
Jul 13, 2005
(We're sorry, but at this time we are only able to allow posting in topics with less than 15,000 posts.)


Go team retard.
Jan 13, 2008
Tempoary reviews (will elaborate when/if we can get the old thread up again)

Some Like it Hot - 8/10 - Second Wilder, first Monroe. Liked it a lot. I rented 'The Apartment' but the disc froze :(
L'Atalante - 9/10 - Heartwarming, groundbreaking cinematography at times.
Night of the Hunter (theatre rewatch) - 10/10 - Could be one of my favourites. The river sequence is one of the greatest I've ever seen.
Contempt (Le Merpis) - 8/10 - My second Goddard. Didn't quite live up to the level of Breathless.
Frozen - 4/10 - Interesting premise and a few glimpses of something more impressive. But let down by lazy writing, rapid pacing and mediocre acting.
Submarine - 5/10 - I hated this. It was competently made, but I am fed up with those indie quirky dramas. Forced character development and relationship checklists. Blah.
Drive (Blu Ray viewing) 7/10 - Lo the writing does not hold up on a rewatch.
The Grey - 7/10 - Beautifully shot. Quite overwhelming in the first half. It's thoughts concerning death and acceptance and faith are handled appropriately. But the supporting characters are not particarly interesting. Worth seeing.

Wild Strawberries - 8/10
Through a Glass Darkly - 9/10

Can't be assed getting into either Bergman right now, needless to say they are both respectively my 4th and 3rd out of the 4 I've watched. This doesn't come lightly as they are both exceptional. Just compared prefered Persona and The Seventh Seal.


Golf Wang
Dec 18, 2009
Mirror - Tarkovsky 10/10 - Regardless of message and ambiguity, there's something so personal and soothing about the film that I can look past not knowing conclusively what Tarkovsky necessarily meant.

Drive - 8/10 - The atmosphere and intensity of image is pretty spectacular, but it's just a shame that I found it incredibly hard to embrace the main character as someone with whom I can connect. He felt like the illegitimate love child of Travis Bickle and Anton Chigurh.

The Art of Getting By - 6/10 - I suppose there was some form of beauty through reluctance to accept life as valid, but the idea is pretty much quashed by some cliched acting by Freddie Highmore. The girl is good enough looking that it maintained my interest, however.

The Tree of Life - 10/10 - Very much like Marmite, this is not a film for someone who doesn't appreciate all that post-structuralism has to offer. I think as years go by, we'll be able to look at Terrence Malick and associate him with the likes of Tarkovsky and Ozu.

Raging Bull - 9.5/10 - Brutal, violent, it describes the extremities of physical and mental capability. Possibly one of the finest collaborative efforts by De Niro and Scorsese.

There are other films, but they're not worth mentioning...Human Centipede 2 etc.


Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2011
C'mon guys keep this thread going, it was pretty much the only thing we had left going on the Movies board.
May 13, 2005
Chronicle. I found it to be an enjoyable film. Even though most of it was filmed from the point of view of a camera it wasn't as shaky as most other films in the genre. (Ex. Cloverfield)


Go team retard.
Jan 13, 2008
I hated 'Never Let Me Go' lol

The Piano Teacher - 8/10

My 5th Haneke, I liked it a lot more than Funny Games US and Code Unknown (which I can't really remember and need to rewatch.) But this was excellent. Pretty powerful turn by Huppert who is sutbly reserved and domineering but scared when she needs to be. Haneke does some interesting camera placements - usually having her off center and gazing past the camera. Not on par with the language of Cache or the beautiful, moody drenched cinematography from The White Ribbon though.

Haneke rankings for the sake of it:

1) Cache (Hidden)
2) The White Ribbon
3) The Piano Teacher
4) Code Unknown
5) Funny Games US

Chronicle - 7/10

I've lowered this since I've seen it upon reflection, but I had a blast. The found footage gimmick is a little shoe horned in, and even a little detrimental to the writing. But it doesn't have the Cloverfield/everything else problems because the main character has the ability to rotate the camera steadily with his powers. But yeah the characters are fairly believable, as are the scenarios which find that line between fun and believable without being 'gritty.' It also uses the powers as a jumping off point to tackle real teenage problems - sex, popularity and a troubled family. Don't expect anything to deep, but I was surprised by just how engaged I was by the end - which feels like a mash up between Akira and Carrie. Well worth seeing, probably the most fun I've had with a 'Superhero' film since Spiderman 2.

He loves Me, He loves Me Not - 5/10

Lol I guess you see this as a solid example of multiple meanings being conveyed through the visuals and performance. And in that regard it's... kinda successful. I don't know, it's also so obvious and heavy handed in its symbolism. It's script is clunky - some scenarios just would not happen and rely so heavily on assumptions and chance encounters. And some of the acting was weak, especially from the supporting roles. Nah dull as hell even at 95 minutes.

Carnage - 6/10

Not great, despite a few good moments. I really only enjoyed Waltz and Foster's contrary performances. The script was heavy handed, the humor was few and far between and Polanski's visual style is pretty straightforward. It wasn't particular engaging and the ending didn't really feel justified.


Jul 13, 2005
The only thing I like is the notification thing, but even that can get annoying when posting in a lot of threads.

Thelma & Louise - 8/10

Just saw this for the first time the other night. Pretty good characters and build up into the full fledged convict story.

Cedar Rapids - 7.5/10

One of the better comedies from 2011
Feb 6, 2012
Last one I saw was Drive. AWESOME. 9 out of 10. But it's not for everyone. At times it almost seems like an art film (little dialogue),


Captain Planet
Sep 10, 2004
Even with the classic theme I'm not a fan.

What's with the inch and a half border on the sides? The ass main page layout?


Almost Not a Noob
May 31, 2011
The Guard 7/10

Honestly felt disappointed with it. I was expecting something similar to In Bruge since it's the brothers director and the trailer made it seem like the movies were similar. I thought the direction was really well done, that's probably the biggest strong point. The acting is good to be expected, but I just found there was very little soul or heart to this movie. Once it was over I never really thought twice about it and won't watch again in the near future.
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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 5, 2001
I thought Knightly was terrific in "Dangerous Method." It's very jolting at first and over-the-top but it's supposed to be jarring and disruptive, and the way she slowly tones it down throughout the film works really really well.

In my convo with Hampton/Cronenberg, they actually said they toned it down from what the research was.


Captain Planet
Sep 10, 2004
I'm surprised on the Guard hate. Its the only movie outside the ToL I've rewatched from 2011.

Knightley's performance is terrible. No way to get around it. Inconsistent non-Russian accent. Wooden yet over-the-top performance. Its painful to watch.

Fassbender and Mortenson are amazing. The movie itself isn't that bad. Pacing and editing are a big issue. A solid re-edit could turn it into one of the year's best.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 29, 2009
What it is everyone. For some reason I was banned or unable to post for the first week, so this is my first time on the forum after the change, or whats left of it.

Last movie I saw was The Iron Lady. I didn't like it, probs a 5-6 out of 10. I wrote a 1000 words or so on why I disliked it for a website my friend runs, check it out here if you're interested: http://www.indiefilm.net.au/featured/review-the-iron-lady/

In short, uninspired and safely played Oscar bait.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 16, 2004
The Tall T - 4/5

Another really good western from Budd Boetticher, although I didn't like it as much as Seven Men from Now or Ride Lonesome. Its basically a hostage situation movie in a western. Its short though yet still feels like it gets the job done and very well at that.

Goodbye South, Goodbye - 2.5/5

I love the very realistic feel and acting of this, and most Taiwanese films I've seen in general, but overall this didn't do much for me. It wasn't bad by any means, but, well, just didn't do much. It was worth watching for me though because I'm a fan of the director.

Dawn of the Dead (1978) - 4/5

I've seen the remake a while ago and kind of put this off because I assumed it would be pretty much the same thing, except in the 70's with different actors. And wow was I wrong. Pretty much the only things they have in common is they both have zombies and a mall in them. Everything else from the characters, how they get there, and everything that happens there is different. And it might sound cliche but this version really is a lot better. The characters and situations are just so much more likeable.


Jul 13, 2005
Dawn of the Dead (1978) - 4/5

I've seen the remake a while ago and kind of put this off because I assumed it would be pretty much the same thing, except in the 70's with different actors. And wow was I wrong. Pretty much the only things they have in common is they both have zombies and a mall in them. Everything else from the characters, how they get there, and everything that happens there is different. And it might sound cliche but this version really is a lot better. The characters and situations are just so much more likeable.
It is, though, they are both good in their own ways.
The remake was just a fun, badass action flick. Romero's version had a lot more going on with it.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 29, 2009
Also, lol, at least these boards kept the Movie list sticky threads....right?

Code Unknown (which I can't really remember and need to rewatch.)

Code Unknown didn't blow me over either at first, but I've come to think of it as one of his best - I can't think of many films that are as problematic, complex and rewarding as this understated masterpiece. I think you'll dig it if you watch it again or give it some more reflection.
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Super Star
Jul 15, 2002
"It's very jolting at first and over-the-top but it's supposed to be jarring and disruptive, and the way she slowly tones it down throughout the film works really really well."

I liked Knightly in the film also. A Dangerous Method reminded me a lot of Dead Ringers, particularly in its mix of the clinical with the grotesque. As a counterpoint to Knightly was Fassbender, who seemed to define Jung's temperment based on an economy of movement -- retraint, focus, complete control (at least on the surface).
Feb 18, 2003
Glad to see we're keeping this going.

To Live and Die in L.A. - 9/10
Wow, loved it. It was on my radar but didn't expect it to be so damn badass. Dope score and the cinematography & pacing were top notch. Willem Dafoe made a hell of a villain too.

The Shootist - 8/10
Really nice way for John Wayne to end his acting career.

Chinatown (rewatch) - 9.5/10
The superb story, script, acting, direction, and score all combine to make this pretty much the best neo-noir ever. Probably my favorite Jack Nicholson performance.

The Conversation (rewatch) - 8.5/10
Hackman is masterful in his portrayal of Harry Caul, a paranoid surveillance expert. The film is genuinely haunting and the ending is particularly outstanding.

Aliens (rewatch) - 9.5/10
Well one way of giving this film the praise it deserves would would be to say it's the best sci-fi action movie ever made. Definitely the highlight of James Cameron's directorial career. I'm gonna give Bill Paxton a shout as well for being hilarious in this lol


No Longer a Noob
Jul 22, 2006
Drive 10/10 (2nd watch)

I relied after watching this Goslings character is somewhat similar to the main character from Bittersweet Life, which is an excellent movie as well.

50/50 9/10

Very good and uplifting film as well as a couple tears in the bucket.

City of Life and Death 10/10

An extremely sad and brutal movie and one of the most powerful I have seen in years. One scene with a little girl left me in shock.
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Jun 28, 2009
Chronicle: 7/10. Better than I expected. It was engaging to see how the trio were learning their new abilities.

Drive: 8/10. Really enjoyed it. Something about Gossling's character reminded me a bit of DeNiro in Taxi Driver. I did not care for the 80's-esque sounding soundtrack but overall I thought it was a pretty cool flick.


Nov 25, 2000
The Grey


Was good, very intense. Liam Neeson continues to be the toughest nearly 60 year old around.


Jul 13, 2005

thought I wasn't going to like it because of the 'found footage' thing, but they did some really cool things with it. It was an all round fun movie, really emphasizing on how much fun you could have if you had superpowers


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 29, 2009
Certified Copy - 8/10

Hmmmmmmm. A lot to ponder over here. Firstly, for a film that is this understated and minimalist, featuring pretty much exclusively conversations between the two main actors, it's surprising how engrossing it is, I never felt my attention waning or distracted. The two leads do an excellent job for the most part - Shimmel is a bit overly expressive or overacting in the fight in the restaurant near the end, and some of Binoche's dialogue in English is a little stilted, which is understandable. Still, the relationship between them is great, however the brief interactions with other characters (the son, the waitress, Jean-Claude Carriere!) provide some of the most interesting parts of the film.
Boy, I couldn't remember where you posted the link to your video piece on the film. Would you mind reposting? I'd love to give it a look, I do want to get more out of this film, and I know how strongly you feel about CC.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 7, 2011
Saw a couple movies today...

Chronicle - 7/10. Seems like it could have been much, much better but the lead actor was great... until the end but I can't get into that without spoilers.

Drive - 5/10... and that's generous. I don't see it, it's not that good unless you think dramatic, drawn out pauses between EVERYTHING makes a movie deep.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 10, 2007
So far this month, I've seen:

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey [9/10]
Beginners [10/10]
Sena [8/10]
Kill List [8/10]
Cave of Forgotten Dreams [9/10]
Chronicle [10/10]
Hell and Back Again [9/10]
The Sunset Limited [9/10]
Biutiful [9/10]
Tyrannosaur [9/10]
Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory [10/10]
The Interrupters [10/10]
May 13, 2005
I forgot to rate Chronicle last time 7.5/10

The Woman in black 6/10 (Getting to see it for free was a plus)


Go team retard.
Jan 13, 2008

It's made me want to rewatch CC, but I haven't got round to it yet. I really loved that one shot of the old couple coming from the church.

Rules of the Game - 9/10

Really good use of deep focus that allowed the parallel plots to develop naturally with each other. The hunting sequence was pretty harrowing, and prophetic when you look back. It's symbolism was a little overblown at times, but it's worthy of it's reputation.

Fanny and Alexander - 10/10

I just found out the theatrical release is the short version, looking back at it there are elements that seem undercut - especially Fanny's role. Still, this was magnificent. The colours were so rich, the characters were well drawn and the performances were great - especially the younger cast who held their own remarkably. It was pretty dazzling and scary when it needed to be. I would glady watch the 5 hour version. Next up on my Bergman is 'The Silence.'


No Longer a Noob
Jul 16, 2004
I feel like the first hour of Fanny and Alexander could use a fair bit cut off and can even be pretty tiresome to watch, but after that it gets much better, and some of the scenes are really great. I like how there are some fantasy elements thrown in because its through the eyes of Alexander.

The Silence is, maybe unsurprisingly, pretty light on dialog. Visually I really like it but its not one of my favourites overall. I've probably asked oyu this before, but what have you seen from him?

- 2/5

This was well filmed, and had a few decent moments, but overall most of it was irritating and difficult to sit through. There is just a lot of stupid scenes and the surrealist element didn't work for me here. I think I'm just not a Fellini fan. I hated I Vitelloni and I quit on La Dolce Vita. In fact most Italian film in general dont seem to be my thing. I think I'm still going to try La Notte though at some point.



No Longer a Noob
Dec 15, 2004
You've seen Nights of Cabiria? One of my all-time faves. The film has one of the most powerful ending scenes I've ever seen.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 15, 2004
Aliens (rewatch) - 9.5/10
Well one way of giving this film the praise it deserves would would be to say it's the best sci-fi action movie ever made. Definitely the highlight of James Cameron's directorial career. I'm gonna give Bill Paxton a shout as well for being hilarious in this lol

Oh hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about right thurr.


Go team retard.
Jan 13, 2008

My list looks a little like this currently:

1) The Seventh Seal
2) Persona
3) Fanny and Alexander
4) Through a Glass Darkly
5) Wild Strawberries

I was hoping to see 'Winter Light' before hand, but my 'Silence' rental disc came first. 'The Virgin Spring' is available for streaming I'll probably get on that soon.

The Plague Dogs - 7/10

Probably the bleaskest animation I've ever seen. It worked for the most part; suitably low key and natural. The 'camera' was provided some interesting shots and capture this hopeless environment but is let down by choppy framerate. This matured allegorical tale has a few weaker moments and it gets a little repetitive, but worked overall. The ending was pretty effective and I heartily recommend it as an overlooked addition to the adult animated genre.


Embrace eternity.
Mar 26, 2006
Underworld - Awakening. 6/10.

Was good fun but I felt the time run by quickly. It also really seemed like nothing was ultimately achieved and like it's just back to square one. The movie is pretty forgettable.
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