
Super Star
Jul 23, 2005
Canada, Eh?

I was always a little salty we never got Country Song on the Wii. Glad to finally be able to play it.
It was a RBN song, right? Was this Asking Alexandria song RBN as well?
Yeah it was, both of them. Looks like they're only doing RBN songs now. As awesome as it is to get these songs back, it's a little worrisome for the future of RB4 though.


Rock Band Board Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apr 1, 2007

I was always a little salty we never got Country Song on the Wii. Glad to finally be able to play it.
It was a RBN song, right? Was this Asking Alexandria song RBN as well?
Yeah it was, both of them. Looks like they're only doing RBN songs now. As awesome as it is to get these songs back, it's a little worrisome for the future of RB4 though.
This season is going to be all RBN songs, I think. They said they have regular DLC for this year too, but I think we might not see any "new" songs until this season is over, since they want to put new stuff in passes and there's no pass this season.