the destination fighting along the way. On harder instances, make the zombies come faster and heavier. Also make us have to rescue a pedestrian before they are contaminated or have to rescue Pierce or someone and if we do we get them as a homie for the rest of the instance.

16. Ummmm how about the ability to I don't know...REPLAY MISSIONS?!

17. Ability to do drugs again. Even if it's just getting high or drunk. That was fun too.

18. More stuff to do in the Saints Book. I love all the assassinations and vehicle theft/chop shop contracts but how about some more stuff to do. How about rescue missions? You are asked to save a NPC held in captivity or being attacked by a gang.

19. This doesn't seem to happen in SRTT but as I gradually take control of a territory, I never see Saints roamin the area like in SR2. The more of a place I control, the more Saints I should see. Show the Saints as purple dots on the mini-map like it was in SR2.

20. Add some more depth to the storyline. Make Monica Hughes an antagonist. Maybe the Saints look to expose her corruptness to the public? I don't know. But the story feels too short.

I agree with everyone of these, in SRTT there was custimization but NOTHING like how there was in SR2 . And it sucked.
Aug 14, 2012
Gat should defintley comeback Hes Like your Characters Brother from a nother mother!!!!!!! And you Should make it In steelport Again


Aug 15, 2012
my thoughts on what they should add to Saints row 4

1. more Main Missions and Side Missions
2. The ability to go to Stilwater and Steelport (improve Steelport, it's too lame) make both Cities Bigger
3. More crib customization items
4. Add more vehicles, like keep the futuristic ones of STAG, but they should still add F-35's, ospreys
5. Bring back Troy aswell as Dex, Gat, Benjamin King,Wong and Tobias
6. 5 or six gangs aswell as the Ability to ally with 1 of them
7. dating male or female saints
8. Make Monica Hughes the main antagonist. (she tries to rebuild STAG or something like that)
9. The Saints have there own version of the Daedalus (you See it in the Mission STAG Film)
10. Better vehicle customizations!
11. hire hits on gangs
12. The ability to take over clubs!
13. More in-depth story
14. A order and command system for homies
15. hellicopter and boat customisation
16. The ability to choose a spouse in the game
17. customising the interior and exterior of all Cribs
18. Bring back the opening cinematics to side missions
19. Better Gang customization, add better Vehicles
20. Import your own music! (This is a must!)
21. Cops and the CIA and FBI. Ability to work with 1 of them
22. more enterable buildings and Underground Bases

there are some others i think should be Added but can't think of them right now
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
I want super powers. I want to throw explosive energy beams, fly, have super strength, super speed, and have telekinesis. Tell me how sick would it be too fly around shooting energy balls at cars, or picking them up with you mind and using them as projectile explosives. Picking up a group of civilians with your mind. There could be other powers as well, like summoning lightning storms or controlling fight. Prehaps they could keep with the craziness of SR and have ridiculous powers like shooting sharks from your hands or something crazy like that. The powers could start off weak and grow stronger when you upgrade them like the other abilities. Some of them like energy beams and telekinesis could just be placed in the gun slots and be used the same way the guns are while others like flying and what not could just replace jumping and super speed would just replace regular running. These would obviously be ability you unlock much later in the game. Would be fun and could make the insane action of Sr even more awesome.


Aug 19, 2012
1. Make a way to join Stilwater and Steelport together- either by a road which can take you through some towns which have little gangs or by Air, going into the airport and flying would be good, if there's another gang there you can have plane battle!
2. Maybe Ultor get new owner (Russian) and they go against the saints.
3. Keep new characters from SR3, Viola, kinzie, Oleg and zimos. Not bothered about the other new ones.
4. Cure Gats zombification, Gats most peoples favourite Saint and losing one of the old boys for good would be annoying, of they don't bring Gat back bring Dex back but as a good guy.
5. Maybe that mechanic for the brotherhood and the rollers could have a gang to get back at the Saints, and they kill him for good!
6. Matt Miller returns after Kilbanes death? I would like that as I like Matt the best and I liked the Deckers out of the 3 gangs as I found them harder than Luchadores and Morningstar!
7. No Zombies! Saints Row shouldn't have zombies!
8. Shaundi and Pierce still have a big part (if Gat or Dex return).
9. Nothing like S.T.A.G in it as S.T.A.G were so annoying in free roam.
10. Maybe the playable character dies and you start as a new recruit again.
11. Maybe use real life cities. Like maybe San Francisco or New York!
12. Graphics as good as GTA
That's all
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No Longer a Noob
Apr 26, 2012
There should be a longer and more detailed storyline. We should be able to kidnap people and keep them in our safehouse. We should be able to buy and sell drugs.


Sep 7, 2010
1. crossbow different darts poison to kill sleeping darts to quiet enemies knock out to knock out enemies.
2.pimp cane shotgun supressed.
3. angel dies by dex .
4. lin is back as like saints row 1.
5. hire hits on gangs.
6.but fights with cops and the CIA and FBI.
7. add fighting styles back in there like mma wrestling camp hand to hand combat
8. zombies made a lot slower and a lot more of them.
9. lots of Guns please and Swords.
10.5 or six gangs please.
11. Dex is one of the antagonists.
12.make your own music.
13. pilot for gunships and planes helicopters.
14. name and hieght of character
15.There should be a longer and more detailed storyline. We should be able to kidnap people and keep them in our safe house. We should be able to buy and sell drugs.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 26, 2012
There is a cheat for more zombies, creepfly. When you go to cheats on the menu, you type in brains. Superpowers would be great, JeffKnoxs.
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Sep 7, 2010
There should be a longer and more detailed storyline. We should be able to kidnap people and keep them in our safehouse. We should be able to buy and sell drugs. yes man yes


Sep 7, 2010
There is a cheat for more zombies, creepfly. When you go to cheats on the menu, you type in brains. Superpowers would be great, JeffKnoxs.
i know that their just to fast i want them like the ones in dead rising
but yeah super powers would be very cool
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Sep 7, 2010
creepyfly's list . 1.crossbow different darts poison to kill sleeping darts to quiet enemies knock out to knock out enemies.
2.pimp cane shotgun supressed.
3. angel gets tortured by dex and then dies .
4. kinze marries the boss as she become hotter
5. hire hits on gangs.
6.but add fights with cops and the CIA and FBI.
7. add fighting styles back in there like mma wrestling camp hand to hand combat
8. zombies made a lot slower and a lot more of them.
9. lots of Guns please and Swords.
10.5 or six gangs please.
11. Dex is one of the antagonists.
12.make your own music.
13. pilot for gunships and planes helicopters.
14. name and hieght of character
15.There should be a longer and more detailed storyline. We should be able to kidnap people and keep them in our safe house. We should be able to buy and sell drugs also guns and melee weapons.


Sep 23, 2012
What if saints row 3 was one of shaundis drug endoused dreams and that it started out as the saints waking her up, as they are on the run from dex who has 3 new gangs behind him. this explaines all of the evens of sr3 and lets voltion to get back to the sr2 lifestyle of the game, then they meet up wit a scientistt and add him as a homie and are able to bring one of their lost homies back like lyn or carlos. Then troy and tobias need to be brought back somehow and trou can help him descreatly to defeat dex, also ability to do drugs again and boat/heli customization